Message from @Alibaba

Discord ID: 307894742673522698

2017-04-28 20:47:29 UTC  


🇨🇳 __***China Bans List of Islamic Names, Including ‘Muhammad’, in Xinjiang Region***__ <:pepesmug:281041251749462016>

Authorities in China's Xinjiang region are prohibiting parents from giving children some Islamic names in the latest effort to dilute the influence of religion on life in the ethnic Uighur minority heartland.

*"Muhammad,"* *"Jihad"* and *"Islam"* are among at least 29 names now banned in the heavily Muslim region, according to a list distributed by overseas Uighur activists.

An official at a county-level public security office in Kashgar, a hub in southern Xinjiang with strong Islamic influences, says some names were banned because they had a *"religious background."* It is unclear how widespread the ban is or whether it is tightly enforced. The official refused to identify herself, as is common with Chinese officials.

The naming restrictions are part of a broader government effort to secularize Xinjiang, which is home to roughly 10 million Uighurs, a Turkic people who mostly follow Sunni Islam. Top officials including Xinjiang's Communist Party chief have publicly said that radical Islamic thought has infiltrated the region from Central Asia, protracting a bloody, yearslong insurgency that has claimed hundreds of lives.

Aside from the prohibition on Islamic names, local Xinjiang officials have, at times, strongly discouraged or prohibited Islamic veils, while government-linked commentators have called for bans of mosques with domes or other Middle Eastern architectural styles.


2017-04-28 21:32:09 UTC  


🇺🇸 __***Obama secures $800,000 for two speaking engagements***__ 🇺🇸

Former President Barack Obama has secured another $400,000 fee as he was interviewed for 90 minutes by cable network A&E Networks
before an audience of advertisers. It is second speaking engagement for $400K announced in the same week.

At the event at the Pierre Hotel in New York on Thursday, Obama got a standing ovation when he entered the room. Asked about what
he missed most about the White House, he said it was sitting on the Truman Balcony on summer nights and gazing at the Washington Monument
and the Lincoln Memorial, a source in attendance said, according to the New York Post.

US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D, Massachusetts) said she was troubled, and concerned about the overall influence of money in politics.

*"I was troubled by that,"* the Massachusetts senator said Thursday during an interview with the SiriusXM show *"Alter Family Politics"*
on Radio Andy, according to ABC News.

Former presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) called it *"unfortunate"* that the Democratic leader would ally himself with Wall Street interests.

*"I think at a time when people are so frustrated with the power of Wall Street and the big money interests, I think it is unfortunate*
*that President Obama is doing this," Sanders said on CBS's "This Morning."*


2017-04-28 21:50:41 UTC  


__***North Korea has reportedly launched a ballistic missile just hours after the UN met to discuss the country's nuclear threat.***__
*"North Korea fired an unidentified missile from a site in the vicinity of Bukchang in Pyeongannam-do (South Pyeongan Province) early this morning," South Korea's Yonhap reported, quoting a statement issued by the military.

A US government source told Reuters that initial indications were that the test was unsuccessful.

US President Donald Trump has warned there is a chance of a "major, major conflict" with North Korea due to rising tensions over its nuclear ambitions and missile tests.*


2017-04-28 22:16:56 UTC  


🇵🇭 __***6.8 quake off Philippines triggers tsunami warning***__ 🇵🇭

A 6.8 earthquake has struck south off the Philippines island of Mindanao, triggering a brief warning
of *“hazardous tsunami waves”* for the country’s coastlines, according to the US Geological Survey and
the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that tsunami waves could reach 300km from the epicenter of
the earthquake, which was recorded at 6.8 on the Richter scale.

#Tsunami warning after M6.8 quake hits off Philippines, waves could reach 300km from epicenter,
1m above normal tide levels:
— People's Daily,China (@PDChina) 28 апреля 2017 г.

Waves reaching up to 1 meter above normal tide levels are possible in the Philippines, while some
coastlines in Indonesia, Malaysia and Palau could expect waves up to 30 centimeters higher than
usual, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

The warning was lifted roughly an hour later, with the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center saying that
__*“the tsunami threat from this earthquake has now passed.”*__


2017-04-28 22:38:40 UTC  


🇺🇸 __***Documents Tie Berkeley Riot Organizers To Pro-Pedophilia Group, NAMBLA***__ 🇺🇸

The left-wing activists behind the anti-conservative riots at Berkeley have ties to one of the nation’s most prominent
pro-pedophilia organizations.

The Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights, and Fight for Equality By Any Means
Necessary — more commonly referred to as By Any Means Necessary or BAMN — is one of the militant leftist groups waging a
campaign against conservatives and Trump supporters in Berkeley.

