Message from @grayscreen

Discord ID: 311132313213992961

2017-05-06 16:32:47 UTC  


A concealed carry holder is being heralded as a hero by Arlington police for preventing mass murder by killing an
"incoherent" gunman at a sports bar Wednesday evening.

Authorities later found two loaded guns and two knives on Jones, Cook said Thursday.

"We do believe he had the capacity to do much greater harm," Cook said.

Cook said the customer, who was dining with his wife, "prevented further loss of life."

The customer was carrying a handgun under the Texas concealed handgun license program, Cook later confirmed.

"We're treating the good guy as sort of a hero," he said.
**note:** this is fake news. if the county didnt allow concealed carry, none of this would have happened in the first place

2017-05-06 16:38:29 UTC  

<> WND

Days after the threat of leftist violence forced Ann Coulter to cancel a planned speech at the University of California-
Berkeley, **a student senator** told the school newspaper the presence of so many police officers on campus is traumatizing
to minority students.

Juniper Angelica Cordova-Goff told the Daily Californian in an email that the police’s “continued, heightened presence
re-traumatizes students who come from **communities with complicated relationships to the state**.”

Jeff Roorda, a retired police officer who now serves as business manager for the St. Louis Police Officers Association,
classified Cordova-Goff’s complaint as being among “**the petty slights of the hypersensitive**.”

“*What is really traumatizing are bullets from the guns of criminals*,” Roorda told WND. *“That’s a lot more traumatizing
than having a police officer there making sure you don’t get murdered by a criminal.”*

In her comments to the school paper, Cordova-Goff wrote: “I do not think campus safety must rely on the police. I think
[UCPD] must be active in recognizing **the trauma their presence alone brings to some students** and work to limit
visibility while remaining an open resource to those who choose to use it.”
**note:** what does 'having a complicated relationship to the state' mean exactly?

2017-05-06 16:48:48 UTC  

<> WND

Astonishingly, under President Trump, the U.S. government is partnering with George Soros’ Open Society Foundation
to facilitate an Islamic takeover in the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia.

Macedonia is on the brink of an ethnic conflict between the indigenous Slavic Macedonian population and a growing
Albanian minority.

**Ethnic Albanians now make up a quarter of the population** and comprise the majority of Muslims in the country. The
conflict exploded into international headlines when conservative protesters recently broke into the parliament and
attacked lawmakers backing an alliance between the leftist Social Democrats and an ethnic Albanian party.

Meanwhile, many Macedonians believe **the efforts to undermine their country can be traced to Soros’ Open Society
Foundation**, which has heavily funded leftist groups in the Balkan nation. “Stop Operation Soros” tracks Soros’ efforts
in the country, including tracking the millions of dollars being contributed to leftist groups in the country.

“It seems that, **regardless of who is in the White House, we get the same anti-Christian foreign policy coming out of the
U.S. State Department**. If you were trying to destroy the West deliberately, what would you be doing differently?”
**note:** it's a great article; lots of info on the future of europe can be found in macedonia.

2017-05-06 17:13:13 UTC  


___***ISIS Tells Jihadists To Attack U.S. Gun Store Owners As Way To Acquire Firearms***___

• Smash and grab gun dealer or buy from private individual in gun show
• Hello Mr ATF

ISIS is suggesting its jihadists attack gun shop owners who are closing their businesses at the end of the day as a means of acquiring firearms.

According to the latest issue of ISIS’ Rumiyah magazine, PJ Media reported, the terror organization discussed different ways jihadists could get firearms in the United States and Europe.

ISIS advises their recruits not to ask people where to find a gun to buy or they could be “bringing upon oneself unnecessary suspicion.”

The ISIS piece then suggests another method of smash-and-grab robbery by driving a car into a gun shop after business hours.

However, the piece adds, a “faint-hearted kafir shop owner in the West” can “be taken by surprise if one takes the means available to him and plans his attack carefully.”


2017-05-06 18:55:42 UTC  


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, ventured over to CIA headquarters at
Langley, Virginia for a briefing concerning their probe into the allegations.

