Message from @Mee6
Discord ID: 524043154911920148
```This condition is also sometimes called Jacob’s syndrome, XYY karyotype, or YY syndrome. According to the National Institutes of Health, XYY syndrome occurs in 1 out of every 1,000 boys.```
@OCMan101 there called inter sex
lets say roughly, half are men
thats 3,5 million
in world
most in asia (thailand babee) and africa
@jeff4121999 Okay, fine, all of those people are classed as Intersex. Therefore, there should be 3 genders
@jeff4121999 Based on what you're saying
no intersex= is an out liar so there are 2 genders
@jeff4121999 You're admitting that there are people inbetween male in female at birth
why am i fighting bout this shit im not evn american]
@McBacoon Who's side are you even on you are posting statistics but not making any kind of statement as to what they mean
I dont need to, the statements say it for me
I love @peachy comment in that picture
My dicks the 3rd gender
@jeff4121999 If gender is allegedly based off of biology, and there are people who are biologically neither exactly male nor female, then gender factually cannot be based off of biology
@jeff4121999 Those 2 ideas directly contradict eachother
Okay, I think this somewhat in the wrong thread, but everything applies to trump now so it’s okay.
The first thing that should be noted is that sex is a biological structure. Humans and most other mammals, as well as lots of other species, exist as either male or female. Those are the two default states.
There will, of course, be genetic complications. These exceptions are just that: exceptions to the rule, not a rule itself. It’s an exception in the same way twins are deviations from the norm.
So, two biological sexes.
Now, in my understanding, males and females have biological differences. Most notably, females can develop offspring.
Why not put that in gender issues?
Because this is where this debate is happening, @Murkle
And it is tangentially related to Trump, because everything is.
That's not how these channels are meant to be used
If other people are missing a channel, don't think it's ok. It's not. Don't add to a problem. Just use the other channel. That's why it exists. <#513098563924918273>
Kk. Anyone who wants to respond, @ me in the gender issues thread.
*nothing to do with university or anything like that*
come on buddy
come on guy
yes i did buddy guy!
whats the problem?
i'm not your buddy guy
and what pronoun?