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2018-04-04 14:42:55 UTC [Backup Server #joins]  

[2:36 AM] SmugSilentSilver: Overwatch was a marketing ploy for Blizzard eSports
[2:37 AM] SmugSilentSilver: otherwise they would've focused on their other IPs more heavily

they promoted overwatch just to have a bigger e-gaming scene/

but they would rather focus on warcrat and star craft

how many ppl still play ark

how come it requires so much power?

just wondering


what will be the new trend game do you think

like the next PubG or something like that


any tips for gaming on mac

@Noxar Wow nice, didn't know about this

Really good stuff.

damn I was almost really happy

I wish mac gets this

Steam should just make their own OS

like a real OS that has chrome, ms word, etc.

supports discord


not enough people respect mac gamers

yeah but in the long term

wouldnt it make sense for valve just to make their own OS?

and just dominate the market?

a full OS with apps outside of games dude

why not?

they will get the gaming market

most ppl use PC for, chatting, gaming, web browsing

if they get Google to release chrome for it

the game devs will follow Valve as they make it rain

i think they have enough power to pull a move like this, it's ambitious sure but i think just an idea

how does it work then?

i got mac

have to make due

most people are saying this feature wont be coming to mac sadly

I don't get it


ok so explain it to me then

I already have a pretty powerful Mac

It's an iMac 5K

with the 8GB ATI card

like I can run Mad Max game pretty well

Lmao at this guy complaining "the iphone battery deteroirates after several years"

I literally buy a new iphone every year

and so do most people

or 2 year cycles with their carrier


@Snake did you see the father son shooting

Pap Jahn

literally fighting over trash in an alley


more shooting memes

@Shitford deep fry more


I pray this is true

@batteries where is he from

has everyone quit playing normiewatch?

Based black guy in trump hat


Cool if true

<:OKTrump:356316632567513088> if big

@1982 Why is he walking around by himself?

he looks drunk AF


this can't be real

@joshua That one weird Dominos coworker.

old but gold

Havenโ€™t had it yet.

What does everyone think of this?

@sad slav those guys at the trash dump didn't see this in time

any doomers here?

i'm playing brutal doom lately

how do we get more people in here

redpilled AF

Ambien AF

Salt Bae

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