Message from @Violet (QT)
Discord ID: 556628368666132511
Could you show a model of the flat earth including how the sun works
Or not
If you can't
Then your theory is bs
@Citizen Z got muted in the vc for having different opinion skreeeeeeeeeee
@good shag be good then
@Citizen Z so how come we see the sun disappear
im so confused
When it's always above us
@Violet (QT) i just showed you
Optical slant @Violet (QT)
@Citizen Z no you didnt
Yes I did
pls why cant i talk mate
So the sun sets due to angular resolution?
my fortnite account cost more than your rent
It do
man i got hella facts
your mom still live in a 1 by 1
@Citizen Z that doesn't prove anything
Once the angle of the light hits .02 degrees the light is unresolvable
me and my grandma do slurps
It proves everything. Lol
@Citizen Z if there are no objects obscuring something you can see it how hard is that to understand
It's called optics
@Citizen Z ffs
Then the ground is optically flat
You cant see infinite
@Citizen Z are you trolling me
If there isn't anything obscuring something you can see it