Message from @Snake
Discord ID: 493848477193732147
Rare image of a black man attending a Klans rally
@cornhub you see the vid where the 4 ninja turtles cum on a pizza
Yeah, I don’t think so
Cool if true
Big if cool
<:OKTrump:356316632567513088> if big
Amazing if <:OKTrump:356316632567513088>
@1982 Why is he walking around by himself?
he looks drunk AF
this can't be real
Is that photoshopped
>be at vending machine at school
>putting money in machine
>some spic girl with an obvious social disorder comes up and says excuse me
>look behind me
>she asks for the spare change or any money l might have so she could get food from cafeteria
>l say "oh you dont have money?"
>she says no
>l say "oh well, l heard the student store is hiring"
>she just walks away
At least those guys get deported
I am aware this is from 2016