Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 652198811057389568

2019-12-05 16:12:09 UTC  

tried to tell em

2019-12-05 16:13:47 UTC  

got into an argument with a guy on reddit, phd in econ, pure academic, no real market experience. almost the next day, which is what bloomberg is talking abotu now, the repo market blew out again

2019-12-05 16:14:04 UTC  

can't help these people, it's like theology

2019-12-05 16:14:58 UTC  

Kroszner on bloomberg basically making excuses for his own policies which blew up the fed's balance sheet, then they had to U-turn the tigthening because of basel III

2019-12-05 16:15:19 UTC  

Trump might lose due to the economy if they can't hold shadow banking sector together

2019-12-05 16:16:49 UTC  

Trump tweet threads are confident in his re-election DUE To the impeachment not mattering, the economy is booming, LOOK AT THAT NASDAQ baby, when i know none of them own any stock directly

2019-12-05 16:55:57 UTC  
2019-12-05 16:56:30 UTC  

```Why are we going through with this nightmare?```

2019-12-05 16:57:03 UTC  

Kevin McCarthy invoking Hamilton

2019-12-05 17:05:05 UTC  


2019-12-05 17:06:15 UTC  

```For another, to the extent that the United States is withdrawing from its role as global defender of liberal democracy, its levers for executing that role — economic sanctions and military intervention among them — are likely to become weaker. American moral leadership, meanwhile, has also weakened. So when Trump says, just days before signing into law sanctions against China and Hong Kong over its crackdown on pro-democracy protestors, that “we have to stand with Hong Kong, but I’m also standing with President Xi — he’s a friend of mine,” you might wonder how much teeth those sanctions will end up having.```

2019-12-05 17:06:42 UTC  

and that's a Canadian rag, yikes

2019-12-05 17:08:14 UTC  

Mearsheimer was ahead of the curve, he called the death of the global liberal order years and years ago

2019-12-05 17:09:37 UTC  

Geopolitically, I think Biden would be a nightmare on same level as Trump. Does anybody even know what Warren's geopolitics are? Bernie would probably Fortress-America and just allow immigration as the pressure release valve on the rest of the world

2019-12-05 17:16:15 UTC  

Y’all ain’t nothing but cuckold liberals

2019-12-05 17:16:45 UTC  

not that kind of liberal

2019-12-05 17:16:55 UTC  

Bretton Woods liberal

2019-12-05 17:25:01 UTC  


2019-12-05 17:25:01 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 13!

2019-12-05 17:25:13 UTC  

The cuck label doesn’t really work with liberals

2019-12-05 17:25:51 UTC  

See with conservatives, there’s the analogy that they’re actually doing the bidding of the left

2019-12-05 17:26:02 UTC  

And that true conservatism terminates in fascism

2019-12-05 17:26:12 UTC  

But what are you saying about liberals?

2019-12-05 17:36:49 UTC  

Tom Graves (GA-14) announces retirement

2019-12-05 17:36:54 UTC  


2019-12-05 17:43:47 UTC  

Wtf did you just say little boy

2019-12-05 17:43:47 UTC  

GG @alex400, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-12-05 17:44:06 UTC  

I’ve fucked cocks with better speech

2019-12-05 17:48:01 UTC  

I understand the Trump phenomenom better now

2019-12-05 17:48:32 UTC  

The Republicans are now in the same boat as the Democratic Party, without a cult leader with charmisa, they are a fractured electorate

2019-12-05 17:49:06 UTC  

@alex400 what did you have trouble understanding?

2019-12-05 17:49:23 UTC  

Democrat factions have sometimes directly opposed policy goals, they just put aside differences to bow to a charismatic leader, Republicans are in that boat now because the usual 'our goals dont conflict' situation has eroded with republicans

2019-12-05 17:51:54 UTC  

Nunes and Tomi Lahren are great examples. you have a party that bloviates about illegal immigration, yet so many of their 'leading' politicians are dependent on it. If they want any women to remain, they are going to have to give on abortion, but the ideological types can't cave on that, or Israel, even though another faction wants to pull back on the imperial stuff

2019-12-05 17:52:25 UTC  

Foreign interference will have to skyrocket, because Countries like Russia, China, South Korea, japan, etc. they depend on the US navy, despite what they say in public

2019-12-05 17:53:13 UTC  

Probably just the fact you’re a cuckold

2019-12-05 17:58:49 UTC  

So you don’t understand that?

2019-12-05 17:59:48 UTC  

You know that fantasizing about another man having sex with your wife is typically something republicans do right

2019-12-05 18:00:11 UTC  

No lol

2019-12-05 18:00:24 UTC  

Most real “republicans” are busy working jobs lmfao

2019-12-05 18:00:38 UTC  

Don’t think you ppl realize most republicans aren’t rich. They’ve gotta work everyday