Message from @Dr.Cosby

Discord ID: 665183640149426198

2020-01-09 11:07:37 UTC  

Next time answer the question.

2020-01-09 11:07:40 UTC  
2020-01-09 11:07:45 UTC  

I will give you another chance - critique MMT.

2020-01-09 13:25:10 UTC  

lol funny exchange

2020-01-09 13:25:52 UTC  

kind of reveals one of the major problems with 'American' political philosophy, even in lay people. so much of it is baked from 'economic' theories

2020-01-09 13:26:17 UTC  

if those theories are wrong, which they are, denial/avoidance of reality has to follow

2020-01-09 13:27:52 UTC  

ironically, all the Marx hate from supposed 'economic realists' miss marx'skey insights, which were accurate

2020-01-09 13:29:01 UTC  

that has to be my favorite irony of all political economy, "Shut up commie" implying anybody whom is a communist is automatically ignorant of economics, when marx was so far ahead of his time, it too computer simulations to confirm what he expressed 'verbally'. even Minsky was a bit early

2020-01-09 13:29:49 UTC  

i suspect some of the technicians knew better, they jumped on board specific policies as boondoggles but dressed it up as nationalistic economics, just like almost everything else interest groups do

2020-01-09 13:30:43 UTC  

e.g., interest rate targeting, inflation targeting. those fixed income types from the 70s and 80s raped hte country and it will took generations to repair the damage done mentally, though the technical fixes are rather simple

2020-01-09 16:23:29 UTC  


2020-01-09 16:23:30 UTC  

GG @xxxVoyageSpaceManxxx, you just advanced to level 6!

2020-01-09 16:23:34 UTC  


2020-01-10 04:31:33 UTC  

@Throttles you seem to be under some assumption that I'm here to do your bidding or that I owe you some explanation. I dgaf if you agree with anything I say. I'm not here to convince you of anything or to try and change your mind. You said you "don't care what he's done", well I do.

2020-01-10 04:37:25 UTC  

Sure are a lot of salty bitches in this server that go around demanding people debate them as though they're dictator of the NEWS and POLITICS server.

2020-01-10 04:38:16 UTC  

maybe you need to get another hobby instead of talking on Discord and you wouldn't be so invested in this shit

2020-01-10 04:38:59 UTC  

like, go meet a girl, learn to play an instrument, anything

2020-01-10 06:49:33 UTC

2020-01-10 07:52:33 UTC  

I knew you had an inner troll

2020-01-10 07:52:35 UTC  


2020-01-11 01:50:06 UTC  

@qwasi Yes I am. Because this is what a debate is, you're making a claim so back it up. Don't waste my time and next time don't comment on topics you don't know much about.

2020-01-11 02:57:11 UTC  

I don't want qwasi to leave though, I'm worried he might take "don't comment on topics you don't know much about" to heart ❤️

2020-01-11 02:57:38 UTC  

Are you trying to silence this poor man?

2020-01-11 03:19:27 UTC  

@qwasi you know that I have a girlfriend right and I play football as a small asian boy

2020-01-11 03:20:00 UTC  

Bruh @qwasi

2020-01-11 03:20:02 UTC  


2020-01-11 04:17:20 UTC  
2020-01-11 04:54:55 UTC  

@Throttles GFY, I'll make whatever comment I want. I don't owe you an explanation, cunt

2020-01-11 04:55:12 UTC  

Just playin' bro, have a nice day

2020-01-11 04:55:43 UTC  

Also, Bernie is a f@g

2020-01-11 05:00:41 UTC  

> Don't waste my time

2020-01-11 05:00:43 UTC  

what a cunt

2020-01-11 05:00:57 UTC  


2020-01-11 05:01:27 UTC  

Isnt throttles the big smart dude around here @qwasi

2020-01-11 05:01:42 UTC  

I have no idea who he/she is

2020-01-11 05:01:50 UTC  

Good answer

2020-01-11 05:01:56 UTC  


2020-01-11 05:02:15 UTC  

I just said I didn't like Bernie and he went into an epileptic seizure

2020-01-11 05:02:32 UTC  


2020-01-11 05:02:32 UTC  

GG @kaf, you just advanced to level 4!