Message from @ImP0steR

Discord ID: 593377928105164811

2019-06-21 22:02:11 UTC  

no power

2019-06-21 22:02:15 UTC  
2019-06-22 07:03:08 UTC  

-df monarchy

2019-06-22 07:03:08 UTC  

**monarchy**: A form of government in which the head of [goverment] (a King or Queen) inherits the title.

Absolute [Monarchy] is where the King or Queen has absolute power and can do what he wants.

Constituitonal [monarchy] is when the King shares power with Parliament and must follow the rules of the constituition.

Originally, thousands of years ago, monarchy was so that one guy could control all and everyone would know who succeeded him. This way, there were no fights between people over things like laws or taxes because only one person decided that, and no fights over who would succeed him because it was his child. Unfortunately in many cases (I won't say most because that is an opinion) [the ruler] wasn't suited for the job and there were fights anyway. Because of this many countries either changed to Democracy or changed to [Constitutional] Monarchy.
*Absolute [Monarchy]: Louis [XIV] of France. Now obsolete.

[Constitutional] Monarchy: The current government of England.*
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2019-06-22 07:03:41 UTC  

-df commie

2019-06-22 07:03:42 UTC  

**Commie**: [Derogatory] name for a [Communist].

Related words : [Pinko]
*"In the [1950's], [McCarthy] wanted to [destroy] those that he called 'Commies'"*
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-df Hitler

2019-06-22 20:00:49 UTC  

**Hitler**: A [unit] used to measure the degree of a [mass genocide]. The typical [conversion] is 1 Hitler = 6,000,000 deaths.
*for [futher] refrence [stalin] is [rated] at about 3 hitlers*
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2019-06-22 20:02:00 UTC  

6,000,000 deaths?

2019-06-22 20:02:01 UTC  

oy vey

-df Stalin

2019-06-22 20:02:39 UTC  

**Stalin**: [God] of [the universe]
*i was [smoking] a [blunt] [amd] i saw Stalin*
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2019-06-22 20:03:52 UTC  

ew this is cringed

2019-06-22 20:03:54 UTC  

-df Trump

2019-06-22 20:03:54 UTC  

**trump**: (noun)the Japanese word for [playing cards]. Used either by [Wapanese] [speakers] or in Japan.

*wapanese_nerd: wanna [come over] and play trump?
inuyasha9182:sure! i've got new [naruto] based [cards]*
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2019-06-22 20:03:59 UTC  

-df President Trump

2019-06-22 20:04:00 UTC  

**president trump**: Synonymous with [Armageddon], this term was coined by lucifer himself. [President Trump] is to be the given title of [the devil incarnate], who has taken control of the dumb people in 2016...
*is that a [sea] of blood, and a bunch of [flaming] dudes on [horses]? No, it's president trump!!!!!*
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2019-06-22 20:04:06 UTC  


@Techpriest Don't you hate it when someone asks you for a bass and you tell them how they're all being brainwashed by the media but they say that they just wanted a bass guitar?

Harsher sentences for actual rapists (as in they are guilty) and pedophiles

2019-06-26 09:52:02 UTC  

@Gerry another shitpost?

2019-06-26 09:52:21 UTC  

I believe soo

2019-06-26 09:52:36 UTC  

wrong channel then

2019-06-26 10:08:44 UTC  

wow jerry

2019-06-26 16:19:55 UTC  


2019-06-28 06:15:04 UTC  


2019-06-28 09:14:17 UTC  


2019-06-28 14:30:15 UTC  

-df facist

2019-06-28 14:30:16 UTC  

**facist**: [The wrong] way to spell [FASCIST], you [big dummy].
*[duhh] what was it again?*
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2019-06-28 14:30:44 UTC  

-df fascist

2019-06-28 14:30:59 UTC  

**fascist**: 1. Someone who believes in a totalitarian state rule by a [supreme leader] (dictator) who controls everything possible and treats people harshly -- to gain [the leader's] own success,* to [foment] an aggressive military nationalism, and to promote a Social Darwinist belief that hard life strengthens the state by [weeding out] the weak.