“You don’t have to provide us with any classified information, Senator, but do you believe—do you have evidence that
there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign?” asked CNN’s Wolf Blizter.

“Not at this time,” replied Feinstein.

Still, we’re going to keep chasing phantoms because Democrats can’t get over the fact that Clinton lost in the election.
**note:** keep at it, guys. while you're looking for ghosts, the world keeps chugging along fine without you

2017-05-06 21:30:46 UTC  


YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki recent sat down with CNN's Poppy Harlow for a wide-ranging interview.

During the course of the interview, Wojcicki claimed that interrupting a woman was a microaggression:

*"Whenever you have a culture that is - whenever you have a majority and a
minority, it's gonna be harder for that minority. You know, even in a
culture where people are really well-meaning...there are sometimes
microaggressions, right? Like people who will just cut you off, and you'll
be talking and then someone will interrupt you.*

*So that's actually become, like, a big pet peeve of mine. So, whenever
somebody, like, interrupts me, **I'll be like: 'Wait, I was talking.** Do not
interrupt me.' But **I enjoy it even more, actually, when I see them
interrupting someone else**, and then I'll be like: **'Wait! She was talking.
Don't interrupt her.**' And I think [every time] I've done that, **people have
been like**: 'Oh, **thank you.** I didn't realize I was doing that.' And so I
think just **making people more aware of it is really important."***

**note:** microagress against me one more time. i dare you. i double dare you, motherfucker.

2017-05-06 21:51:03 UTC  


Reports are emerging of torn – and therefore invalid – Le Pen ballot papers being received by voters ahead of tomorrow’s
all important French presidential election. In each case, the ballots of rival candidate, Emmanuel Macron, are intact.

Videos are being posted and shared on Facebook of registered voters opening their envelopes to reveal the contents –
**intact ballot papers for Macron, ripped papers in the case of Le Pen.**

**In other videos, voters are seen opening envelopes only to find that both ballots bear Macron’s name.** Rather than an
occasional anomaly, the same circumstances have been noted in the voter packs of multiple voters living within the same

Le Pen’s campaign has also accused certain **mayors** of breaking the electoral code by using officially headed notepaper
and state resources for mail outs **calling on voters to support Macron. Such violation of France’s electoral code**, if
prosecuted, can lead to a fine of €15,000 ($16,450) and up to one year in jail.

Despite polls giving Macron a significant lead, **sources inform the Gateway Pundit that the race will be much tighter**. If
this turns out to be the case, a large number of disqualified ballots could make a difference.
**note:** russia did it

2017-05-06 23:28:15 UTC  


___***Nazi Wehrmacht memorabilia found at German army barracks amid far-right probe – media***___

• Wehrmact items found in German army barracks
• But not violating current German law because it doesn't display swastika

Numerous Nazi-era military awards, propaganda posters, and steel Wehrmacht helmets have been found at an army barracks in western Germany amid an ongoing investigation into an officer suspected of plotting a false-flag attack, Der Spiegel reported.

The bizarre discovery was made by Defense Ministry investigators in the town of Donaueschingen, which is the home base of the Franco-German brigade’s 292nd infantry battalion, the magazine reported, citing military investigators.

Posters glorifying the Wehrmacht – the Third Reich’s armed forces – were discovered inside the battalion’s briefing room, while Nazi-era steel helmets, known for their distinctive German design, were on display in front of the canteen, the newspaper said.

The items did not bear any illegal symbols such as swastikas, the official is reported to have said.

The case has raised serious concerns among the army’s top commanders, Spiegel reported. German soldiers have been stationed at Leclerc Barracks in Illkirch since 2010, and the building has no historical connection to the Wehrmacht. “Whoever decorates a room in the barracks with [Nazi] memorabilia must be a die-hard [far-right extremist],” a military source told the magazine.


2017-05-06 23:43:42 UTC  


North Carolina’s House passed a bill this week that limits civil liability if a driver, while exercising due care, harms
a person with their vehicle while that person is involved in a protest that blocks traffic.

It was introduced by Republican Justin Burr and “provides that a person driving an automobile while exercising due care
is immune for civil liability for any injury to another if the injured person was participating in a demonstration or
protest and blocking traffic.”

