Message from @Platinum Spark

Discord ID: 639530346916085760

2019-10-31 18:20:57 UTC  

no, it didn't cancel people's real private plans

2019-10-31 18:21:12 UTC  

government is absolutely not a reason healthcare is so expensive.

2019-10-31 18:21:35 UTC  

The wording is clumsy, but I get what people mean when they say it that way

2019-10-31 18:21:49 UTC  

I think libertarian types(like myself) do a bad PR job when we say it that way

2019-10-31 18:21:55 UTC  

it's just not true

2019-10-31 18:22:12 UTC  

Well what do you think about the FDA and the issue there of regulatory capture?

2019-10-31 18:22:39 UTC  

regulatory capture is a libertarian's dream

2019-10-31 18:22:59 UTC  

is it? I thought it was something libertarians are against

2019-10-31 18:23:02 UTC  

The U.S. health care cost crisis didn’t start until 1965. The government increased demand with the passage of Medicare and Medicaid while also restricting the supply of doctors and hospitals.

2019-10-31 18:23:08 UTC  

all the evils of regulatory capture would happen a thousandfold if those agencies did not exist

2019-10-31 18:23:21 UTC  

quite simply, no

2019-10-31 18:23:34 UTC  

1965 is when the generation that fought WWII started getting old

2019-10-31 18:23:35 UTC  

Are we sure though, during the PRogressive Era for example, cartelizing various industries is how we got most of these agencies to begin with

2019-10-31 18:23:52 UTC  

such as?

2019-10-31 18:23:54 UTC  

1906 pure food and drug act in FDA's case

2019-10-31 18:24:04 UTC  

the guy who was behind that was kind of nuts

2019-10-31 18:24:18 UTC  


2019-10-31 18:24:21 UTC  

without the FDA we wouldnt know what was in our food and drugs

2019-10-31 18:24:31 UTC  

the free market could not operate without it

2019-10-31 18:24:58 UTC  

I can understand the reason fo rhaving a watchdog, but I think that attributes the wrong motives to the origins of som eof these agencies

2019-10-31 18:25:16 UTC  

who cares about the origins?

2019-10-31 18:25:17 UTC  

they all came around in the same 20 year window, the federal erserve included, trying to cartelize and become a corporatist state was the agenda

2019-10-31 18:25:24 UTC  

I do, because they are operating as intended

2019-10-31 18:25:31 UTC  


2019-10-31 18:25:40 UTC  

these agencies are comprised of real people

2019-10-31 18:25:46 UTC  

not some shadowy cartels

2019-10-31 18:25:59 UTC  

plenty of good people work there, some are also in the revolving door with the drug companies

2019-10-31 18:26:09 UTC  

yes, I agree

2019-10-31 18:26:10 UTC  

i have a familial connection with the fda, i know they are good people

2019-10-31 18:26:22 UTC  

the solution to that is more regulation, not less

2019-10-31 18:26:25 UTC  

I can't ignore the revolving door and the politics and think nothing is wrong

2019-10-31 18:26:32 UTC  

yeah, I agree

2019-10-31 18:26:36 UTC  

it needs to be legislated out

2019-10-31 18:26:44 UTC  

well I will say 'reform', because some times the regulations are in the direction of LESS health

2019-10-31 18:26:51 UTC  

it's not as simple as 'more regulation' but i get what you mean

2019-10-31 18:27:12 UTC  

for example, with the fda, the issue of how they operate as a caretlization device to really hurt smaller firms is no joke

2019-10-31 18:27:16 UTC  

we need major lobbying reform- there is no question there

2019-10-31 18:27:19 UTC  

is that a 'more reuglation' issue?

2019-10-31 18:27:28 UTC  

or is it 'reform'? maybe needs a new title

2019-10-31 18:27:43 UTC  

exactly what the FDA should and shouldn't do is up for debate, absolutely

2019-10-31 18:27:55 UTC  

but typically what libertarians say is that it should not exist