Message from @🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄
Discord ID: 556203679691178014
What just happened to him?
buhbyee, @EarthAin'tFlat#2137
smh though ..i didnt mean to delete his comments tho
Dude it makes it look like you're talking to yourself
Are you insane
lol ikr
smh lol i didnt mean to delete his comments, ... but eh..oh well..frig it..
Read that
ah yeah? --- hmm ...looks good 👍
Terrible book
thanks for sharing @🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄 .....
Use modern knowledge to decipher it
It's still loaded with crap, but also some good shit as well.
Also, here is everything the Globe needs to have a working model.
Which they do not have.
Earth is ***not*** a sphere.
Dead wrong
Nothing you can post will prove a globe.
There is all the information you need but you guys refuse to believe anything said by NASA or any space agency
It may assume a globe, but you cannot prove one.
Spoiler alert, earth is ||globe||
Oh, so you appeal to authority by ***believing*** what NASA tells you. Gotcha.
I want to know every place you've slept in the past 6 years
Why would that make the slightest bit of pertinence?
@🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄 eh it's been proven by spaceflight, and measurements.
What measurements?
Space flights? You mean things you haven't done or can prove?
Pfft, we got Mad Phil on?
Eratosthenes-style, and horizon drop with altitude, and the entirety of geodesy
Hell yes
These measurements are the basis of our maps
Every good scientist questions what NASA says, that's part of being a scientist; you question things and learn why it makes sense, I don't just take what NASA says face value
So if you call into question that istory, you have a lot of explain in to do
For the record, Mad Phil is literally in the top 3 most chill 24/7 mods.
what evidence is there of the earth being flat
24/7 is full of trah mods