“As we’ve seen, time and time again, as folks run out in the middle of the streets and the interstates in Charlotte and
attempt to block traffic,” Burr said. The Republican commented that he wants to ensure that “drivers don’t have to fear
driving through Charlotte or anywhere in North Carolina.”

While North Carolina Republican lawmakers were quick to note that the bill speaks directly to those drivers whose
actions are “willful and wanton,” Democrats in the state are concerned that it’s a free pass to mow people down in the
**note:** mad max is one step closer to becoming reality

2017-05-07 00:02:47 UTC  


Ten days after being told he was being deported, he **allegedly** forced his way into a couple’s tent at a nature reserve
in Germany and used a machete-like tree saw to hand over their valuables. He then ordered the woman, 23, to come outside
where he raped her, according to police.

He arrived in Italy on 24th January, with the Italian authorities already rejecting his asylum application on 7th
February, after which he escaped in illegality and made the journey to Germany. At the beginning of February, he arrived
in Germany from Italy. In accordance with the Dublin procedure, the man had to be deported back to Italy, it being his
first entry point into the Schengen zone.

The man had until then been living in a central housing institution for asylum seekers in the town of Sankt Augustin to
the East of Bonn. Bonn police spokesman Robert Scholten said: ‘As well as from the rape, **we found a lot of DNA samples
at the crime scene, which are clearly from the arrested man.**’
**note:** upon further analysis, the suspect's genome bears 98% similarity to that of homo sapiens

2017-05-07 01:15:59 UTC  


Following word that former President Barack Obama had agreed to deliver a speech to a major Wall Street investment firm
for the oh-so-affordable sum of $400,000, not to mention the recent estimated $65 million multi-book deal he and former
first lady Michelle Obama have reportedly signed, some have wondered if the former president really needs to collect his
presidential pension

If passed into law, the proposed legislation would shrink a former president’s pension dollar-for-dollar for each dollar
above $400,000 earned in a year, which in Obama’s case would likely shrink it to nothing.

“The Obama hypocrisy on this issue is revealing,” stated Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform
Committee, according to USA Today. “His veto was very self-serving.”

The bill, known as the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act, would cap the pension at $200,000 per year and allow
for an additional $200,000 per year for expenses. However, any outside income in excess of $400,000 per year would
result in the pension and expense allowance being reduced dollar-for-dollar.
**note:** i guess he expected hillary to win and stick with his veto.

2017-05-07 04:05:29 UTC  


__***As French Elections Nears, So Does a Step Into the Unknown***__
*PARIS — France’s presidential election on Sunday has already broken all kinds of barriers in a country whose politics seemed frozen for decades. The two candidates are outsiders. The political establishment has been elbowed aside. The tone of the race between the insurgents has shocked many for its raw anger and insolence.

Then, barely an hour before the official close of campaigning at midnight Friday, the staff of the presumed front-runner, Emmanuel Macron, a 39-year-old former investment banker, announced that his campaign had been the target of a “massive and coordinated” hacking operation.

Internal emails and other documents, some real, some fake, according to the campaign, were posted on 4chan, an online message board favored by white nationalists, in an apparent effort to aid his rival, Marine Le Pen, 48, the far-right leader.

Saturday was a surreal day in France. The dramatic timing of the leaks, coming just as French law mandated a 44-hour media blackout before and during Sunday’s critical presidential runoff, jolted the final hours of the race.

Continue reading the main story

Continue reading the main story
Government officials warned that there could be charges filed against those who violated the law. The French media largely observed the blackout, offering little about the content of the hacking, which so far appeared to involve mostly mundane exchanges.

Le Monde, the influential daily newspaper, posted a note explaining to readers that it had obtained the leaked documents but would not be publishing any of them before the vote, saying that they had been released “with the clear goal of harming the validity of the ballot


2017-05-07 10:53:17 UTC  

Watch live here:

2017-05-07 11:35:10 UTC  

🇫🇷 __***Le Pen's father says she is 'not fit for presidency'***__ 🇫🇷 (The Telegraph)
With the election already underway, Jean-Marie Le Pen makes a final push to support the pro-EU banker Macron by denouncing her daughter, stating that she is 'not fit for presidency.' The world waits as the election continues, with President Hollande having already cast his vote.

