Message from @Tactical BowlCut
Discord ID: 406709593264095235
I'll fucking sodomise you
Nonstop roided cock pounding right up your fashy boypussy, yeah you'd like that wouldnt you, you fuckin faggot?
The girth of your chode is bigger than the girth of your thighs
i dont have a chode 😦
i actually measured the other night to update my stats, gonna try stretching my foreskin out to increase my Vril powers
having a thick meaty foreskin increases your astral presence
You prob have a massive meaty foreskin to cover that chode of yours
I'll dock you
Blitz has phimosis
Houston we have confirmed lock, open airlock
Phimosis blitz
I have transcended the lunar curse fuck off
next meet up bowlsta is gonna be air tight
I am the angel of hetrosexual intercourse, the straight Zeus. Come slam your healthy vaginal hole down into my front door rod, I wish to collect as many creampies to create live biological souls and watch my lovely lady absorb them into her healthy womb. I am the cauldron of many poz loads and you can mix the spermed up vaginal fluids with your pussy caverns.
<@&335649595675770881> <@&352723196987965441> <@&336660469504802816> <@&353078090790076416> <@&351912398870806529> <@&389420642438742016> <@&335650072585043968> <@&335650728700018688>
@Vic_Mackey is the recording from last night up yet?
@Tactical BowlCut I think Vic is at a concert rn
Did the audio ever get posted?
I'm at our regular watering hole, and he is nowhere to be found
Idk probs not
I think he wuz intending to
yeah the audio is poasted, scroll up
i’m daddies wittle tide pod hehe (^▽^) i’m all squishy and wet for daddy! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ he loves how my bitter taste nuzzles his taste buds and my Botanical Rain™️ scent!!!! (。 ・ ω ・ 。 )
but he knows how im not meant to be eaten… (´ ・ ω ・ `) waaah!!! dont vore me daddy ( ; ∀ ; ) hehehe my soap-pussy is so wet >///< 1 lick 2 lick 3 lick 4… no more daddy i’ll break~(•/// ▽ ///•) hehe i’m daddies wittle tide pod so wet and squishy =w=
@Blitz ⚡ Vic and I swapped spit at the concert tonight. Are you jealous?
no im frothing at the thought
Sam Hyde gave me some tips at the gym last night
if u know what i mean
Did he vomit on you?
no I made sure he had an empty stomach b4 we left
we'll do it tomorrow night i gotta sleep
sorry baby x
lol I was about to go to bed anyway
yeah sure thing buddy
i know you're upset right now