Message from @Jia Fei Mao

Discord ID: 577638538875764756

2019-05-13 16:36:43 UTC  

Sincerely doubt it.

2019-05-13 16:36:56 UTC  

Hillary stole the nomination in 2016 and Bernie is back for blood.

2019-05-13 19:01:16 UTC  

<:CHECK6:403540120181145611> @bruv has been warned
reason: Duplicated text

2019-05-13 19:01:23 UTC  


2019-05-13 20:20:23 UTC  

trump2020 we can do it

2019-05-13 20:28:10 UTC  

socialism failed in 2016 it'll fail in 2020

2019-05-13 20:28:13 UTC  

Trump 2020

2019-05-13 20:28:28 UTC  

we as americans dont want Socialism

2019-05-13 21:38:43 UTC  

you dont want pure socialism

2019-05-13 21:39:04 UTC  

cuz pure socialism does not work

2019-05-13 21:39:15 UTC  

neither does pure capitalism

2019-05-13 21:44:28 UTC  

ok boomer

2019-05-13 21:44:28 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 5!

2019-05-13 21:48:17 UTC  

So you want pure capitalism? @Deleted User

2019-05-13 22:07:32 UTC  

Actually Americans want democratic socialism

2019-05-13 22:10:59 UTC  

No americans want

2019-05-13 22:11:08 UTC  

Opportunist Socialism

2019-05-13 22:11:28 UTC  

Every American believes if you contribute social security funds

2019-05-13 22:11:36 UTC  

You are entitled to a reward when u retire

2019-05-13 22:11:46 UTC  

This is regardless if you are left or right

2019-05-13 23:29:19 UTC  

I wanted understand Trump voters. From my view what he is doing is just making economic worse than it supposed to be better that was built by Obama. What makes them support Trump?

2019-05-13 23:39:15 UTC  

Obama does this at a federal level

2019-05-13 23:39:20 UTC  

and has no disregards at the state level

2019-05-13 23:39:45 UTC  

Take this for instance

2019-05-13 23:39:57 UTC  

In some states you can live with $40k/year pretty well-off

2019-05-13 23:40:07 UTC  

while $40k/year in some other states will guarantee you to be homeless

2019-05-13 23:40:22 UTC  

When Obama introduced Obamacare, people weren't wrong when their health insurance premiums went up because some health insurance can't afford to cover everybody and have to balance their cost-benefits somehow. Since some couldn't pay for health insurance while not qualifying for the Medicaid program, they had to pay an additional tax.

2019-05-13 23:40:23 UTC  


2019-05-13 23:40:27 UTC  

yall ever wonder

2019-05-13 23:40:59 UTC  

if what trump is doing is truly bad then why obama taking credit?

2019-05-13 23:41:25 UTC  

Obama is literally the whitest president

2019-05-13 23:42:01 UTC  

Corporate Welfare for all. Prime the health industry to expensive costs

2019-05-13 23:42:05 UTC  

you misspelled worst

2019-05-13 23:42:10 UTC  

These are what the white man do

2019-05-13 23:48:41 UTC  

Actually trump is doing the economy great, you watching cnn?

2019-05-13 23:48:48 UTC  

That’s what I thought

2019-05-13 23:49:34 UTC  

If you want to understand why people like him maybe you should stick your head out of the delusional media

2019-05-14 01:57:29 UTC  

if america wanted socialism

2019-05-14 01:57:38 UTC  

Bernie would have been elected in 2016

2019-05-14 02:01:48 UTC  

That's the thing though, a lot of Americans DID want socialism.

2019-05-14 02:01:59 UTC  

Hillary cheated and stole the nomination from Bernie.