Message from @Dr.Cosby

Discord ID: 682388509004136478

2020-02-26 23:22:45 UTC  

So the boys would be named Julius and the girls Julia

2020-02-26 23:23:57 UTC  

The family would be called the Julii

2020-02-26 23:25:23 UTC  

The praenomen was the chosen name from the parents

2020-02-26 23:25:45 UTC  

Then you would have a cognomen, which is something about you- romans changed names all the time

2020-02-26 23:26:11 UTC  

It was common, especially among aristocrats, for a mentor to adopt an adult mentee

2020-02-26 23:26:17 UTC  

As a sign of respect and allegiance

2020-02-26 23:26:36 UTC  

And the man or woman would change their nomen

2020-02-26 23:27:02 UTC  

The praenoma of women came from their mothers though

2020-02-26 23:27:38 UTC  

Sometimes, just like first boys are sometimes named Junior, III, IV

2020-02-26 23:28:09 UTC  

No that was definately the norm

2020-02-26 23:28:16 UTC  


2020-02-26 23:28:16 UTC  

And familes would recycle their names

2020-02-26 23:28:27 UTC  

Yeah, for boys and girls

2020-02-26 23:28:31 UTC  

We do that now too

2020-02-26 23:28:41 UTC  


2020-02-26 23:28:47 UTC  

But to a larger extent

2020-02-26 23:28:58 UTC  

Among patricians yes

2020-02-26 23:29:08 UTC  

But our upper classes do it more than lower classes too

2020-02-26 23:29:28 UTC  

But yeah if you look at the actual names of emperors itโ€™s like oh look another gaius Julius

2020-02-27 00:48:07 UTC  

Learn something new every day

2020-02-27 00:48:18 UTC  


2020-02-28 04:15:49 UTC  

There has always been 2 genders in history

2020-02-28 04:16:31 UTC  

I thank you for this

2020-02-28 18:21:46 UTC  

There is 4 gender

2020-02-28 18:21:53 UTC  


2020-02-28 18:57:50 UTC  

Gender is a wide spectrum, just like the autism one that so many of you are dancing on

2020-02-28 20:27:40 UTC  

There has always been man and woman

2020-02-28 20:27:41 UTC  

GG @Cat Queen ๐Ÿ‘‘, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-02-28 20:45:34 UTC  

Yep men and women have always existed. So have trans people

2020-02-28 21:03:43 UTC  


2020-02-28 21:03:47 UTC  


2020-02-28 21:08:11 UTC  

The mental illness Gender Dysphoria was always something to look down apon until the left decided that the mental illness was a "right"

2020-02-28 21:16:35 UTC  


2020-02-28 21:16:44 UTC  

Thatโ€™s just not an accurate historical statement.

2020-02-28 21:17:08 UTC  

It was looked down upon in the western Roman Empire, thatโ€™s where we get it from.

2020-02-28 21:21:32 UTC  

Ancient Greeks were never caught up with gay or straight, everyone was bisexual. It never mattered who you slept with, just if they had power or not

2020-02-28 21:21:52 UTC  

That was more of a Roman thing actually

2020-02-28 21:22:20 UTC  

Greeks cared less about the top/bottom distinction and a little more squeamish about infidelity

2020-02-29 23:43:34 UTC  

Why is it illegal to question an so called "historical event" in 18 countries?

2020-03-01 10:22:17 UTC  

here is a historic fact

Fuck yourself

2020-03-01 20:44:50 UTC  

Based <@!668553926538297364>