BAMN’s parent organization worked directly with the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the years just
before it founded BAMN, according to NAMBLA documents reviewed by The Daily Caller. In addition, a member of that parent
organization said to have founded BAMN is an admitted member of NAMBLA, which she has described as the victim of a

BAMN, which did not return a phone call and voicemail seeking comment, was founded by the Revolutionary Workers League,
a small, Detroit-based Marxist organization. Many of BAMN’s leading members over the years have also been RWL members.

An anonymous group of researchers provided TheDC with copies of internal NAMBLA publications from the 1990’s. The
internet sleuths requested anonymity, citing fear of retaliation by BAMN members, and asked instead to be collectively
referred to as, *“The shadowy and/or mysterious organization known as Antifaleaks.”*


2017-04-28 22:45:45 UTC  


🇺🇸 __***Gun-Controlled Chicago: Over 1,000 Shooting Victims This Year***__ 🇺🇸

Gun-controlled Chicago already has yielded more than 1,000 shooting victims as of April 27 of this year alone.

The pace of shootings shows Chicago is on track to have another year of nearly 4,400 shooting victims, which is the
number of victims the city witnessed last year.

According to the Chicago Tribune, the violence on April 25 was so bad that *“two people were killed and five others were
wounded over a single hour.”* That hour was indicative of the kind of violence that has been erupting in Chicago
throughout 2017.

Breitbart News reported that 29 people were shot, one fatally, during 18 hours that began at 2:30 a.m. on April 15. The
Tribune reported that some of the victims of those 18 hours were as young as 14.

On March 31, Breitbart News reported that two sons were shot to death in front of their mother. Raheem Jackson, 19, and
20-year-old Dillon Jackson had gone to the restaurant where their mother worked to say hello to her and to eat. They
were killed just outside the restaurant as their mother looked at them through a window.

The Tribune quoted the sons’ mother saying, *“I can’t go on, my life is over. I’m about to goddamn kill myself. I was
standing right here in the window, they killed ’em right in front of me.”*


2017-04-28 23:02:42 UTC  

then tell your nigger kids not to be in a gang

2017-04-29 00:02:14 UTC  


🇮🇱 __***Israel and ISIS Are Allies. There. We Said It. ***__ 🇮🇱

When you bomb an ally, you apologize. When you bomb an enemy, you don’t. What does that make ISIS to Israel?

In the midst of complaining about the Islamist threat to Israel and the world, Bibi Netanyahu conveniently forgets that
his own country enjoys a tacit alliance with the Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

It is an alliance of convenience to be sure and one that’s not boasted about by either party. But is not terribly
different from one that Israel enjoys with its other Muslim allies like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states.

Israel's defence minister, Moshe Yaalon, revealed Israel’s ties to IS in Syria. I’ve documented, along with other
journalists, Israeli collaboration with al-Nusra, an affiliate of al-Qaeda. But no Israeli until now has admitted it has
collaborated with IS as well.

It’s common knowledge that Israeli foreign policy going back to the days of Ben Gurion has been exceedingly
opportunistic and amoral as exemplified in this infamous statement:

*"Were I to know that all German Jewish children could be rescued by transferring them to England and only half by
transfer to Palestine, I would opt for the latter, because our concern is not only the personal interest of these
children, but the historic interest of the Jewish people."*

So I suppose one shouldn’t be surprised at this new development. But still it does momentarily take one’s breath away to
contemplate just how brutally cynical Israel’s motives and choices can often be.


2017-04-29 00:07:02 UTC  


🇺🇸 __***Judge Finds High School Teacher Not Guilty Of EPIC 9-HOUR THREESOME SEX TRAUMA With Male Teen***__ 🇺🇸

A Louisiana judge has entered a finding of not guilty against one of the two English teachers in small-town Louisiana
arrested for having an epic, nine-hour threesome with the same then-16-year-old male student.

The now-former teacher is Shelley Dufresne. Dufresne, 34, taught at Destrehan High School in the suburbs of New Orleans.

The other teacher allegedly involved in the unholy trinity was Rachel Respess, 26.

The district court judge, Danyelle Taylor, based her criminal trial finding of reasonable doubt on a lack of evidence
provided by local investigators and her belief that the male teen — the primary witness at trial — was unreliable,
reports The Times-Picayune.

The judge conceded that Dufresne probably did have a bunch of sex with her now-19-year-old paramour.

*“She betrayed a very basic public trust as a school teacher,”* the judge said. However, the case in Judge Taylor’s
courtroom turned largely on the location of all the sex. Was it in Jefferson Parish, where Taylor presides, or was it in
St. Charles Parish, the next parish over?

