Message from @The Real Kaivik

Discord ID: 503291809280163850

2018-10-20 19:34:00 UTC  

How was Terry made homeless?

2018-10-20 19:34:10 UTC  

@Mazianni Based

2018-10-20 19:34:13 UTC  

CIA Niggers?

2018-10-20 19:34:16 UTC  

@everyone <#503265416131379201> you can apply for the following moderator, archivist, or enlister

2018-10-20 19:34:27 UTC  


2018-10-20 19:34:35 UTC  

Well if you wanted to make someone vunerable before getting rid of them

2018-10-20 19:34:46 UTC  

@Medusa It was only one site that reported on his death, /g/ confirmed it and shit

2018-10-20 19:34:49 UTC  

With the police

2018-10-20 19:34:55 UTC  

can i apply for the motion that all staff are removed

2018-10-20 19:35:10 UTC  


2018-10-20 19:35:12 UTC  


2018-10-20 19:35:15 UTC

2018-10-20 19:35:19 UTC  

@Medusa which is a bit weird

2018-10-20 19:35:22 UTC  

whypipo on suicidewatch

2018-10-20 19:35:25 UTC  

at myself lmao

2018-10-20 19:35:55 UTC  

@Medusa that's a bit weird

2018-10-20 19:36:38 UTC

2018-10-20 19:36:56 UTC  

ah glow in the dark CIA niggers got to him 😮

2018-10-20 19:38:14 UTC

2018-10-20 19:38:47 UTC  


2018-10-20 19:41:58 UTC  

hey Namal that cock still tasting good for ya or what?

2018-10-20 19:45:09 UTC  

that nigga melting

2018-10-20 19:45:54 UTC  

that is a mcdonalds happy meal figure

2018-10-20 19:46:27 UTC  

you turn into one if you eat mcdonalds too much

2018-10-20 19:46:57 UTC  

mcdonald toys were always so shit

2018-10-20 19:47:07 UTC  

there used to be some great ones back in the day

2018-10-20 19:47:38 UTC  

little electronic toys that acted like how game-and-watches did

2018-10-20 19:48:03 UTC  

yeah now they are just a small cheap piece of plastic

2018-10-20 19:49:30 UTC  

Anyone wanna play hide the pickle?

2018-10-20 19:49:58 UTC  

the fug is that ?

2018-10-20 19:50:03 UTC  

the west is a cheap piece of plastic made in china

2018-10-20 19:50:14 UTC  

you hide and when he finds you he tickles your pickle

2018-10-20 19:50:28 UTC  

@F-Star да

2018-10-20 19:50:38 UTC  


2018-10-20 19:50:57 UTC  


2018-10-20 19:51:07 UTC  

big truth

2018-10-20 19:51:07 UTC  

Finno ugrics>west

2018-10-20 19:51:08 UTC  


2018-10-20 19:51:12 UTC  


2018-10-20 19:51:13 UTC  

Fuck you