2017-05-07 14:16:47 UTC  

<:pepesad:281042039104077824> __***Nobel Prize winner and discoverer of DNA James Watson selling his award 'because no-one wants to admit I exist'***__ <:pepesad:281042039104077824> (The Telegraph)
James Watson, world famous biologist whom along with Francis Crick had discovered the structure of DNA, is auctioning the Nobel Prize medal he won in 1962.
**This comes after in 2007 he was outlawed from the scientific community for finding a strong correlation between race and IQ.**
At the time, he had said he was *'inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa [because] all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours- whereas all the testing says not really."*

Watson had seen his income plummet following these remarks, which forced him to retire from the Cold Spring Harbor Lab, Long Island NY.
*"Because I was an 'unperson' I was fired from the boards of companies, so I have no income, apart from my academic income,"* he said.

Auctioneers place the value of this medal at $3.5 million, where it will be auctioned in New York on Thursday. If the medal breaks the reserve price of $2.5 million and is sold, Watson intends to use proceedings to purchase paintings and make donations to the University of Chicago, and Cambridge.
**TL;DR- Great hero of science and America shot down to poverty and shame by SJWs.**

2017-05-07 14:31:35 UTC  

🇫🇷 __***Live French Election Exit Polls***__ 🇫🇷

2017-05-07 15:11:33 UTC  


Polls have opened for the second and final round of voting in the French 2017 presidential race. Join Breitbart London
for the latest news and analysis of the vote, count, and aftermath.

15:35 Thousands of French citizens queue to vote in London

London, often said to be France's 'sixth city' because of the hundreds of thousands of citizen ex-pats living there, has
seen many of the 100,000 registered French voters turn out at the embassy in Kensington to cast their ballots.

14:25 Normality returns to the Louvre

Normality being a relative concept, the tourists are returning to the former Royal Palace turned museum, and work on
setting up the stage and venue for what Emmanuel Macron hopes will be a victory party continues, under the watchful gaze
of the police. **Polls start to close in less than four hours.**
**note:** latest updates from election live wire

2017-05-07 18:46:06 UTC  

<> RT

Centrist Emmanuel Macron has won the French presidential election, Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has said. These
elections were the first to be held under the state of emergency that was introduced after terrorist attacks in 2015.
**note:** "Happy that French voters chose a European future," George Soros' lapdog Jean-Claude Juncker tweets.

2017-05-08 12:58:20 UTC  

<> BBC

Emmanuel Macron has vowed to fight "**the forces of division** that undermine France" after easily winning the run-off
election for the French presidency.

The centrist candidate, 39, defeated the far right's Marine Le Pen, winning 66.1% of the vote to her 33.9%.

Acknowledging his victory, Mr Macron told supporters he wanted to ensure **Le Pen voters** "no longer have a reason to vote
for an **extremist position**".

The sense of relief among European Union leaders has been palpable.
**note:** the sense of relief among the globalist elites has been nothing short of palpable

2017-05-08 13:01:06 UTC  


While the international community and news media focus on North Korean missile tests and the country’s nuclear program,
one expert warned on Sunday that North Korea may be secretly assembling the capability to take out significant parts of
the U.S. homeland via an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack.

Speaking on this reporter’s talk radio program, Pry pointed to two North Korean satellites that are currently orbiting
the U.S. at trajectories he says are optimized for a surprised EMP attack.

He warned: “They are positioning themselves as sort of a nuclear missile age, cyberage version of the battleship
diplomacy in my view. So that they can always have one of them (satellites) very close to being over the United States
or over the United States.
**note:** wrap the pentagon in aluminium foil

2017-05-08 13:28:44 UTC  

__***Global stocks, euro fall as Macron win shifts focus to economy***__
LONDON (Reuters) - European stocks and the euro pulled back on Monday from highs touched after pro-European centrist Emmanuel Macron's emphatic but well-flagged victory in France's presidential election as investors' focus shifted from politics to monetary policy.