*“I do not believe that the threshold has been met by the evidence presented to this court,”* the judge said. She also
described the teen as having a *“braggadocious nature”* and a *“propensity to lie.”*

Police say the ménage à trois occurred in the fall of 2014. They say it featured the then-16-year-old male student along
with Dufresne and the other teacher, Respess.


2017-04-29 00:11:07 UTC  


🇮🇪 __***Europe could allow a united Ireland to join EU after Brexit***__ 🇪🇺

European leaders may be preparing to recognise a united Ireland, in a declaration that would pave the way for the north
to swiftly rejoin the European Union. At their first Brexit summit on Saturday, the EU’s 27 leaders are expected to
discuss a text stating that if Ireland unified, the north would automatically become part of the EU.

The inclusion of the text is a victory for the Irish government, which had pressed for the inclusion of a *“GDR clause”*,
a reference to the integration of the former east German state into the European Community after the fall of the Berlin
wall. The declaration is bound to raise fears that Brexit could trigger the unravelling of the UK, although there is no
majority in Northern Ireland for unification.

The Irish clause is informed by the Good Friday peace agreement, which states that north and south of Ireland have a
right to unify if a majority agree north of the border. Enda Kenny, the taoiseach, has argued that it is important for
the north of Ireland to have “ease of access” to rejoin the EU if reunification were to occur.


2017-04-29 04:16:23 UTC  


__***Video Surfaces of U.S. Presence Near Turkish Soldiers, Kurdish Militia on Syrian Border***__

Quick rundown:
- Vids of Stryker units in a convoy with YPG in Northeastern Syria
- Roaches keep fucking up the kurds so mattis put them alongside with the YPG
- Autism: 3 count of Stryker in the video and photo, first vehicle is armed with m134 and spotted with SRAW hanging from the side, second and third is armed with .50 cal CROWS. Photos from Reuters shows the US personel and they're wearing shirts and caps, high confidence its a SF unit. A stryker can carry up to 9, so possibly up to 27 SF

Multiple reports have suggested an elevated American presence on the Syrian-Turkish border where clashes between the Turkish military and the Syrian Kurdish Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG/YPJ) have escalated in the past week.

The Kurdish outlet Rudaw published a video Friday of military vehicles with American flags traveling through Darbasiyah, northeast Syria, by the Turkish border. Eyewitnesses had told multiple news outlets that Turkish and YPG fighters had engaged in fighting in Darbasiyah this week, as the Turkish government confirmed airstrikes on YPG outposts throughout Syria. The Turkish government also attacked the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Iraq.


2017-04-29 05:03:27 UTC  



**Japan Puts Anime in Zoo and Penguin Adopts a Waifu**



2017-04-29 08:17:55 UTC  


__***Pope Francis is against libertarianism, says (((common good))) is better than individual freedom***___
** (Breitbart)

Pope Francis had harsh words to describe libertarians Friday, saying they deny the value of the common good in favor of radical selfishness where only the individual matters.

“I cannot fail to speak of the grave risks associated with the invasion of the positions of libertarian individualism at high strata of culture and in school and university education,” the Pope said in an message sent to members of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences meeting in the Vatican and subsequently shared with Breitbart News.

“A common characteristic of this fallacious paradigm is that it minimizes the common good, that is the idea of ‘living well’ or the ‘good life’ in the communitarian framework,” Francis said, while at the same time exalting a “selfish ideal.”


2017-04-29 08:20:37 UTC  


__***Emeperor Trump tries to solve Hermit Kingdom problem diplomatically, Fat Jong-un makes it impossible***___
** (Breitbart)

On Thursday, during an Oval Office interview with Reuters, President Trump said: “There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea. Absolutely.”

“We’d love to solve things diplomatically but it’s very difficult,” the president added.

China will clearly play a major role in that hoped-for diplomatic resolution, as Trump suggested he would not anger Beijing with another phone call to Taiwan’s president. He explicitly stated he wanted to avoid “causing difficulty” for Chinese President Xi Jinping while he is “doing everything in his power to help us with a big situation.”

He praised Xi as a “good man” who is “trying very hard” to avoid “turmoil and death” on the Korean peninsula.


2017-04-29 08:25:41 UTC  


__***ASEAN tells Hermit Kingdom to stop fucking around with nukes, says it's not a toy***___
** (

Foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) urged North Korea on Friday to put a stop to its nuclear testing and ballistic missile launches that have rattled the region and its other neighbors since last year.

The ministers issued a statement on the Korean Peninsula tension, the first statement they made after they met to finalize the regional grouping’s positions on certain issues ahead of the leaders’ summit on Saturday.

The stance taken by the Asean foreign ministers came at a time when North Korea reportedly sought the support of the regional grouping in its row with the United States and called for it to make an issue of the US-South Korea military exercises in the Korean Peninsula.


