Message from @Pelth

Discord ID: 631158268642852876

2019-10-08 15:53:28 UTC  

well they are just supposed to keep it in consideration

2019-10-08 15:53:32 UTC  

but it doesn't bind them

2019-10-08 15:54:00 UTC  

i mean the senate probably wont boot out trump but if actual evidence of a quid pro quo comes out they could

2019-10-08 15:54:15 UTC  

I imagine trump going on a rant about deep state and witch hunting and such

2019-10-08 15:54:27 UTC  

quid pro quo isn't really illegal with foreign countries though

2019-10-08 15:54:31 UTC  

if the GOP just vote not guilty then it really doesnt matter

2019-10-08 15:54:33 UTC  

that's how most diplomacy is done pretty much

2019-10-08 15:54:38 UTC  

it is illegal i'm pretty sure

2019-10-08 15:55:15 UTC  

it's only really illegal internally

2019-10-08 15:55:17 UTC  

in the united states

2019-10-08 15:55:37 UTC  

How would we know?

2019-10-08 15:55:48 UTC  

maybe not in some cases but if trump actually called zelenskey to get dirt on biden specifically and used the aid as leverage that is absolutely illegal

2019-10-08 15:56:05 UTC  

that's still in the realm of possibility in other evidence

2019-10-08 15:56:10 UTC  

Well, thats is if the senators say its illegal

2019-10-08 15:56:21 UTC  

I mean the law is really flexible when it comes to these things

2019-10-08 15:56:31 UTC  

if you look at terrorism law, there is some crazy stuff

2019-10-08 15:56:34 UTC  

that is on the books

2019-10-08 15:56:45 UTC  

and most of that deals with things outside of the us

2019-10-08 15:57:09 UTC  

Do we still prosecute noncitizen criminals?

2019-10-08 15:57:17 UTC  

i mean, sort of i guess? but it also depends on the support of the president from inside the government

2019-10-08 15:57:37 UTC  

we can prosecute them if we get them transferred to our jurisdiction

2019-10-08 15:57:47 UTC  

we also have blacksites around the world

2019-10-08 15:57:53 UTC  

that are under our jurisdiction

2019-10-08 15:58:46 UTC  

also u.s. citizens that communicate with foreign nationals have a lot of protections stripped away

2019-10-08 15:58:50 UTC  

as far as being investigated

2019-10-08 15:59:24 UTC  

you can pretty much investigate them for any reason at all

2019-10-08 15:59:39 UTC  

you just need a fisa warrant which is insanely easy to get

2019-10-08 16:00:20 UTC  

the sort of initial justification to investigate is very loosely terrorism related and you can use any other "evidence" you obtain during the investigation

2019-10-08 16:00:59 UTC  

well it's not just terrorism really but in the interest of national security

2019-10-08 16:01:19 UTC  

and national security needs can be interpreted however you want to

2019-10-08 16:02:15 UTC  

so they can investigate biden's son because of his dealings with foreign nationals and if they uncover evidence of corruption during it, they can use that evidence

2019-10-08 16:03:26 UTC  

and because they aren't really investigating biden specifically, they can use evidence that might turn up to show biden also being implicated in this corruption conspiracy

2019-10-08 16:05:37 UTC  

The law is usually interpreted along these lines. Like we aren't technically doing this investigation to find corruption but doing this investigation in the interest of national security will probably turn up evidence of corruption and we can just say that we stumbled upon this evidence by circumstance.

2019-10-08 16:11:16 UTC  

The normal rules regarding exclusion of evidence don't apply to these national security investigations is the crux.

2019-10-08 18:10:30 UTC  

trump 2020

2019-10-08 18:13:22 UTC  

GOP. If ypu don't impeach Trump... Warren or Sanders wins.

2019-10-08 18:15:34 UTC  

impeach him for what?

2019-10-08 18:18:49 UTC  

1. Federal election rule violations / crimes 2. Using the office for his own enrichment instead of the countries 3.
Obstruction of justice

2019-10-08 18:24:01 UTC  

@pennypal agreed trump is evil and needs to be put in jail

2019-10-08 18:27:48 UTC  

trump wont get kicked out of office, impeachment will fail

2019-10-08 18:28:57 UTC  

however, i do support an impeachment inquiry, as it allows the democrats (mainly, im pretty sure 1 or 2 republicans are along) to continue investigating