Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 639525689082773525

2019-10-31 17:18:02 UTC  

Ann Coulter: "Trump is too lazy to cal Mitch McConnel"

2019-10-31 17:18:08 UTC  

she was 100% right on that one

2019-10-31 17:18:10 UTC  


2019-10-31 17:18:40 UTC  

or maybe he could, but mitch would probably want capitulation on the immigration issue

2019-10-31 17:18:56 UTC  

a bridge too far for the trump base, so we get a intra-party stale mate instead

2019-10-31 17:23:22 UTC  

Sounds reasonable

2019-10-31 17:25:43 UTC  

it's what a moist vagina would do, just like Obama with Joe Lieberman on Obamacare. The appropriate response to fight that guy and get heat on him

2019-10-31 17:26:04 UTC  

Which is why I call Trump Obama 2.0, he's even wimpier than Obama

2019-10-31 17:32:00 UTC  


2019-10-31 17:32:11 UTC  

careful, your fascist is showing

2019-10-31 17:32:48 UTC  

(re: pelth's comment)

2019-10-31 17:34:27 UTC  

Obama ran as a consensus builder

2019-10-31 17:34:46 UTC  

he was not willing to tell the opposition to go fuck themselves in his first term

2019-10-31 17:50:19 UTC  

Because thats not how you rule a fucking country

2019-10-31 17:50:34 UTC  

the opposition represents half of the country

2019-10-31 17:58:11 UTC  

Well Obama pretty much gimped his signature bill by not challenging Joe Lieberman, whom was clearly in the pocket of big Pharma

2019-10-31 17:58:21 UTC  

Kiling public option is what turned obamacare into a shitshow, for the most part

2019-10-31 17:59:17 UTC  

and I mean when they foguht obama on other issues, he just said 'fuck you' and did like 8-10 executive orders

2019-10-31 18:05:21 UTC  

(not saying obamacare was a good idea, but obama caving on that is what brings us to our current situation where medicare-for-all is one of the most important electoral issues, at least for dems)

2019-10-31 18:06:09 UTC  

```But Lieberman – a professed liberal who supports access to abortion, gun control and some gay rights – infuriated former allies and Democratic voters in his own state with support for George Bush's war in Iraq, and astonished them by campaigning for John McCain and Palin in last year's presidential election.

Now, in the view of some, he is plumbing new depths of betrayal by using his deciding vote as an independent member of the Senate to hold hostage Barack Obama's reform of America's dysfunctional healthcare system.```

2019-10-31 18:06:46 UTC  

That's how you sell out, go big or go home

2019-10-31 18:09:55 UTC  

you're forgetting the many years inbetween

2019-10-31 18:10:10 UTC  

Obama left healthcare to the legislature

2019-10-31 18:11:39 UTC  

well that's same thing Trump and his people can say about everything too right?

2019-10-31 18:11:50 UTC  

"don't blame me, blame congress"

2019-10-31 18:15:30 UTC  

Obamacare is garbage tbh

Theres a town in Kenya called Ubunga

2019-10-31 18:16:03 UTC  

Well yea it was edited by the insurance industry and big pharma, lieberman's wife worked for them, was a consultant for them ,etc

2019-10-31 18:16:20 UTC  

The whole point of Obamacare was the public option, without it, it was pointless

2019-10-31 18:17:16 UTC  

And it cancelled a ton of people's private plans

2019-10-31 18:17:43 UTC  

it did, but that was the point of the public option, it was a 'lite' former of what people want with medicare for all

2019-10-31 18:18:08 UTC  

i would prefer reform in the other, more market oriented direction, but they have their influence to make sure the regulation works against that too

2019-10-31 18:18:21 UTC  

Like we see when the FDA helps big pharma crush small companies

2019-10-31 18:18:42 UTC  

Yeah I agree

2019-10-31 18:18:53 UTC  

Government is part of the reason why healthcare is so expensive

2019-10-31 18:19:43 UTC  

sort of, but i think stating it that way really misses the true essence, the previous 'big businesses' of the industry gave us the FDA and similar to begin with

2019-10-31 18:19:50 UTC  

and the AMA is the most powerful union in the country


