Message from @Platinum Spark

Discord ID: 631133805897318454

2019-10-08 14:17:07 UTC  

You need that for a quid pro quo

2019-10-08 14:17:14 UTC  

First of all, no you don’t

2019-10-08 14:17:17 UTC  

Yes you do?

2019-10-08 14:17:27 UTC  

that's exactly what a quid pro quo means

2019-10-08 14:17:34 UTC  

@Cobra Commander I find it suspicious when democrats were all for an investigation into foreign affairs from years before a campaign when it related to Trump’s strange connection to Eastern European capital, but when people ask similar questions of the Biden’s they start asserting its fallacious and unnecessary

2019-10-08 14:17:46 UTC  

The request to investigate the family of your political opponent is impeachable with or without a quid pro quo

2019-10-08 14:18:24 UTC  

Nice shift of the goal post there, also he still didn't say that.

2019-10-08 14:18:25 UTC  

@fuck12moredeadcops you seek to be mistaken about the deal with Biden’s son in Ukraine

2019-10-08 14:18:36 UTC  

@Cobra Commander this is not a goal post shift

2019-10-08 14:18:41 UTC  

There absolutely was a quid pro quo

2019-10-08 14:18:46 UTC  

But it is also unnecessary

2019-10-08 14:19:14 UTC  

Vibe is just butthurt because they don’t know shit about homelessness

2019-10-08 14:19:21 UTC  

I wouldn’t trust anything they say

2019-10-08 14:19:25 UTC  

Yes it is, you said there was a quid pro quo and still claim that, we prove you wrong, and then you say well he can be impeached for requesting an investigation into the bidens, which he also didnt say

2019-10-08 14:19:40 UTC  

No, there was a quid pro quo

2019-10-08 14:19:48 UTC  

And yet a quid pro quo is not required

2019-10-08 14:20:00 UTC  

Remember that you also claimed once that simply calling the Ukrainian president is illegal. Which is retarded.

2019-10-08 14:20:10 UTC  

“I need a favor from you though” is ample evidence of a quid pro quo

2019-10-08 14:20:16 UTC  

I absolutely never argued that

2019-10-08 14:20:21 UTC  

And if you think I did, quote me

2019-10-08 14:20:25 UTC  

You fucking retard

2019-10-08 14:20:54 UTC  

give me a couple minutes lol

2019-10-08 14:20:57 UTC  

Your inability to grasp the things that I say due to your pathetic intellect does not make your retarded interpretation accurate

2019-10-08 14:21:08 UTC  

Good, fucking quote me you liar

2019-10-08 14:21:22 UTC  

Meanwhile, we now have text messages that back up that there was a quid pro quo

2019-10-08 14:21:28 UTC  

So this is all moot

2019-10-08 14:23:05 UTC  

I have to go- I recommend you read volkers text exchange

2019-10-08 14:23:07 UTC  

@Platinum Spark What I know is that Hunter Biden was involved as a director with a Ukrainian oil company trading with the US, while his father was still Vice President. That to me is a huge conflict of interest and evidence of the Biden’s ignoring common sense ethics in regards to how the family of those in political power should conduct themselves. It’s almost as bad as giving your company to your children after you become president, in the country where you’re president

2019-10-08 14:23:34 UTC  

@fuck12moredeadcops then Biden pushed for that company to be investigated

2019-10-08 14:24:01 UTC  

Hunter Biden violated absolutely no ethics rules, and it was looked into at the time

2019-10-08 14:24:16 UTC  

That you are toting the GOP party line on this is highly suspect

2019-10-08 14:24:26 UTC  

**Even if it broke no laws the incestuous relationship of capital and state power is bad to me**

2019-10-08 14:24:57 UTC  

But I have to go- read the quid pro quo laid out in volkers texts, and Cobra @me when you find where I said it was illegal to calm Ukraine, you fucking liar

2019-10-08 14:25:24 UTC  

@fuck12moredeadcops yes, but you’re a dumb as fuck Marxist who doesn’t understand politics or government, so I get that you feel that way

2019-10-08 14:25:28 UTC  

actually you said impeachable, not illegal from what i could find, but this is also equally retarded.

2019-10-08 14:25:38 UTC  

Yes, the phone call is impeachable

2019-10-08 14:25:46 UTC  

Not that fact that he made the phone all at all you dumb fuck

2019-10-08 14:26:10 UTC  

You think I was saying that picking up the phone and calling the president of ukraine is impeachable? How fucking retarded are you

2019-10-08 14:26:29 UTC  

So biden forced them to fire someone then said if you dont you are getting any money

2019-10-08 14:26:33 UTC  

The CONTENT of the call. Jesus Christ, how do you even survive day to day life being that dumb

2019-10-08 14:27:15 UTC  

Ah ok I see, thank god you meant that. But apparently you can't understand the content of the call either so we're both dumb today <:laugh:583238348077006869>