Message from @Dr.Cosby

Discord ID: 630518119244234752

2019-10-06 21:24:08 UTC  

But he's got a good record standing up for what he believes in. Took on Bezos and was pretty instrumental in getting Amazon employees 15 min wage

2019-10-06 21:24:18 UTC  

NordVPN use our services so that instead of thousands of megacorporations spying on you only we do that

Better than Mr "I'M OBAMA'S VP!!!!" and Mrs *Insert Native American name*

2019-10-06 21:25:04 UTC  


Oh, not to mention Beta O'I can't speak Spanish

2019-10-06 21:26:18 UTC  

When the Texan in the "regional dialects of America" video wears a vote for Beto tshirt

Imagine losing to Ted Cruz, the most conservative Republican, in a state that's becoming more blue

2019-10-06 21:27:22 UTC  


2019-10-06 21:27:27 UTC  


2019-10-06 21:29:33 UTC  

I mean, none of the dem candidates have the message β€œevil trump”

2019-10-06 21:30:25 UTC  

They’re running on healthcare, workers’ rights and political reform

2019-10-06 21:31:01 UTC  

yes they do

2019-10-06 21:31:02 UTC  

> warren

2019-10-06 21:31:04 UTC  

> evil trump

2019-10-06 21:31:05 UTC  

choose both

2019-10-06 21:31:13 UTC  

they're pretty much all "trump is evil and racist"

I'll laugh my ass off if they choose fucking Biden

2019-10-06 21:32:35 UTC  

Lol Biden

2019-10-06 21:32:37 UTC  

God damn it

2019-10-06 21:33:52 UTC  

You know I understand losing your shit because you fucked up and it was leaked that you did but...

2019-10-06 21:33:54 UTC  

He still has pretty big support with "minorities". I blame religion - the stereotypical religious black/hispanic/etc wants someone more "moderate" like Biden

Not to mention Biden riding on Obama's legacy

2019-10-06 21:34:21 UTC  

Can I please not get an ad about opposing impeachment when i'm watching a video?

2019-10-06 21:34:28 UTC  


You get ads about that?

2019-10-06 21:34:46 UTC  


All my ads are anti-Trump and anti-Brexit

2019-10-06 21:35:09 UTC  

It's Trump basically saying democrats evil stand against them

Which is weird since I'm subbed to PJW

2019-10-06 21:35:12 UTC  

Fundraising to oppose impeachment, imagine it

2019-10-06 21:35:35 UTC  

In fact I keep getting ads from PragerU

2019-10-06 21:35:39 UTC  

Like fuck off

2019-10-06 21:35:53 UTC  

I'm not even subscribed to a conservative channel

I get adds from Independent and WSJ

@Boo I think it's because they're targeting people on the opposite sides

Side switching essentially

2019-10-06 21:36:24 UTC  

Their algorithms are pretty clever. Maybe you come off as more "independent" or something, so they try to target you

2019-10-06 21:36:32 UTC  

Or maybe it depends on where you live too

2019-10-06 21:36:36 UTC  

IP-based targeting

I get a lot of anti-Trump and anti-Brexit shit