Message from @Punished Örlogskapten ☧
Discord ID: 490698721940733953
eugh wtf
race mixing will do this to your offspring
that thing needs to be thrown away
and tyrone needs to be castrated
@Hellenic Patriot post it at <#484793759461015552>
delete or get muted
there's no nudity tho
One of my friends showed me this anyways for the shits and giggles
race mixing is degenerate I agree
that's the whole point of the meme
its still ugly
this is so funny to me
@front2back well timed meme
wow guys
I never thought that the movie 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' would become a reality
shoot em
just imagine all the diseases those apes are bringing in with no checks
All the ones we had almost wiped out, or actually had in europe now will surge back
It was a better time when violence was allowed against invaders
usually takes a couple centuries for diseases that people have genetically been built to defend against to just resurge