2017-04-29 13:06:50 UTC  

🇹🇷 __***Turkroaches block Wikipedia***__ 🇹🇷
** (BBC)
After technical analysis and legal consideration based on the Law Nr. 5651 [governing the internet], an administrative measure has been taken for this website - quotes Turkey's Information and Communication Technology.

As of 0500 GMT, Turkey's government has blocked access to the entire Wikipedia domain without court approval. Such mirrors the 2016 blocking of WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, which at the time the reason was cited as security measures. Erdogan has not commented.

2017-04-29 13:08:47 UTC  

🇦🇺 __***Australian Government begins offering five day course for refugees***__ 🇦🇺
** (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The Government's news Australian Cultural Orientation (AUSCO) intensive program spans over five days, teaching refugees from all background common skills such as how to cross roads, use escalators, shake hands, and flush toilets, in addition to basic English courses.

Zed Seselja, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Multicultural Affairs, suggests that this process takes [into account] some of the most desperate and vulnerable [refugees]. Such is an interesting turn of events given the Turnbull Government's hardline policy on asylum seekers.

2017-04-29 13:08:57 UTC  


2017-04-29 13:21:33 UTC  

🇺🇸 __***MDMA a step closer to use for PTSD sufferers***__ 🇺🇸
** (Nature Publications News)
** (Journal of Traumatic Stress)

Last week's Psychedelic Science 2017 conference in Oakland CA had researchers presenting previously unpublished results from Phase II clinical trials of MDMA, better known as ecstasy.

The treatment plan, involving a combination of psychotherapy and MDMA, found a shocking 67% of the 117 subjects no longer suffered PTSD two years after the treatment- 2.91 times as effective than psychotherapy and placebos.

"The results I've seen so far with MDMA are so much better than anything I've seen," says psychiatrist researcher Michael Mithoefer.

Phase III trials are expected to commence later this year.

2017-04-29 14:10:34 UTC  

🇬🇧 __***Oxford University sorry for eye contact racism claim***__ 🇬🇧

Oxford University has apologised for saying that avoiding eye contact could be *"everyday racism"* __after it was accused of
discriminating against autistic people__. The claim was included in a list of *"racial micro-aggressions"* in an equality
and diversity unit newsletter.

But the university was criticised for being *"insensitive"* to autistic people who can struggle making eye contact. It
said it had made a mistake and not taken disabilities into account.

The university originally said *"racial micro-aggressions"* might include: *"Not making eye contact or speaking directly to
people."* It described the behaviours as "subtle, everyday racism" which can be alienating.

In a series of tweets, the university replied: *"We made a mistake. Our newsletter was too brief to deal adequately and
sensibly with the issue. We are sorry that we took no account of other reasons for difference in eye contact and social
interaction, including disability. Oxford deeply values and works hard to support students and staff with disabilities,
including those with autism or social anxiety disorder."*
**tldr: Oxford is only sorry because they 'weren't PC enough', not because avoiding eye contact ISNT FUCKING RACIST.**

2017-04-29 15:03:47 UTC  


2017-04-29 15:25:44 UTC  


<:swastika:301285389753122818> __***8pol: Boston Free Speech Rally PERMIT APPROVED***__ <:swastika:301285389753122818>
*8CH /pol/*

__On May 13th__, a free speech rally will be held in the Boston Common on 139 Tremont St from 12pm-5pm.

Libertarians, conservatives, traditionalists, classical liberals, or anyone else who supports Trump or just hates
leftists are encouraged to attend.

Bring Stickman basics at LEAST. Boston is saturated with Antifa or Antifa sympathizers. Expect a shitload to be there.
They WILL be violent. Remember, Boston is the birthplace of liberty! This is our town, progressives are just squatting
in it. Time to take it back.

**[read thread for planning, do's/dont's, intel, support, hype]**


>*What's the point of this rally?*

To support free speech and show the world Boston isn't completely cucked.

>*Will cops stand down or help Antifa?*

Likely. Some are on our side, but they may have orders. Do not expect help.

__**Mad props to @!Doug The Subway Fugitive for this scoop**__

**tldr: /ourguys/ are organizing a rally in Boston on May the 13th. High likelihood of happening and antifa chimpouts**

2017-04-29 16:16:10 UTC  


🇺🇸 __***New Biography Says Obama 'Considered Gayness'***__ 🇺🇸

According to a new biography, former President Barack Obama *"considered gayness"* in his college years before ultimately
deciding on a more *"challenging"* heterosexual lifestyle.

The biography, Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, was penned by American historian, author and New York Times and
Washington Post contributor David Garrow and is set for release on May 9. Garrow is a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer,
known best for his work on Martin Luther King Jr.

