Message from @Wardidly
Discord ID: 450266624038273025
Powerful post
"satan is our creator" "Everything is inverted"
that has to be one of the most gnostic things I've ever heard on this server
delet this fucking channel
waste of space
Sorry everyone about Johnny’s low iq
you people act like im imposing my beliefs on anyone..i merely asked your opinion
i mean jews wrote the fucking book
and look whats happening to the world..jews are destroying
Laughing at you because you believe Satan is the creator is a fair response bro
by the same token im laughing at those whom believe rabbi jesus as a creator
Your take on religion is based on 4chan posts "kike on a stick" "jesus was a jew" etc haha
i only asked a question
Go for it. You’re edgelording like a child rn Jmike
you guys are idiots
what do you work at starbucks and shitpost all day
cant even have a civil discussion
“Here’s 14 reasons why Satan is the Creator”
turn off your tv's its quite clear the state of the world considering how toxic everyone is becomming
You know not much at all about us
like i said
well im retired already at 33 and a small business owner with a respiratory therapy degree
what about you
what the fuck are you about
just some loser on the internet
To my knowledge, literally no one here consumes television. Or brags about their accomplishments to 20 year olds on the internet. You’re mad online rn
ahh i see
now i see where i went wrong
"20 year olds"
You joined a server of young adults and started being condescending? Yeah I agree that is where you went wrong
You’re on discord man, not at a bar
come back to me when you've done something in life..ive fought in combat zones in the military already and traveled most of the world
Congrats on fighting for ZOG lmao
Muhhh military
Traveling is a waste of time