Message from @McBacoon

Discord ID: 551496983890886666

2019-02-26 19:32:25 UTC  

I didn’t say they will gain massive power I simply mean they will surpass merkel and leftist

2019-02-26 20:06:10 UTC  

Socialism bad

2019-02-26 20:06:14 UTC  

Communism bad

2019-02-26 20:06:25 UTC  

Capitalism good

2019-02-26 21:27:29 UTC  


2019-02-27 09:13:07 UTC  

Capitalism works, socialism doesn't, communism doesnt

Socialism is just a fancy word for communism

2019-02-27 17:38:57 UTC  


2019-02-27 17:53:55 UTC  

Socialism is also a fancy word for national collapse

2019-02-27 21:05:55 UTC  

not all socialism is the same, like would you agree with this "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare" for all people in your country to abide by through the government?

2019-02-27 21:48:00 UTC  

Not AlL sOciAlIsM iS tHe sAmE

2019-02-27 21:48:10 UTC

2019-02-27 21:48:20 UTC  

haa wow

2019-02-27 21:48:43 UTC  

good one who's name i don't know

2019-02-27 22:10:21 UTC  

That would be funny if you were actually right lmao

2019-02-27 22:59:27 UTC  

I am right😐

2019-02-27 22:59:36 UTC  

Socialism is cancer

2019-02-28 16:38:13 UTC  


2019-03-01 20:08:42 UTC  

Alright, @SaintR has been warned for '**Posted an invite**'.

2019-03-02 20:12:07 UTC  

well thats sad

2019-03-02 20:12:14 UTC  

Netanyahu a good lan

2019-03-02 23:15:39 UTC  

Parliament Election in Estonia tomorrow

2019-03-02 23:15:46 UTC

2019-03-03 13:42:38 UTC  


2019-03-03 21:27:02 UTC  


2019-03-03 22:52:07 UTC  


2019-03-03 22:52:10 UTC  

Reform won

2019-03-03 22:52:30 UTC  

but I doubt they will get the coalition needed

2019-03-03 22:52:44 UTC  

EKRE did a BIIIG jump

2019-03-03 22:52:50 UTC  

19 mandates now

2019-03-03 22:52:55 UTC  

in a parliment of 101

2019-03-03 22:53:03 UTC  

they previously held 7 madtaes

2019-03-03 22:53:21 UTC  

SDE lost seats

2019-03-03 22:53:32 UTC  

E200 didnt make it to parliment

2019-03-03 22:53:39 UTC  

Green also didnt make it

2019-03-03 22:53:45 UTC  

EVA also didnt

2019-03-03 22:53:48 UTC  

they lost 8 seats

2019-03-03 22:53:50 UTC  

now have 0

2019-03-03 22:54:17 UTC

2019-03-03 22:55:05 UTC  

EKRE got 100K votes