Rising Star delves into the relationship Obama had with __an openly gay assistant professor__ at Occidental College,
Lawrence Goldyn, when Obama was a student.

*"Goldyn made a huge impact on Barry Obama,"* writes Garrow, according to The Daily Caller. *"Almost a quarter century
later, asked about his understanding of gay issues, Obama enthusiastically said, 'my favorite professor my first year in
college was one of the first openly gay people that I knew…He was a terrific guy' __with whom Obama developed a
'friendship beyond the classroom__.'"*

*"Goldyn years later would remember that Obama 'was not fearful of being associated with me' in terms of 'talking
socially' and 'learning from me' after as well as in class,"* adds the author.

The award-winning biographer continues: *"Three years later, Obama wrote somewhat elusively to his first intimate
girlfriend that he had thought about and considered gayness, but ultimately had decided that a same-sex relationship
would be less challenging and demanding than developing one with the opposite sex,"* he says.
***tldr: obama sucked dick for grades***

2017-04-29 16:45:13 UTC  


2017-04-29 17:20:48 UTC  


🇬🇧 __***EU Adds Cost of Migrants in Turkey to Brexit Bill***__ 🇪🇺

The bill for Britain’s Brexit divorce settlement is growing ever longer, with leaders in Brussels now saying that
Britain should continue to pick up a portion of the tab for migrants living in Turkey beyond accession.

Initial demands that Britain should pay into the European Union’s seven-year Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) until
it expires at the end of 2020 – a year after Brexit – have since expanded to include references to *“issues resulting
from”* the budget, as well as those related to the European Investment Bank (EIB) and European Development Fund (EDF).

German representatives are now suggesting that *“issues”* may include the Facility for Refugees, paid to Turkey, which
currently stands at some €3 billion, of which €1.5 billion has already been allocated and €777 million spent.

A senior EU official has admitted that it is impossible to calculate the full cost of *“political commitments”*, but
warned that the other member states were determined to present a united front on the question of finance.

Prime Minister Theresa May has said that Britain will not pay to exit the EU, but will stand by her financial
commitments. However, she has denied the commitments add up to €60 billion, as EU figures are suggesting.

*“Even using their broadest parameters, we run the numbers and cannot get to €60bn,”* a British source told The Telegraph.
*“A lot of the things being said by the European side now are simply unrealistic. Everyone is posturing and positioning.
The negotiations will bring it all back to reality.”*
***tldr: buttmad brussels kikes are trying to scam britain***

2017-04-29 17:30:17 UTC  


🇵🇭 __***Philippine leader says N. Korea's Kim "wants to end the world", urges U.S. restraint***__ 🇺🇸

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Saturday urged the United States to show restraint after North Korea's latest
missile test and to avoid playing into the hands of leader Kim Jong Un, who *"wants to end the world"*.

The notoriously blunt Duterte said the Southeast Asia region was extremely worried about tensions between the United
States and North Korea, and said one misstep would be a *"catastrophe"* and Asia would be the first victim of a nuclear

The United States, Japan, South Korea and China, he said, were sparring with a man who was excited about the prospect of
firing missiles.

Duterte is current chairman of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and was due to speak by telephone to
U.S. President Donald Trump later on Saturday. He said he would urge Trump not to get into a confrontation with Kim.

*"There seems to be two countries playing with their toys and those toys are not really to entertain,"* he told a news
conference after the ASEAN summit in Manila, referring to Washington and Pyongyang.

*"You know that they are playing with somebody who relishes letting go of missiles and everything. I would not want to go
into his (Kim's) mind because I really do not know what's inside but he's putting mother earth, the planet to an edge."*
***tldr: mad pinoy king tells trump to chill the fuck out***

2017-04-29 17:52:19 UTC  


🇺🇸 __***Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education***__ 🇺🇸

President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to start pulling the federal government out of K-12 education,
following through on a campaign promise to return school control to state and local officials.

The order, dubbed the *“Education Federalism Executive Order,”* will launch a 300-day review of Obama-era regulations and
guidance for school districts and directs Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to modify or repeal measures she deems an
overreach by the federal government.

*“For too long the government has imposed its will on state and local governments. The result has been education that
spends more and achieves far, far, far less,”* Mr. Trump said. *“My administration has been working to reverse this
federal power grab and give power back to families, cities [and] states — give power back to localities.”*

He said that previous administrations had increasingly forced schools to comply with “whims and dictates” from
Washington, but his administration would break the trend.

*“We know local communities know it best and do it best,”* said Mr. Trump, who was joined by several Republican governors
for the signing. *“The time has come to empower teachers and parents to make the decisions that help their students
achieve success.”*
***tldr: drumpf finally does something good***

2017-04-29 18:01:10 UTC  

🇺🇸 __***Syria Slammed with 271 Sanctions From US***__ 🇸🇾

The Trump administration has been serious about holding Syria accountable for its April 4 chemical weapons attack, with
the most recent response coming from the U.S. Treasury Department.