With the political risks that have dominated European markets in a year packed with elections seen receding, the European Central Bank is expected to have more room to tighten policy as the euro zone economic recovery gathers pace.

Wall Street looked set to open modestly lower as index futures, including those on the S&P 500, which earlier hit a record high, traded slightly down on the day.

European equities dipped, with French shares, which hit 9 1/2-year highs on Friday, underperforming the wider market.

The euro dipped against the dollar, having risen in early Asian trade to just above $1.10 when opinion polls signaled the scale of Macron's victory over anti-euro nationalist Marine Le Pen.

It was a similar story in euro zone government debt markets: the premium investors demand to hold French rather than German benchmark 10-year bonds touched its tightest in six months as markets opened on Monday, but then gave back some of that.

2017-05-08 13:48:56 UTC  

<:REEE:281041868056166401> __***Live by the sword, die by the sword. Pepe the Frog creator kills his own creation***__ <:REEE:281041868056166401> (The Independent)
Matt Furie previously joined efforts of the Anti-Defamation League and the Clinton Campaign to regain Pepe for normies, however after many humiliating defeats, the Boy's Club cartoonist has decided to hold Pepe's funeral.
*"While it's unlikely Pepe's official death will stop extremists from co-opting his image, this was, prehaps, the most effective way for Furie to reclaim his character; Pepe's soul has returned to his creator. Rest in Peace."* wrote some random cuck journalist.
First the election, now this? Perhaps Kek truly has forsaken us.

2017-05-08 13:49:19 UTC

2017-05-08 13:49:22 UTC  


2017-05-08 14:00:01 UTC  


Back in March, the President of South Africa made a shocking suggestion, which left many white landowners fearing that
they may face a race war in the near future. In a speech, Jacob Zuma announced that he wanted the government to begin
confiscating white owned lands, before redistributing them to black South Africans.

It’s conditions like that which have spawned organizations like the Suidlanders; a massive civilian-run civil defense
group that is dedicated to protecting Afrikaaners in the event of social collapse or civil war. They’re currently
getting ready for the possibility of a government implemented genocide of white South Africans. One of their leaders
recently spoke to Infowars, and explained how they plan to respond to that threat.

It’s sad that it has come to this. Once the most wealthy and developed nation on the continent, South Africa is quickly
turning into an economic basket case, brimming with racial tensions that could spill over at any time. Once again,
socialism and multiculturalism have proven to be total failures.
**note:** they can have it. come back to europe, white man.

2017-05-08 14:30:24 UTC  


The landing of an unmanned military space plane at Kennedy Space Center Sunday morning concluded an almost two-year
mission in orbit, according to the U.S. Air Force.

The Air Force tweeted shortly after 8 a.m. that the reusable X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle had landed safely, completing
its fourth classified mission.

Air Force officials have called the X-37B program, which is managed by the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, "the
newest and most advanced re-entry spacecraft."

The sonic boom could be heard throughout Central Florida. Some Brevard County residents might have heard the booms
before the space plane landed at the Shuttle Landing Facility.
**note:** meanwhile nasa flies on 40yo russian potato technology

2017-05-08 14:41:49 UTC  


Therapy dogs, chocolate, Play-Doh, video games: Today’s college students are offered a variety of ways to cope with the
stress of final exams.

At the University of Pennsylvania, for example, several different student groups offered various study breaks, including
a Zumba class, a video game stress reliever, and a “Chocolate and Chocolate Labs” event, the Daily Pennsylvanian
reports. Student organizers did not respond to The College Fix’s request seeking details.

An annual tradition at the University of Illinois offers students a “Reading Day.” “In place of classes, the university
hosts a variety of non-mandatory events aimed at helping students study and de-stress,” the Daily Illini reports.

Penn State’s “De-Stress Fest” included origami folding, Wii gaming, “brain massage music” and more, according to the
university’s website.
**note:** past homes of best and brightest are now ballpits for infantilized know nothings

2017-05-08 14:52:49 UTC  

<> RT

The United Nations (UN) is urging Prime Minister Theresa May’s government and the country’s leading opposition parties
to pledge to take in more refugees from war-torn areas amid the largest human displacement since WWII.

