Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 342552262775799808
.unmute @ϟ ϟ 𓆏
.unmute @Grim_Reaper
kicked papa pajeets pizza for posting male circumcision videos in <#280072608685228042>
Muted papa pajeets pizza for being an annoying faggot
Muted @Crunch for image spam
for 5 min
Muted hirohito the kike again after warning him not to ping me
for 60
muted capunos bot and moonman for spaming general with bot stuff
Banned 8 randoms from some gay server who spam-raided. Names are in <#280648659262242816>
Unbanned SicEm/Constantine_xi as there was no log in here as to why he was banned.
and i dont remember why he was banned
muted @golobular for 30 minutes for being pure cancer
muted @Inquisitor of this Flavortown for 5 for spamming nadeko in general after 3 warning to go to bot games
kicked tinker tom for posting buck angel getting fucked by a robo dildo
vladimirs redemption,anthony adcox,and mike all banned for 1. being the same person. 2.being a weird,cringy fucking faggot.
Revoked about 15 invites the 8 random raiders and thses 3 had made to keep joining
demoted about 20 lanky boys to genome soliders for inactivity. if you were demoted and want your role back see me.
Muted namal for 30 minutes for nsfw in general
muted @Deleted User for spamming in text
muted @!Doug The Subway Fugitive and @Ram for using bot commands after I asked for people to stop using bot commands in general
banned moonman AGAIN for posting gay male gaping anus AGAIN
muted @Capuno for being lame and marking me with reddit emoji with his bot and then when I muted it personally from his account as this isnt the first time hes been a petty prick
see rule 14 for justification
Muted <@159187806285987840> for continuing to talk about traps and homosexual shit after I told him to stop
kicked supreme fascist for spam and literally asking to be kicked
issues waring to everyone not to exploit bots to get furries or loli etc posted
posted hilarious pic of baked alaska in <#282312458905976832>
Banned king of niggers for pinging me with bullshit and begging for things
muted @Hercules for telling me to commit suicide and being a nigger
Put tazer swift into veterans
muted namal for asking for invites to servers in general several times this week
made @Scream and leap role-less
unbanned temp,giving a second chance.
muted @Deleted User for 10 min for telling people to eat his ass in UniteTheRight channel
muted @Deleted User for 20 min for spam and being a nuisance
Muted tom for being tom
kicked strelok for retard bait comments