Message from @EJGalecio

Discord ID: 629410717002366989

2019-10-03 20:10:38 UTC  

I find it hard to believe a boomer can use the internet

2019-10-03 20:10:47 UTC  

Yeah on discord?

2019-10-03 20:10:56 UTC  


2019-10-03 20:11:04 UTC  

Don't discriminate my ass

2019-10-03 20:11:04 UTC  

Who was your favorite president?

2019-10-03 20:11:15 UTC  


2019-10-03 20:11:16 UTC  

Get the fuck off you old wrinkly fuck

2019-10-03 20:11:27 UTC  


2019-10-03 20:11:29 UTC  

Lol ok he’s just a troll

2019-10-03 20:11:33 UTC  

you wernt alive bruh

2019-10-03 20:11:35 UTC  

And not the fun type

2019-10-03 20:11:46 UTC  

I’m gonna block

2019-10-03 20:12:01 UTC  

@Platinum Sparkblock me then

2019-10-03 20:12:12 UTC  


2019-10-03 20:12:25 UTC  

I could give a fuck

2019-10-03 20:12:39 UTC  

And also

2019-10-03 20:12:41 UTC  

William "Tub Buster" Taft

2019-10-03 20:13:11 UTC  

@EJGalecio 1/10, boring troll.

2019-10-03 20:13:14 UTC  


2019-10-03 20:13:22 UTC  

I'm not a troll

2019-10-03 20:13:28 UTC  


2019-10-03 20:14:07 UTC  
2019-10-03 20:14:20 UTC  

Get back here

2019-10-03 20:44:35 UTC  

An Internal Revenue Service official has filed a whistleblower complaint reporting that he was told at least one Treasury Department political appointee attempted to improperly interfere with the annual audit of the president or vice president’s tax returns, according to multiple people familiar with the document.

2019-10-03 20:54:24 UTC  

NEW: A letter sent to Ukraine's president, signed by three GOP senators, in February 2016 urged changes in the prosecutor general's office.

The letter shows there was bi-partisan support for it at the time, undermining Trump's claims of a quid pro quo.

2019-10-03 21:19:46 UTC  

Galecio is definitely a troll, good choice

2019-10-03 21:30:47 UTC

2019-10-03 21:36:09 UTC  


2019-10-03 21:40:42 UTC  

Can’t wait to hear Pelth comment on that

2019-10-03 21:45:04 UTC  

I'm finally done with classes

2019-10-03 21:45:25 UTC  

garbage chart

2019-10-03 21:48:13 UTC  

A non biased chart would have combination colors

2019-10-03 21:48:35 UTC  

so reds and blues mixed together depending on the shares of votes

2019-10-03 21:49:25 UTC  

also, the scaling on the red dots is purposely deceptive

2019-10-03 21:49:30 UTC  

with most of them being the same size

2019-10-03 21:50:27 UTC  

Lol what

2019-10-03 21:50:44 UTC  

No, the scaling is the point

2019-10-03 21:50:58 UTC  

The size represents the margin AND the size of the district

2019-10-03 21:51:02 UTC  

no, it doesn't show a clear distinction between population for smaller sizes

2019-10-03 21:51:03 UTC  


2019-10-03 21:51:18 UTC  

... yes