Writing in the Times, Gonzalo Vargas Llosa, the UNHCR representative to the UK, said Britain should “**do the right thing**”
to support vulnerable people fleeing persecution from their home country and **take in 10,000 more refugees on top of
those it has already pledge to resettle**.

The UNHCR representative to the UK also **slammed the “strikingly high” amount of refugees and asylum seekers detained in
the UK**. Up to 13,000 were recorded in 2016 alone.

“Being detained can leave **psychological scars** that endure years after release,” Llosa said. “This problem is exacerbated
by the deeply worrying fact that Britain currently has no time limit on immigration detention.

Llosa also **urged the PM to relax regulations** that separate refugees from their families, as he claimed it stands in
their way of integrating into society.
**note:** how about no.

2017-05-08 14:58:18 UTC  


President Trump is expected to announce his selection of at least five conservative nominees to federal appeals courts
as early as Monday, building on his successful nomination of Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

Sources close to the process said Mr. Trump will nominate Michigan Supreme Court Justice Joan Larsen and Louisville,
Kentucky attorney John K. Bush to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals; Minnesota Supreme Court Justice David Stras to the
8th Circuit; University of Notre Dame law professor Amy Coney Barrett to the 7th Circuit, and Alabama lawyer Kevin
Newsom to the 11th Circuit.

Justices Larsen and Stras were on the president’s list of conservative judges whom he said during the campaign he would
consider for the Supreme Court.

The president also will appoint four judges to district court seats.
**note:** if trump sticks to the gorsuch formula, america can't lose.

2017-05-08 15:13:55 UTC  


Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, who once said the “stupidity of the American voter” helped Congress pass the
Affordable Care Act, tried to place the blame for the Affordable Care Act’s failures on President Trump Sunday.

In discussing Obamacare exchanges on “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace noted that in Iowa there is only one
insurance company left in the state’s exchange, which may soon pull out as well.

"And whose fault is this?" Gruber asked. "Before President Trump was elected, there were no counties in America that did
not have an insurer."

"Wait, you're going to blame the problems with Obamacare on President Trump?" Wallace responded, interrupting Gruber.
**note:** after all, putin himself wrote the first draft of obamacare

2017-05-08 15:24:46 UTC  

<> AFP

Nearly 900 suspected pedophiles have been arrested and almost 300 children identified or rescued from their abusers
following the massive takedown of an underground online pedophile network, US and European police said Friday.

A more than two-year investigation into the notorious Playpen network and its members led to the arrests, the Federal
Bureau of Investigation and Europol said, an announcement that came just days after a US court sentenced Playpen founder
and administrator Steven Chase to 30 years in prison.

The arrest of Florida-based Chase in December 2014 set off a sweeping global probe into the users of the members-only

Playpen was buried deep online in what is known as the "darknet," where Tor anonymity software and encryption hide often
illegal activities.
**note:** i'm excluding the worst details, read link at own peril

2017-05-08 15:28:30 UTC  


Something ugly is happening to the First Amendment. It is being contorted to enable judges to protest Donald Trump's

The perennial impulse of judges to manipulate the law to achieve morally and politically desirable ends has only been
exacerbated by the felt necessity to "resist" Trump.

The result: Legal tests concerning the freedoms of speech and religion that in some cases were already highly dubious
are being further deformed and twisted.

In one recent deformation, Trump was sued for incitement to riot and assault and battery when, at a campaign rally
before he became president, he said "Get 'em out of here" in response to protesters in the audience.

An even more appalling specimen of fake law has been generated by Trump's executive order restricting entry into the
country by nationals of six foreign countries for 90 days and suspending refugee admission for 120 days.
**note:** recommended reading

2017-05-08 15:33:50 UTC  

<> WND

After six Somali refugees were convicted of plotting to board planes and join ISIS in Syria, a U.S. federal judge in
Minnesota decided to enroll one of them in an experimental terrorist rehabilitation program.

