Message from @alejator
Discord ID: 444699164169994250
I am white
and every crime i do is justified due to my history of “racism.”
I have white genes
whiter than you Mohammed
The problem is that I am actually a sociologist and the claim you made is just plainly wrong
No statement you made was actually correct
Hillary post you mean?
((( Harvard ))) ????
Good one
The claim you could have made is the next one, take this from an actual sociologist and not a masters in third wave feminism
"While you could have a biological basis from race, there is also a cultural component, in which you could have different takes on the meaning of it. For example, some tribes / cultures in the Amazon jungle claim they are a different race from their neighbours, while we could use the biological basis to encompass them, the cultural side does not hold up."
"Meaning, the issue of race has a dual understanding"
I don't read Breitbart, it isnt interesting
Infowars is comedy for me
I read other sources, again I am not a MAGApede
Taking HufPost and Harvard seriously is like taking InfoWars seriously
Why are you not taking harvard seriously?
They are an ivy league school if I'm not mistaken.
Huff post is a very real source man tf
While the Left shrivels at the thought of the Koch brother’s donations to universities, Soros gave more than 50 times as much. Bard College was the American institution that received the most from Soros (more than $75 million). Grants to Bard for “community service and social action” included a Palestinian youth group and an initiative to educate prisoners across the country.
All of the Ivy League universities, along with a variety of state schools, private institutions, and even religiously-affiliated institutions, were also funded by Soros.
The Koch brothers were vilified by the American political left for donating almost $7 million to universities while their beloved Soros gave more than 50 times that amount to the same type of groups.
“Palestinian youth group”
(((Koch))) yeah no thanks
" Conservative " like Ben Shapiro?
Like Milo?
Yeah sure
" Conservative "
Define "conservative" for me please.
Are you new to the internet
To me those are - liberal conservatives -
Like maybe 4 years old or so
((())) is super well known