Message from @Mornarq

Discord ID: 600065322363650059

2019-07-05 22:17:15 UTC  


2019-07-09 13:09:46 UTC  

`On 9 July, Lam announced in an address to the media that the extradition bill "is dead", calling efforts to amend the bill a "total failure".[25] However, Lam stopped short of giving assurance that the bill would be completely withdrawn,[26] and the protesters' other demands, including the resignation of Lam, the implementation of a truly democratic system of government, the release and exoneration of protesters, and the redress of police brutality, have not yet been addressed. `

2019-07-10 21:37:48 UTC  

Fuck the Government and fuck Boris

2019-07-11 20:46:04 UTC  

Vote for me as president

2019-07-11 20:46:06 UTC  

Or die

2019-07-11 20:46:11 UTC  

guess i’ll die

2019-07-11 20:46:20 UTC  


2019-07-11 20:46:21 UTC  

Same same

2019-07-11 20:46:56 UTC  

yeah die

2019-07-11 20:47:02 UTC  


2019-07-11 20:47:04 UTC  


2019-07-11 21:21:33 UTC  

@ash is crippled I would rather die than live with a Democratic President!

2019-07-12 00:18:41 UTC  

Maybe both is possible

2019-07-14 19:40:32 UTC  

F for Antifa

2019-07-14 20:24:57 UTC  


2019-07-14 20:44:50 UTC  

Modern antifa are terrorists and an insult to the originals bearing the same name

2019-07-14 20:45:01 UTC  


2019-07-14 20:45:21 UTC  

The original antifa in WWII era...

2019-07-14 20:45:48 UTC  

The actual Anti Fascists who weren't Fascists themselves

2019-07-14 21:28:18 UTC  

Bolsheviks you mean

2019-07-14 21:34:49 UTC  

werent fascists but were also authoritarian and thus at the whims of falling into corrupt hands which spoiler alert it did

2019-07-15 17:33:23 UTC  

antifa are the biggest piece of shits in our society; they are quite literally the new nazi's and yet nothing is done about them to prevent them from hurting people who disagree with them (like me).

2019-07-15 19:08:44 UTC  

True they are allowed to run rampant

2019-07-15 19:09:11 UTC  

New levels of degeneracy continue to be reached

2019-07-15 19:13:55 UTC  

Agreed, and a young woman (I'm 19) I'm at higher risk of being attacked for my beliefs by people on a College campus (and I live in a highly leftist state too, I be more scared of Antifa than anything the alt-right could do).

2019-07-15 19:15:19 UTC  

hearing that the portland police were told to back off antifa protests even if they get violent was some of the most shocking news ive heard in awhile

2019-07-15 19:15:50 UTC  

that andy ngo guy got brain damage from having concrete thrown at him and getting beaten with bike lock chains and the law enforcement enabled it

2019-07-15 19:16:04 UTC  

like if i were american id be fucking outraged

2019-07-15 19:16:06 UTC  

wew and I thought that Antifa had bought the police in Portland. I don't live there, but close enough that I feel scared for my safety tho lol

2019-07-15 19:16:11 UTC  

how is it possible to have that occur in the united states in 2019

2019-07-15 19:16:26 UTC  


2019-07-15 19:16:29 UTC  

I have no idea but stupid people in my generation probably.

2019-07-15 19:19:20 UTC  

at least its not everybody

2019-07-15 19:19:35 UTC  

hopefully its the small minority

2019-07-15 19:19:47 UTC  

but yeah local governments basically endorsing them is next level

2019-07-15 19:19:51 UTC  

hopefully as far as it goes

2019-07-15 19:21:04 UTC  

A great deal of people though, in my generation, be hardcore lefties though. I know I'm a minority speaker and they hate people like me, who question the Borg mentality they have...

2019-07-15 19:22:15 UTC  

But anyhow I hope Trump wins cus the Democrats have nobody worth voting for, besides for Andrew Yang and the Hawaiian Governor. Only two worth voting for.