Message from @The Chechen Slayer
Discord ID: 296810427805990912
what is your username
wtf club penguin is
Bad helmet
Bump helment is best
Fuk u
My username is SHAD1LAY
it doesnt show up
what is the ID
Club penguin is going to be shoaed in a few days
P and then random numbers
mine is P352688685
I just threw a snowball at you and called you a shorefat
for some reason what you tpe doesnt show up
@The Chechen Slayer Do you have the russian helmet that is almost entirely metal execpt for the view port?
"ooga booga kill whitey"
let me see
Maska 1 and 2
I did
i cant see it
can you see what i say at least
Hey other flordiafag where you from
south florida
I can only see the defualt chats you send
alright i think the raid is over :(
North Florida>South Florida
gtg anyways
fuck off
we have better things here
@Lord Efo come at me nigger