The department recently placed 271 new sanctions against Syria and its dictator Bashar Assad following the atrocious act
that killed nearly 100 people, including children, according to a Treasury news release.

*“Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is taking action in response to
the April 4, 2017 sarin attack on innocent civilians in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria, by the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar
al-Assad,”* the release stated.

The measure — one of the largest blocks of sanctions in the history of the OFAC — was taken against 271 employees of
Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center who have been supporting Assad’s chemical weapons program since at least
2012, according to the Treasury.

Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin said the *“sweeping sanctions”* were part of an effort by the U.S. to send a
*“strong message”* that “we will hold the entire Assad regime accountable for these blatant human rights violations in
order to deter the spread of these types of barbaric chemical weapons.”

*“We take Syria’s disregard for innocent human life very seriously, and will relentlessly pursue and shut down the
financial networks of all individuals involved with the production of chemical weapons used to commit these
atrocities,”* Mnuchin said.
***tldr: drumpf cockslaps assad***

2017-04-29 18:14:38 UTC  

🇺🇸 __***Quran blamed in new U.S. disease outbreak***__ 🇺🇸

An outbreak of measles is sweeping through a community of Somali refugees in Minnesota and the growing number of cases
may be starting to test the limits of the Hennepin County healthcare system.

According to reports from the health commissioner’s office, there are now 30 cases of children in Hennepin County who
have been diagnosed with measles, and 28 of them are Somali children who have not been vaccinated. All of the cases
involve children 5 years of age and younger.

It is the worst measles outbreak in Hennepin County, which includes the city of Minneapolis, since 2011, when 26 cases
were reported. That outbreak also involved unvaccinated Somali children.

Measles were declared eliminated in the United States in 2000, But Minnesota and other states see sporadic cases,
typically linked to international travel and the influx of Third World refugees and asylum seekers.

Dr. Andrew Bostom, M.D., an academic internist specializing in general internal medicine who has also authored several
books about the history of Islam, said Muslim communities often prove difficult to convince that vaccinations are
appropriate for their children.

*“The case against vaccinations is first an Islamic one,”* he said, citing a 2011 article by Dr. Majid Katme, spokesman
for the Islamic Medical Association in the United Kingdom.

*“We are giving our innocent children haram [forbidden] substances and harmful chemicals that destroy their natural
immune systems, causing disease, suffering and death,”* Dr. Katme wrote.
***tldr: america was enriched with savage, deadly disease thanks to somali refugees***

2017-04-29 18:15:40 UTC  

Just fuckin kill them

2017-04-29 18:15:51 UTC  

White race rises up when?

2017-04-29 19:32:53 UTC  

🇺🇸 __***College Speaker Whines About Prison But Fails To Mention That She TORTURED AND KILLED A Man***__ 🇺🇸

Convicted felon Donna Hylton spoke on a civil rights panel at a fancypants college earlier this month but completely
failed to mention that she — along with several others — kidnapped a man, forcibly sodomized him with a steel pole and
then tortured him to death. When a student at the event asked Hytlon about the heinous crime, a second panelist loudly
berated the student for having *“embarrassed”* Hylton.

Hylton *“made it seem like she was some innocent woman who was put in jail,”* the student also said. *“She didn’t say why
she was in jail. She said it was because of the color of her skin.”*

*“Her basic theme was, ‘I am an innocent victim and it’s because of how awful Donald Trump is.'”*

Without question, Hylton is no innocent victim.

In 1985, Hylton along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo
and held him for ransom before eventually killing him. Hylton and her comrades starved, burned and tortured Vigliarolo.
They forcibly sodomized him with a 3-foot steel pole.

Hylton reportedly delivered a ransom note to one of Vigliarolo’s friends asking for more than $400,000, even though the
sexually-tortured man was already dead by that point. Hylton’s delivery of the ransom note led to her arrest.

Hylton, now 52, has become a celebrity on the radical left because of her imprisonment.
***tldr: convicted torturer and murderer isn't a bad person if they're with the left***

2017-04-29 21:43:05 UTC  

🇺🇸 __***All 100 US Senators Complain that Israel is Not Being Treated Fairly at the UN***__ 🇮🇱

The United States Senate is under the subversive influence of Jews and the foreign power known as Israel. There is no
questioning this. Why else would all 100 Senators take time out of their schedule to draft a letter demanding better
treatment for Israel at the United Nations? The Senate has never done this for any other foreign country. So why Israel?

