Message from @LiT potato
Discord ID: 492520247228891136
because why would you seek to find some meaning and be infallible from ostracization as an individual when the universal structure of teachings has been transmitted through instruction and consecration since Christ himself
why would you consider yourself a Christian if you ignore the entire structure of Christianity
and read some dusty parchments
because, we assume that the people who do go into theology and attempt to understand the entire background of a religion will do it for you? are those people, then, the only true followers of a religion?
@LiT potato and do you see that happening in prot churches?
what do you mean
when the basis of the apostolic church is `people who do go into theology and attempt to understand the entire background of a religion...for you`
and prot churches dont have any teaching of tradition or history
they are decentralized bible clubs
are you saying that we aren’t influenced enough by the people who do study it then?
I guess that is a major flaw in current protestantism
the idea is that prot churches dont teach anything relating to Christianity but feelsgoodman tier reconciliation with their daily sins out of the bible
If we assume that this is truly what protestantism is, why would we need to defend
it if our lives are based around it
oh wait
i did a dumb
its apostolic Church that Jesus started and has history and tradition stemming for 2k years or decentralized prot churches that rhizomatically extend and break canon and continually fracture the meaning of Christianity
so are you saying that to keep our minds and thoughts unified, we must all delve into the history and tradition of what Jesus intended the church to become?
and question when our branches lead us off that path
The church should belong to the central body that succeeded Christ and the apostles as intended
the Church that Peter held primacy over and that the apostles consecrated their successors for
what we have now is only because we did delve deeper, to seek more meaning in that tradition, that history, that we were left with
No the early church that Christ began when he established it with peter at its head
which Peter spread
@Chilliam Ace bailing out the banks is not Socialism
we had to do it to prevent the entire system from falling apart
Socialism would be nationalizing the banks
muh government do thing? that socailsm
carl marks said government to do thing
why never respond
he might have gone to sleep at 10pm like a normal person
he was in voice earlier man I saw him in there
@Chilliam Ace was pinochet a socialist
he bailed out the banks in '81
I'm most likely wrong about this, but Sigmund Freud's work mostly depicted the minds of sluts as well as soyboy-manwhores, while also advocating for the conversion of EVERYBODY into a masturbation-addicted mindless soywhore/dykeslut.
You mean his stages of life?
Where one related to a specific part of the body
Oral stage, phallic stage,etc.