Message from @Cobra Commander

Discord ID: 630751053712850956

2019-10-07 05:37:07 UTC  

Liberals desperately want Obama to be remembered as a great president despite his horrible record.

2019-10-07 05:37:43 UTC  

So get fkin debunked democrat liberals! Obama was infact one of the worst presidents in our entire history.

2019-10-07 06:01:59 UTC  

Obama was quite right leaning compare to today's democrats and such

2019-10-07 06:02:48 UTC  

Arguably, Trump won because his opponent was Killary
This is America, doesn't matter which president we have, they will always have nepotism; such as senior adviser: Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump
Obamacare/Affordable Healthcare Act was really meant to curb the rise of healthcare costs so technically healthcare would've cost more had there been no policy at all
George dubya Bush had a higher debt growth than Obama, that war on terror is pretty expensive; also the Patriots Act allowed the FBI to surveillance you, signed by dubya Bush himself
Obama inherited the war on terror and 2008 financial crisis which was caused by the deregulation of the banking/investment industry during the Bushes (H and W) administration and still we're able to keep the economy together; albiet with the flaccid treasury dept - thank Bush

And I don't know about you but I waiting for Trump's promises: the Mexican wall, enacting term limits, repeal obamacare and locking Hillary up

2019-10-07 06:04:47 UTC  

I mean, remember what happened last time we had a Clinton

2019-10-07 06:04:47 UTC  

GG @Gucci Khang, you just advanced to level 2!

2019-10-07 06:05:16 UTC  

What happened?

2019-10-07 07:28:59 UTC  

What happen ?

2019-10-07 07:29:01 UTC  

Tell us

2019-10-07 12:10:14 UTC  

@Cobra Commander my point is that this presidency has been very leaky, and reporting on it has been very good

2019-10-07 12:12:45 UTC  

That this is reported like this is substantial evidence that it is true, and holding this ridiculous standard that something reported is just a baseless accusation until the WH confirms it is just blindly partisan. This kind of reporting with this WH has been true 1000 times before, and of course this one is true too.

2019-10-07 12:28:34 UTC  

That's not what I'm saying, I mean that the reporting on this itself has also been very much partisan as you have the democrats and news outlets presupposing what Trump said in the transcript before it was even released; they claimed Trump did a quid pro quo with the Ukraine, and when the transcript comes out and shows that there is no real quid pro quo, Adam Schiff first lies about what was in it to congress then the media try to spin the notion that you don't need a quid pro quo to be impeached and that the call itself is impeachable (the first is true in and of itself but here the claim was originally "he can be impeached if he did a quid pro quo", so if that isn't true then what are you impeaching for here that you couldn't do so earlier? And the call argument is just completely retarded) and now you just have a generalized barrage of negative news on Trump, including supposed demands from Trump that he wanted a moat with alligators and snakes that were known since at least earlier this year but just happened to come out now (with vague sources to boot); we all know that if this were true the media would jump on this immediately. All the while paying no mind to the Democrats who have evidence of doing the exact same thing that they're accusing Trump of doing, like Hillary likely colluding with Ukraine to get dirt on Trump during the 2016 election. Look, the economy will probably get fucked by him, so I hold him in a more negative light, but this is a weak case for impeachment as of now. The best strategy is to beat him in the polls, and now it look like it'll be a lot easier than I thought.

2019-10-07 12:28:35 UTC  

GG @Cobra Commander, you just advanced to level 22!

2019-10-07 12:28:43 UTC  

Also do not @ me please

Ladies and gentlemen as you can see americais divided

2019-10-07 12:54:24 UTC  

yeah you can say that again.

2019-10-07 12:56:34 UTC  

We're divided because we listen to very different news sources.

2019-10-07 12:57:23 UTC  

I don't even watch mainstream cable news all that much, i go for mid-ground. And actual evidence.

2019-10-07 12:58:11 UTC  

I'm not going to make a definitive opinion on something that has this weak and deceptive reporting.

2019-10-07 12:58:55 UTC  

Every one claims to be listening to the correct sources

2019-10-07 12:59:29 UTC  

That's not what I said.

2019-10-07 13:00:14 UTC  

I don't think my sources are guaranteed to always be correct nor do I think this about myself. I said I that I go for middle ground sources who have evidence.

2019-10-07 13:01:35 UTC  

You have no way of knowing what and what evidence is valid and what isn't... Beyond the news source. You don't know if that's all the evidence or even if it's being characterized in the right way.

The only thing you can do without the news it's listen to Trump's tweets and judge those on their merits.

2019-10-07 13:01:59 UTC  

If you haven't noticed Sophie has treated her own sources like gospel

2019-10-07 13:02:11 UTC  

I don't know who Sophie is

2019-10-07 13:02:49 UTC  

Sophiesticated. And also you do bring up a good point, but Trump's tweets are like

2019-10-07 13:03:09 UTC  

The last thing I would look at for evidence. He talks out of his ass so much

2019-10-07 13:04:58 UTC  

This is a big reason I'm so opposed to Trump. Democracy does not work (. End of story) without a semi trusted news media.

2019-10-07 13:05:50 UTC  

Trump's main line is trust me and nothing else you hear that goes against me

2019-10-07 13:07:34 UTC  

I agree, but I think the problem also lies in the overtly partisan media outlets. Blame can be assigned to both.

2019-10-07 13:07:58 UTC  

I fucking hate the buzzword "fake news" though

2019-10-07 13:10:52 UTC  

And "overly partisan" also applies to the right wing outlets

2019-10-07 13:22:48 UTC  

@Cobra Commander first of all, there was a quid pro quo. Adam Schiff did not lie, and that you think he did shows how blindly you regurgitate talking points. I don’t know what they say on fox, but the reporting has been very accurate and consistent.

2019-10-07 13:23:34 UTC  

@Cobra Commander but let’s tackle one thing at a time- please quote what you believe Adam Schiff lied about

2019-10-07 13:23:55 UTC  

Then we’ll get into what you think Clinton did in Ukraine. It’s important to tackle these conspiracy theories you’re pushing

2019-10-07 13:25:59 UTC  

Tag me again and I'm blocking you

2019-10-07 13:26:23 UTC  

Lol calm down and answer the question

2019-10-07 13:26:26 UTC  

I will talk later

2019-10-07 13:26:51 UTC  

I tagged you twice. Calm the fuck down

2019-10-07 13:27:03 UTC  

I already told you to not tag me and you did it twice. This is against server rules you know?

2019-10-07 13:27:23 UTC  

What’s against the server rules? When did you tell me not to tag you