Message from @Dabi2K

Discord ID: 688889266436177975

2020-03-15 11:58:02 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby It's bipartisan, 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans. Stop with this shit dude. When they fuck up, we can't give them a pass because we agree with them on some things. You are unfairly giving Democrats a pass when they are just as scum.

Both are.

2020-03-15 18:42:24 UTC  

GG @ᴏᴠᴇʀꜱᴇᴇʀ ꜱᴛʀᴀꜱꜱᴇʀ, you just advanced to level 3!

Because they are americans lol.

They agree on everything except on how they should let brown people in and control the birth rates.

Its obvious.

Even Bernie is a lib.

Same larper category as other democrats.

In europe he would be moderate left or left centre.

He is a capitalist like all the others, i support trump because at least he wants well, bernie just wants to prevent total system collapse while allowing the system to further strenghten itself.

Cringe reformist.

2020-03-15 21:05:51 UTC  

@Dabi2K Republicans and Democrats are not in the same league on policy, or quite frankly morality

2020-03-15 21:06:29 UTC  

Keep coping retard - the GOP a fucking joke; Republicans are literal shit. I wouldn't wipe with you, you'd make my asshole dirtier.

2020-03-15 23:13:02 UTC  

What a fuckign idiot. It's literally a completely bipartisan bill, and your take away is that "republicans are scum". Hope you get kicked out of this server for being a piece of shit.

Both are cringe.

2020-03-15 23:14:56 UTC  

I hate the internet so much nowadays. We need to think beyond "based" and "cringe"

2020-03-15 23:14:56 UTC  

GG @Dabi2K, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-03-15 23:16:53 UTC  

Actually, I wish cringe still had meaning, instead of being an all around word for disapproval. It's not funny, it's not cool, it's stupid. People who call shit cringe because they don't like them in 2020 should get the death penalty

2020-03-15 23:20:00 UTC  

Now see that's actually cringe because I bet you thought that was hilarious when you sent that. It's actually just not unless you are 13 or have dumbed yourself down to that level by being on the internet all the time, which is me, but I'm not proud of it and should probably cut it down.

2020-03-16 18:27:34 UTC  

@Dabi2K still crying baby?

2020-03-16 18:27:59 UTC  

Next time tag me, coward

2020-03-16 18:28:04 UTC  


2020-03-17 01:39:46 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby now you've seen my reply and didn't even respond. who's the coward fa66ot?

2020-03-17 02:44:07 UTC  

@Dabi2K lol found the actual 13 year old

2020-03-17 03:55:41 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby I'm the 13 year old? Bro your brain is literally 2d. You are blaming republicans for a 100% bipartisan bill, then calling me a coward for not tagging you instead of responding. Dipshit.

2020-03-17 05:40:35 UTC  

@Dabi2K Direct quote from you "It's actually just not unless you are 13 or have dumbed yourself down to that level by being on the internet all the time, which is me"

2020-03-17 05:40:51 UTC  

You literally said that you're 13 and spend all your time on the internet getting dumb lol

2020-03-17 05:41:52 UTC  

And "fa66ot" is the cringiest thing I've seen in quite some time

2020-03-17 05:42:35 UTC  


2020-03-17 05:42:38 UTC  

You're a clown, kid

2020-03-17 06:20:46 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby fa66ot because the other word doesn't send retard. Since you can't read, the "which is me" is obviously referring to me using the internet excessively. I'm the clown am I? You're the one saying retarded shit on the internet and changing the topic so you don't have to respond. Get the fuck out

2020-03-17 06:24:07 UTC  

@Dabi2K I remember being 13, almost as dumb as you are...almost

2020-03-17 06:24:35 UTC  

You can stop tagging me kid, you've got nothing to say

Shut the fuck up.

2020-03-18 19:40:58 UTC  

Oh wow

2020-03-20 05:01:59 UTC  

Esoteric sent me a ton of gay porn in dms, I'm sure he had good points to make

2020-03-21 17:27:31 UTC  


2020-03-21 17:28:00 UTC  