Arutz Sheva:

*All 100 United States Senators on Friday sent a letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, in which they
demand that he work to end the ongoing bias against Israel at the world body.*

In theory, Senators are supposed to represent the interests of Americans who elected them to their office. They are not
supposed to represent a foreign power on the other side of the world. The fact that every member of the Senate signed
this letter shows conclusively that they are representing the interests of Israel first and foremost.

Since we have so many in the political establishment concerned about foreign influence over domestic politics, it is
curious to see how none of them raise any questions about this situation. We’ve heard over and over again about how
Russia is subverting domestic politics with very little if any proof. Compare that to the open subversion of domestic
politics by Jews and Israel and it is obvious that this is a much larger issue.

We need to purge Jews and Israel from having any influence or position in the American government. It is a national
disgrace that this situation exists to begin with.
***tldr: the USELESS senate stirs from its slumber only when israel needs a hug***

2017-04-29 22:02:30 UTC  

🇺🇸 __***US Marines return to Afghanistan’s Helmand province for first time since 2014 ***__ 🇺🇸

US Marines have returned to Afghanistan’s southernmost Helmand province, which is mostly controlled by the Taliban. The
Marines withdrew from the area in October of 2014, and the security situation there has deteriorating over the years.

The province saw some of the worst fighting in the earlier years of the US-led occupation. NATO says its forces have
since relinquished combat missions to the Afghan National Army and remain in the country only for training and
assistance purposes.

The 300-strong Marine force arrived in Helmand on Saturday, AFP reported. The commander of US and NATO forces in
Afghanistan, General John Nicholson, attended a handover ceremony, during which the Marines took over from a similarly
sized US Army unit, which is now rotating home.

The arrival of the Marines comes a day after the Taliban announced this year’s spring offensive, pledging to keep on
pressure on Afghan’s security forces. Last week, the militants conducted one of its deadliest attacks of this year,
killing over 100 troops at a military base in the northern Balkh province.
***tldr: america cleaning up after locals' incompetence***

2017-04-29 22:48:46 UTC  

🇬🇧 __***British Police Making Terror Arrests on ‘Near Daily Basis’ as Expert Estimates 10,000 UK Jihadis***__ 🇬🇧

The Senior National Co-ordinator for Counter Terrorism has confirmed that police are now making terror-related arrests
“on a near daily basis”. Meanwhile, a noted security expert has estimated the number of *“committed Islamists”* in the
country is *“between 6,000 and 10,000”*.

Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu revealed the astonishing scale of the struggle to contain
terrorism in a statement outside New Scotland Yard on Friday.

*“I wanted to reassure the public that our increased activity to combat terrorism over the last two years continues,”* he
said. The statement came following an *“extraordinary day”* in which police apprehended a migrant carrying a rucksack
filled with knives in Whitehall and, in a separate incident, shot a woman in a niqab in a raid to foil an *“active plot”*
in Willesden.

*“Activity continues around the clock to identify and stop these threats,”* said Basu, before his shocking admission that
*“we are making arrests on a near daily basis”*.
***tldr: british intel agencies working overtime to behead those who insult the queen***

2017-04-29 22:50:12 UTC  


__***Trump proclaims May 1 as 'Loyalty Day'***__

Quick rundown:
- The Don declares May 1 as loyalty day (didnt mention if its a loyal to the nation or the state)
- Commiefags get rustled because May 1 is their day

President Donald Trump on Friday proclaimed May 1 as 'Loyalty Day' as a way to "recognize and reaffirm our allegiance to the principles" upon which America was built and express pride in those ideals, according to a release of the proclamation from the White House.

“The United States stands as the world's leader in upholding the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice. Together, and with these fundamental concepts enshrined in our Constitution, our Nation perseveres in the face of those who would seek to harm it," the proclamation reads.

The proclamation goes on to say that in order to express our country's loyalty to "individual liberties, to limited government, and to the inherent dignity of every human being," May 1 will be known as 'Loyalty Day.'

Trump called on Americans to observe this day with ceremonies in schools and other public places, including reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. He also called upon all government officials to display the flag of the United States on all government buildings and grounds on May 1.


2017-04-29 22:58:35 UTC  

🇺🇸 __***Machete-wielding teenager attacks Democratic students in Kentucky***__ <:hmpepe:285080453814419456>

A Cincinnati teenager has been arrested and charged with assault after allegedly attacking two female students with a
machete at a university in Kentucky after asking victims about their political affiliation.

The attack happened at 9:00am when the teen threatened students and staff in a cafe at the Transylvania University
campus in Lexington on Friday.

