Message from @paninininini
Discord ID: 556628418729476107
Then your theory is bs
@Citizen Z got muted in the vc for having different opinion skreeeeeeeeeee
@good shag be good then
@Citizen Z so how come we see the sun disappear
im so confused
When it's always above us
@Violet (QT) i just showed you
Optical slant @Violet (QT)
@Citizen Z no you didnt
Yes I did
pls why cant i talk mate
So the sun sets due to angular resolution?
my fortnite account cost more than your rent
@Violet (QT) let's say you have a light dangling from the ceiling
It do
your mom still live in a 1 by 1
@Citizen Z that doesn't prove anything
Once the angle of the light hits .02 degrees the light is unresolvable
me and my grandma do slurps
It proves everything. Lol
@Citizen Z if there are no objects obscuring something you can see it how hard is that to understand
It's called optics
@Citizen Z ffs
Then the ground is optically flat
You cant see infinite
@Citizen Z are you trolling me
If there isn't anything obscuring something you can see it
That's fact
Human vision can only acquire an object so far away then it loses its objectivity
You can test it right now
If you are close to the ground and looking horizontal, at some point in the distance...the light (boats, mountains, buildings etcs... ) will start hitting the .02 degrees, from the bottom up.