Rather than going to prison, Abdullahi Mohamed Yusuf, 21, was sentenced in November to a 20-year supervised release. He
was granted time served and sent to live in a halfway house. He was returned to federal custody last week for allegedly
failing a polygraph test and watching a documentary about ISIS in Europe.

Philip Haney spent more than a dozen years screening for jihadists at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security before
retiring in 2015.

“[...] the bottom line is t**hese programs have been demonstrable failures**,” he said. “They started with Saudi Arabia
rehabbing Gitmo prisoners, and **it’s actually achieved the opposite results**.”

According to data released in March, the intelligence community has confirmed **a total of 121 former Gitmo detainees have
re-entered the battlefield. Another 87 former detainees are suspected of rejoining the ranks of their brother
terrorists**. The total of 208 confirmed and suspected terrorists makes up 30 percent of all those released from Gitmo.
**note:** a third of terrorists have been 'rehabilitated' in gitmo

2017-05-08 18:34:05 UTC  


Warren Buffett likened American workers who have seen their jobs and factories destroyed by global trade to animals
slaughtered by cars and trucks on the highway.

“Nobody should be roadkill,” Buffet said Saturday at the festival-like annual meeting of Berkshire Hathaway in Omaha,

The billionaire, who **supported Barack Obama and backed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election**, now sounds almost Trump-
ish. His comments on American workers echoed the remarks of President Donald Trump in his inaugural speech in January,
which described **a landscape of “American carnage” where closed factories are “scattered like tombstones.”**

Toward the end of the question and answer session with Buffett and his longtime sidekick Charlie Munger, investor
Whitney Tilson asked if businesses should consider the fates of millions of Americans displaced by trade and technology
instead of focussing solely on maximizing shareholder value. Buffett argued that **free trade was a benefit to the economy
at large but that politicians needed to “take care of the people who become roadkill.”**
**note:** smart

2017-05-08 18:41:08 UTC  


You would expect the leftist The New Yorker to offer a piece that attacked American values.

You might not be prepared for the ferocious viciousness of its attack on America’s founders and the principles they espoused.

Adam Gopnik, who has been writing for The New Yorker for thirty years, uses the occasion of reviewing Justin du Rivage’s
Revolution Against Empire and Holger Hoock’s Scars of Independence to write:

The Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution, the creation of the United States of
America—what if all this was a terrible idea, and what if the injustices and madness of American
life since then have occurred not in spite of the virtues of the Founding Fathers but because of
them? The Revolution, this argument might run, was **a needless and brutal bit of slaveholders’
panic mixed with Enlightenment argle-bargle, producing a country that was always marked for
violence and disruption and demagogy.**

Gopnik asserts that **without an American Revolution, “slavery might have ended, as it did elsewhere in the British
Empire, more peacefully and sooner. No ‘peculiar institution,’ no hideous Civil War and appalling aftermath.”**

**note:** new yorker journalist proves his total ignorance of the wealth of american history and its unique situation

2017-05-08 18:48:54 UTC  


National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is losing favor with President Donald Trump. Joining the White House in the wake
of the controversial Michael Flynn scandal, McMaster was initially hailed as the man who would bring back order and
stability to the national security team. But as it turns out, the seasoned general may be **too by-the-book for the
renegade Commander-in-Chief**.

Citing three White House officials, Bloomberg’s Eli Lake reported Monday that Trump scolded McMaster over the phone
after he found out that the general had called South Korean officials and assured them that the United States would
honor its commitment to pay for a new missile defense system.

“These officials say Trump screamed at McMaster on a phone call, accusing him of undercutting efforts to get South Korea
to pay its fair share,” notes Lake.

While Trump complained that the pre-existing commitment wasn’t official U.S. policy, South Korea, an invaluable regional
ally, would have felt betrayed if McMaster hadn’t followed diplomatic protocol.
**note:** don't mess with trump's 420D chess stretegy

2017-05-08 18:56:15 UTC  


More than 200 migrants are feared to have died in the Mediterranean over the weekend, according to testimony from
survivors, and several bodies, including that of an infant, have washed up on a Libyan beach.

