Message from @Puerto Rican Nelson

Discord ID: 652392056001396742

2019-12-06 06:00:09 UTC  

You’re the one who can’t mount any counter arguments

2019-12-06 06:00:20 UTC  

If this is your way of coping

2019-12-06 06:00:29 UTC  

It’s pretty cute champ

2019-12-06 06:02:51 UTC  

I've asked you to explain your position and you seem to be unable to do so. This topic began regarding antisemitism and you have routinely skirted around this core topic and have gone on tangents regarding jews in the economy.

2019-12-06 06:03:21 UTC  

I literally explained what antisemitism meant 3 to 4 times.

2019-12-06 06:04:27 UTC  

They’re neo Nazis cobra

2019-12-06 06:04:33 UTC  

They’re not capable of rational argument

2019-12-06 06:05:08 UTC  

I figured, I want to see if I can actually get a coherent argument though.

2019-12-06 06:05:17 UTC  

Notice how there’s just not a single substantiated argument

2019-12-06 06:05:40 UTC  

Yeah, this stuff is super easy to disprove if you can get them to actually make a claim

2019-12-06 06:05:58 UTC  

But they just skirt and imply, never a concrete claim, never a source

2019-12-06 06:06:25 UTC  

They’re just not good faith actors

2019-12-06 06:06:30 UTC  

My position is that I’m an Anti-Semite. I oppose Jewish domination of any power in my country and I seek them to be expelled.

2019-12-06 06:06:50 UTC  

Ok, now what constitutes "domination" to you?

2019-12-06 06:06:57 UTC  

@Deleted User Wallstreet feds are the real bad faith actors

2019-12-06 06:08:07 UTC  

Over-representation in a particular field or industry to the point that they have significant influence over the lives of people who are of a different race to them.

2019-12-06 06:10:21 UTC  

How can one choose to reason falsely? It is because of a
longing for impenetrability. The rational man groans as he
gropes for the truth; he knows that his reasoning is no
more than tentative, that other considerations may
supervene to cast doubt on it. He never sees very clearly
where he is going; he is "open"; he may even appear to be
hesitant. But there are people who are attracted by the
durability of a stone. They wish to be massive and
impenetrable; they wish not to change. Where, indeed,
would change take them? We have here a basic fear of
oneself and of truth. What frightens them is not the
content of truth, of which they have no conception, but the
form itself of truth, that thing of indefinite approximation.
It is as if their own existence were in continual suspension.
But they wish to exist all at once and right away. They do
not want any acquired opinions; they want them to be
innate. Since they are afraid of reasoning, they wish to
wad the kind of life wherein reasoning and research play
only a subordinate role, wherein one seeks only what be
has already found, wherein one becomes only what he
already was. This is nothing but passion. Only a strong
emotional bias can give a lightning‐like certainty; it alone
can hold reason in leash; it alone can remain impervious to
experience and last for a whole lifetime.

2019-12-06 06:10:42 UTC  

What influence are they spreading? Why is this such a problem regarding just them being part of judaism or being ethnically semitic as opposed to personal character?

2019-12-06 06:11:48 UTC  

How does this guarantee that these people are following judaism to a T as well?

2019-12-06 06:12:41 UTC  

@Puerto Rican Nelson what's that from?

2019-12-06 06:13:07 UTC  

Satre's essay on antisemitism.

2019-12-06 06:13:40 UTC  

The anti‐Semite has chosen hate because hate is a faith; at
the outset he has chosen to devaluate words and reasons.
How entirely at ease he feels as a result. How futile and
frivolous discussions about the rights of the Jew appear to
him. He has placed himself on other ground from the
beginning. If out of courtesy he consents for a moment to
defend his point of view, he lends himself but does not give
himself. He tries simply to project his intuitive certainty
onto the plane of discourse. I mentioned awhile back some
remarks by anti‐Semites, all of them absurd: "I hate Jews
because they make servants insubordinate, because a
Jewish furrier robbed me, etc." Never believe that anti‐
Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their
replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open
to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is
their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly,
since he believes in words. The anti‐Semites have the right
to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving
ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their

2019-12-06 06:14:46 UTC  

What influence are they spreading? Let’s just concentrate on media. The CEO of Comcast, Viacom, Fox, Time Warner, NBC, and Disney are companies that control the majority of US corporate media. They’re promoting their racial interests more than any religious beliefs really. The non-religious Jews don’t follow or believe in the Talmud but still believe in Jewish identity and will always come together, especially at the expense of non-Jews.

2019-12-06 06:15:28 UTC  

The true Nazis are the Zionist bankers and military industrial complex... @Deleted User

2019-12-06 06:15:38 UTC  

Well that's a lot of baseless rambling.

2019-12-06 06:15:47 UTC  


2019-12-06 06:16:24 UTC  

It’s interesting how Liberals like Sarte doesn’t actually try and debunk any specific claims.

2019-12-06 06:16:49 UTC  

Racist fuckers bomb women and children if they’re Moslem. Indiscriminately.

2019-12-06 06:16:55 UTC  

Hmm okay

2019-12-06 06:17:12 UTC  

All these wars are for Israel

2019-12-06 06:17:14 UTC  

That's definitely not true.

2019-12-06 06:17:18 UTC  


2019-12-06 06:17:29 UTC  

Comcast: Founder Ralph J. Roberts and his son Brian L. Roberts is the current CEO and Chairman

2019-12-06 06:17:30 UTC  

Greater Israel project

2019-12-06 06:17:44 UTC  


2019-12-06 06:17:57 UTC  

hey mom, he's quoting the jpeg again!

2019-12-06 06:18:22 UTC  

How do you explain the settlements in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria?

2019-12-06 06:18:22 UTC  

GG @Sri, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-12-06 06:18:25 UTC  

And completely dismisses how several Islamic nations have vowed to essentially exterminate Israelis and routinely bomb them.

2019-12-06 06:18:37 UTC  

Viacom: CEO and Chairman Sumner Redstone

2019-12-06 06:18:49 UTC  

Bomb them? With stones?