2. A lesser authority (corporation, mayor, cop, boss, parent) who legally issues harsh, burdensome, [micro-managing], insensitive, or uncaring orders -- especially when they know, or should know, that their goals can be accomplished with more [autonomy] and much less hardship or distress.

3. A harsh and probably murderous kind of dictator; a "[fascist] dictator" as opposed to a "benign dictator".

4. If applied unfairly, a parent authority who is doing their job within reason, but their teen either doesn't agree with their agenda (10 PM curfew to help perform well in morning school), or is insincerely asserting their parent to be a harsh [disciplinarian], in order to bond socially with friends.

5. If capitalized, is the name of the historic Italian [Fascist] political party. [Benito Mussolini] ([Il Duce] - "The Leader") was the Fascist founder and Prime Minister from 1922 to 1943, who built a [cult of personality] around himself using false media propaganda that he was always right, killed those relatively few unbrainwashed who opposed him, and unified Italy for an incompetent war to [retake] much of the old Roman empire. Apologists encapsulated their approval of his social control-freakery in the saying, "Il Duce made the trains run on time".


"fascist" connotates an official form of antisocial behavior, if society is understood to have valid comfort needs not met by a harsh authoritarian work ethic or supervision style.

2019-06-28 14:30:59 UTC  

"fascist" has general application to the misuse of hierarchical power in government, business, and religion, as well as to all other levels of society. As the global population increases, it will continue as one of [the future's] most important social issues.

"fascist" behavior can be observed in some form in everyday life, but is especially obvious on TV when ordered by right-wing politicians, mean bosses, and greedy corporations. Parents can be both fairly or unfairly labeled, because some parents are minor fascists, yet teens can't always tell what is fascist over-control, from what is just good parenting.


Many folks should have said "fascist", if they misused "nazi" in poor taste, since the latter is properly reserved for genocide and extermination concerns only.

"fascist" is different from "racist", though racists are often fascists as well. But there are several [nation-state] military examples where the races have worked together to control the population in arguably fascist or at least military styles.

Unwary citizens can be duped by two-faced "cryptofascist" policies. For example, people in a dangerous neighborhood might accept a policy of police searching all houses for weapons. But the real purpose of the searches might be to locate books supporting the political opposition, and to intimidate or arrest people found nearby. [Mussolini] was the original cryptofascist, because he started his political life as a Socialist, and then turned against his former political friends when he came into power as a Fascist.
*"That's fascist!"
"A fascist cop demanded to know where I was going."
"My fascist boss likes to say, 'My way or the highway'."
"My fascist dad won't let me stay out after 10 pm."
"Don't buy stuff from that fascist corporation; they fired employees sickened by handling their toxic waste."

2019-06-28 14:30:59 UTC  

"[Chile's] [Augusto Pinochet] was a fascist dictator, who murdered tens of thousands of his own people."
"Fascist Party leader Mussolini became Prime Minister by threatening to make Italy ungovernable."

*Inspired and adapted from a good top level definition by [Redeemer] The Vengence Taker, Jan 5, 2005. (See FAcist)*
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2019-06-28 18:53:48 UTC  

-df Republican

2019-06-28 18:53:48 UTC  

**Republican**: [The people] who [write] the definitions for [Democrat].
*[For the people] who [write] definitions for Republican,see [Democrat].*
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2019-06-28 18:53:57 UTC  


2019-06-28 23:22:26 UTC  


If you think Corbyn would be a great leader, check out the post-Thatcher era of the 70s!

2019-06-29 23:48:47 UTC  

Hello, I am in two parties one nation a political sim on Instagram. We run for office pass bills and campaign in the us government and some foreign nations like the UK. Check us out at @twoparties.onenation as our main account. If you want to join DM me at @Representative.amash I'm a republican but the democrats exist too. you can also DM me here on my discord.

2019-06-29 23:48:53 UTC  

Also I'm not a bot I'll prove it