About 7,500 people have been rescued off the coast of Libya since Thursday, the Italian and Libyan coastguards said. Two
groups of survivors told the organizations that hundreds drowned when their rubber boats began to deflate before
rescuers arrived.

More than 60 are feared dead and three bodies were recovered on Saturday, survivors brought to Sicily on Sunday told
Italian coastguards. The boat left Libya carrying about 120, they said.

There was some discrepancy in the numbers. Based on its interviews with some of the survivors in Pozzallo, Italy, the
U.N. refugee agency estimated the number of dead at more than 80.
**note:** tragic

2017-05-08 18:58:30 UTC  


Syria's foreign minister said on Monday Damascus would abide by Russia's plan for "de-escalation" zones if rebels
observed it, adding the insurgents should help drive jihadists from opposition-controlled areas.

Walid al-Moualem told a news conference there would be no role for the United Nations or other "international forces" in
the de-escalation zones but Russia saw an observer role for military police. He gave no further details.

Syria's ally Russia and regional power Iran have helped President Bashar al-Assad gain the military advantage against
rebels fighting for six years to unseat him, and Moscow has led most of the recent diplomatic efforts to end the

Russia brokered the deal for de-escalation zones with backing from Iran and opposition supporter Turkey during ceasefire
talks in the Kazakh capital Astana last week. The deal took effect at midnight on Friday.

Some fighting has continued in those areas, particularly north of Hama city, but the overall intensity has reduced, the
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said.
**note:** this may be the beginning of the end 👌

2017-05-08 21:41:18 UTC  


___***Trump: Ask Sally Yates About Classified Information Leaked to Media***___

• The Madman is pointing his fingers at Yates while smiling
• Yates is the one who leaked Flynn convo to WaPo and Trump isn't having any of it
• Today's hearing she stated that "She Dindu Nuffin" when she was asked if she's the one leaking it

President Trump suggested to Senators on Monday morning that they ask Sally Yates, former Obama administration deputy attorney general and acting attorney general in the Trump administration’s early days, how classified information she went to the White House counsel with got leaked to the media soon after.

"Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Council." - Madman Tweet

Yates is testifying publicly for the first time in front of a Senate Judiciary subcommittee. She is expected to discuss how she went to the White House counsel Don McGahn on January 26 with classified information that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had talked about U.S. sanctions on Moscow with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.

That classified information was shortly after illegally leaked to the Washington Post, on February 9, leading to Flynn’s resignation, since he had previously told Vice President Mike Pence that he had not discussed that topic.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer recently pointed out that when Flynn last received his top secret security clearance in 2016, it was already known that he had visited Russia in 2015 to give a speech, which is now being investigated by the Pentagon’s inspector general.


2017-05-08 22:41:41 UTC  

🇺🇸 **Trump Names List Of Conservative Federal Judges** 🇺🇸

Following the successful nomination and confirmation of Neil Gorsuch as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court,
President Donald Trump is continuing his trend of nominating conservatives for vacancies on federal courts.

According to White House counsel Donald F. McGahn II, **Trump is committed to filling judicial vacancies with candidates
"who will enforce the Constitution’s limits on federal power and protect the liberty of all Americans."**

Along with the list of 21 possible Supreme Court justice nominees, Trump's staff is compiling lists of candidates who
**have shown a record of conservative jurisprudence.**

In short, Trump is **upholding a major campaign promise** to turn the federal judiciary around from a leftist haven where
many judges view the Constitution as a "living document" and selectively uphold the laws of the land to becoming a
branch that cares about the Constitution of the United States. This is a welcome development.
**note:** this is the best news to come from washington since gorsuch

2017-05-08 23:12:03 UTC  


__***Demokike Sen. Harris says "fuck" at health care event***__ (Breitbart)

“What the f*ck is that?” she said to an audience at a sold-out taping of the podcast “Pod Save America” in San Francisco while she was discussing health care, the Washington Free Beacon reports.

“Pod Save America” is a podcast hosted by former Obama administration officials Jon Favreau, Dan Pfeiffer, Jon Lovett, and Tommy Vietor, which focuses primarily on liberal politics and discusses how Democrats can fight against the policies of the Trump administration and Republican-led initiatives in Congress.
