Message from @ShadowNinja89522

Discord ID: 653092739638099979

2019-12-08 02:47:06 UTC  

This one is simple, but has lots of underlying data if you need it

2019-12-08 02:47:19 UTC  

Pretty good stuff

2019-12-08 02:47:29 UTC  

And this is just the golf

2019-12-08 02:47:53 UTC  

Imagine how much money he's raking in with his other businesses (which clearly pose conflicts of interest)

2019-12-08 02:49:10 UTC  

Nah, this is one of those areas where Trump is umm...not so good, I'm afraid so

2019-12-08 02:49:26 UTC  

Pretty irrefutably

2019-12-08 02:50:59 UTC  

Ok, and if this is true (cause I'm still reading lol) what else has he done bad?

2019-12-08 02:58:52 UTC  

Did you just come out of an underground bunker or something? Well, besides being a shamelessly illiterate moron, a bigot, and extremely corrupt - he is also a sex offender (including underage), a pathological liar, an embarrassment to our country (literally the laughing stock of the world), and has been responsible for WHO KNOWS how much monetary damage and loss of life (versus a competent leader). He taints everything he touches.

2019-12-08 03:13:38 UTC  

Almost no one he originally hired for his administration is left. His staff always struggle to explain basic things to him without triggering him, but if there's a bad news headline, he's huffing and puffing around the white house all day and nothing gets done.

2019-12-08 03:14:14 UTC  

Pretty much anything positive he does is by accident, and he sure as hell doesn't read any bill or order he signs at all.

2019-12-08 03:14:36 UTC  

Just useless.

2019-12-08 03:23:14 UTC  

lmao imagine opening this channel for the first time and seeing the blog entries here

2019-12-08 04:33:48 UTC  

Trump is a brain dead moron

2019-12-08 04:34:28 UTC  

There is no evidence that trump donated his salary.

2019-12-08 04:34:46 UTC  

He says he did, there are no tax returns or statements from charities that suggest that.

2019-12-08 04:35:07 UTC  

Look it up

2019-12-08 04:35:07 UTC  

GG @ShadowNinja89522, you just advanced to level 5!

2019-12-08 04:35:12 UTC  

Or infact I'll pull it up

2019-12-08 04:37:23 UTC  

So now we are talking about abortion? Lemme finish what I've written

2019-12-08 04:54:27 UTC  

You can have your opinions. But you cant ignore facts too. An embarrassment that trump is to our country is a lie. According to Tylt, trump raised more than 3.9 million jobs in the United States *link* . Also, there are morons are the Democrat party. First it was the Russian conspiracy, the Muller report and now the Ukrainian call. Adam Schiff straight up lied about the call *link* .

Yes, it is true that trump golf on, and according to some sources he spent less than 10 million dollars than Obama. However according to snopes, there is convicting evidence that doesnt match up. (Link)

**Fake news**

Heres my counter argument. The mainstream media is corrupt, such as MSNBC, CNN, and more. And of course he will be huffing and puffing, you want someone to paint you a bad guy just because you dont have the same opinions? This video from prager university can explain it better than I can .


Sure there are people in the Republican party that are corrupt, but not as corrupt as the Democrats. 1, Adam Schiff Straight up lied about the Ukraine's. 2, the Muller report was good for shit, and 3 is the .

Sure, trump isnt the best president, but we cant get a perfect president. We are only human. My opinion is I would rather vote for him than the other clowns running

2019-12-08 05:40:32 UTC  

Your grammar and writing style is extremely suspicious to me

2019-12-08 05:40:46 UTC  

Because, you see, I am Russian - and have dealings with Russian people

2019-12-08 05:41:02 UTC  

And my Russian troll detector is going off the charts

2019-12-08 05:41:58 UTC  

Does it make anything he's posted less factual

2019-12-08 05:41:58 UTC  

GG @Conch, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-12-08 05:42:16 UTC  

Well, yes - most of it is complete and utter bullshit

2019-12-08 05:42:22 UTC  

Dripping from Putin's stinky hole

2019-12-08 05:42:31 UTC  

such as?

2019-12-08 05:45:22 UTC  

"There is no evidence that trump donated his salary."

2019-12-08 05:45:38 UTC  

"You can have your opinions. But you cant ignore facts too." -> What is this nonsense? "An embarrassment that trump is to our country is a lie." -> Said all by itself, without any supporting evidence or anything whatsoever. "According to Tylt, trump raised more than 3.9 million jobs in the United States" -> Irrelevant and isolated nonsense. "Also, there are morons are the Democrat party" -> Retarded. If you don't see why, you're probably retarded too. "First it was the Russian conspiracy, the Muller report and now the Ukrainian call. Adam Schiff straight up lied about the call" (Russian troll starting to really show his colors). "Adam Schiff straight up lied about the call" -> LINKS TO HIS OPENING STATEMENT WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER to support that Schiff lied about anything

2019-12-08 05:45:51 UTC  

Took me a second on google to find many reputable sources saying he has kept that promise.

2019-12-08 05:45:59 UTC  

at least that one

2019-12-08 05:46:01 UTC  

Do I have to go on how much of that is nonsense?

2019-12-08 05:46:14 UTC  

"Yes, it is true that trump golf on, and according to some sources he spent less than 10 million dollars than Obama. However according to snopes, there is convicting evidence that doesnt match up. "

2019-12-08 05:46:18 UTC  

What the fuck is this saying?

2019-12-08 05:46:33 UTC  

Are you fucking demented? You looked at this and thought "HMM THIS MAKES PERFECT SENSE, NOTHING WRONG HERE"

2019-12-08 05:46:44 UTC  

You're part of the fucking problem, you uneducated piece of shit.

2019-12-08 05:46:49 UTC  


2019-12-08 05:46:50 UTC  
