Message from @Ulstèr-Scotch
Discord ID: 277625260466110465
They essentially support incest
Don't have any connections to religion
Probably should talk about this in the individual regions
We dont need to talk about religion
Religion is a non issue
@Fallen ANTICOM is just that. Anti communist.
@Odalist Refrain My friends are all republican and one of them recently took the political compass test and got left authoritarian... Fucking kek
Probably a Neocon
They don't necessarily need to be redpilled, they just need to be anti communist and against leftism in general
I'm @Ulstèr-Scotch 's but mirrored on the blue side and a bit to the left
But I fucking HATE commies.
@JosephLeMeme Triggered
And to be honest the right is (pardon the pun) usually right
What test?
pff I honestly don't even know
took it months ago
Political compass
Type it into Google
That can't be political compass
Must be a different one
There was also this test
How can u be ultra nationalist and anti government?
God I've never seen that one in my life
This was called "polspectrum"
the quiz is closed now
Isidewith has a pretty good political ideology ranking system, even if their assessment of candidates is absolute crap.
Right so flag, do we have one?
nationalism and government aren't intertwined
I see one in the discord server thing
Anybody have an idea of the flag we have