A Trump Supporter Allegedly Attacked Students At A Kentucky University With A Machete **
Jacob Roberts (@ Jakeroberts84) April 28, 2017

*“A guy came in, banged something, a hatchet or an ax, on the table, and said ‘the day of reckoning has come,”* said
Tristan Reynolds, a student who was inside the campus cafe when the attack happened, according to the Lexington Herald-
Leader. *“__He asked somebody what their political affiliation was, they said ‘Republican’ and the guy said, ‘You’re safe__.’
And then I realized what was going on and started getting people out.”*

Adkins, 19, was allegedly armed with a machete and knives and had various weapons in a bag. Some 30 to 40 students and
staff were in the café at the time when Adkins made verbal threats and attacked the two women.
***tldr: some of you are ok, don't come to U of K tomorrow***

2017-04-30 04:26:13 UTC  


***US troops deployed at Syrian border to prevent clashes between Turkish & Kurdish forces***

The US has deployed troops to Syria’s northeast border with Turkey in an attempt to prevent an escalation of fighting between the Turkish forces and Kurdish militia units that followed Turkish airstrikes hitting two Kurdish-held areas in Syria and Iraq.

“Coalition forces are conducting joint patrols along the northeastern Syria-Turkey border to assess reports from both the [Kurdish] SDF and Turkey regarding skirmishes and cross-border fires between their respective security forces,” an official from the Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) Public Affairs Office told RT via email, confirming the deployment.


2017-04-30 09:22:34 UTC  


__***Trump to MS-13: We’re Sending You ‘The Hell out of Our Country’***__
*Speaking at a rally in Harrisburg, PA, President Donald Trump assured American citizens that the Salvadoran gang known as MS-13 would be quickly removed from the country.
Following chants of “build that wall,” President Trump addressed the crowd in relation to the deadly Salvadoran gang MS-13:

“We will build a wall folks, don’t even worry about it. Go to sleep. As the final thing we needed, we need it.” said President Trump in relation to the wall, adding:

If the Democrats knew what the hell they were doing, they would approve it so easy because we want to stop crime in our country. Obviously, they don’t mind illegals coming in. They don’t mind drugs pouring in. They don’t mind MS-13 coming in. We are getting them all out of here. Members of congress who will be voting on border security have a simple choice. They can either vote to help drug cartels and criminal aliens trying to enter the United States, like frankly, the Democrats are doing, or they can vote to help American citizens and American families be safe. That is the choice.

President Trump continued:*


2017-04-30 09:33:47 UTC  


__***Pyongyang slams Israel as ‘disturber of peace armed with illegal nukes under US patronage’***__
*North Korea has accused Israel of being the “only illegal possessor” of nukes and threat to peace in the Middle East, and threatened Tel Aviv with a “thousand-fold punishment” after Israeli Defense Minister called Pyongyang’s leadership a “crazy and radical group.”
In an interview with Hebrew news site Walla this week, Avigdor Lieberman stated that North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un is a “madman” in charge of a “crazy and radical group” which is “undermining global stability.”

Read more
Pope Francis © Alessandro Bianchi Pope Francis warns ‘future of humanity’ depends on diplomatic resolution of N. Korean crisis
Pyongyang “seems to have crossed the red line with its recent nuclear tests,” the Israeli defense minister said, according to the Times of Israel.

In response, Pyongyang promised a “thousand-fold punishment to whoever dares hurt the dignity of its supreme leadership,” calling Lieberman’s “sordid and wicked” remarks a part of Israel’s smear campaign to cover up its own crimes.

Firing back at the perceived hypocrisy, the North Korean Foreign Ministry said that, unlike Israel, which is a “disturber of peace” in its neighborhood, their country is full entitled to seek deterrence against “US aggression.”

“Israel is the only illegal possessor of nukes in the Middle East under the patronage of the US. However, Israel vociferated about the nuclear deterrence of the DPRK, slandering it, whenever an opportunity presented itself,” the Foreign Ministry spokesman said, as cited by state-run agency KCNA.*


2017-04-30 10:29:03 UTC  


*AWARD-WINNING JOURNALIST Barrett Brown was re-arrested and taken into custody Thursday, the day before he was scheduled to be interviewed for a PBS documentary.

Brown quickly became a symbol of the attack on press freedom after he was arrested in 2012 for reporting he did on the hacked emails of intelligence-contracting firms. Brown wrote about hacked emails that showed the firm Stratfor spying on activists on behalf of corporations. Brown also helped uncover a proposal by intelligence contractors to hack and smear WikiLeaks defenders and progressive activists.

Faced with the possibility of 100 years in prison, Brown pleaded guilty in 2014 to two charges related to obstruction of justice and threatening an FBI agent, and was sentenced to five years and 3 months. In 2016, Brown won a National Magazine Award for his scathing and often hilarious columns in The Intercept, which focused on his life in prison. He was released in November.*
