Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 653155504184360970

2019-12-08 07:50:10 UTC  

That's why I like the saying sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me

2019-12-08 07:50:33 UTC  

well, ok, but that's gonna get you trolled probably

2019-12-08 07:50:47 UTC  

They should create a server where we can just roast each other in XD

2019-12-08 08:31:37 UTC  

pres salary is like 450, which is peanuts compared to all the vacations

2019-12-08 08:32:19 UTC  

that's same scam washington pulled, pretending to be magnanimous but ends up costing taxpayers more money

2019-12-08 08:33:47 UTC  

it was an obvious PR stunt, same way some chief executives use that as a PR ine but are making moves to pump up their options etc. it only fools the proles

2019-12-08 08:34:09 UTC  

I bet Jeff Bezos doesn't take a salary either lol

2019-12-08 08:34:17 UTC  

(ok his greedy ass might)

2019-12-08 08:34:33 UTC  

But yeah plenty of CEOs pull that stunt

2019-12-08 08:34:42 UTC  

in some MBA courses, they talk about this in business ethics, along with a bunch of other pr tricks like that

2019-12-08 08:35:35 UTC  

the vacations and golf wouldnt really mean shit if trump stayed on plan, but the revolving door at the white house pretty much guranteed that was't going to happen

2019-12-08 08:36:50 UTC  

whatever inspired him to undue the few good things Obama did was an instant back slide, we are re-inflating the credit bubble because trump couldnt handle any bad financial news, the goat fucking in syria, the shit with Iran is going to cost us billions in continued 'commitments' etc

2019-12-08 08:37:21 UTC  

that normal americans think tearing up the Iran deal was a good thing is terrifying

2019-12-08 08:37:53 UTC  

Trump runs on the idea of getting america out of the useless wars, especially in the ME and then tears up the best move in that direction in probably 40 years

2019-12-08 08:40:36 UTC  

the trade war with china was an instant own-goal, requiring a farmer bailout, which insulates some of the people whom voted for Trump from the consequences they deserves, a massive moral hazard the republican party is stereotypically hypocritical about

2019-12-08 08:41:35 UTC  

dunno how much more obvious anything can be, from the party of Personal Responsibility, as BLATANT shielding of it and within months, and it's probably never going to reverse becuse china found other suppliers

2019-12-08 08:42:10 UTC  

trump team even called Canada a national security threat during our trade talks with them, jesus

2019-12-08 08:43:20 UTC  

America's geopolitics are not complicated, but you cannot bring in the model of a business and obviously not being corrupt helps. Trump fires anybody who tries to explain the basics to him, so there is no learning to be done, similar to in here

2019-12-08 08:44:45 UTC  

only intelligent person there now is Robert Lighthizer, who definitely loves AMerica, but his stance is way too harsh when you consider the US barely trades as a percentage of GDP. playing hardball with these countries that are our security allies is losing good will and security cooperation for barely no economic effect at all, but it makes for good headlines

2019-12-08 08:45:20 UTC  

Lighthizer is a good guy, but coming home after being harsh to japan or canada, is just a PR stunt to look tough to trump's base

2019-12-08 08:46:47 UTC  

the optics effect internal politics in those countries, and look at how Trudeu and Macron treat trump and by extension America now in international meetings. The Leaders of France and Canada being caught clowing a US president?

2019-12-08 08:46:55 UTC  

Unthinkable even with Dubya

2019-12-08 08:47:27 UTC  

LITERALLY the laughing stock of the world

2019-12-08 08:48:07 UTC  

I mean Trump went to Europe and tried to get bilateral talks going with members of the EU

2019-12-08 08:48:12 UTC  

how fucking stupid can you be

2019-12-08 08:48:31 UTC  

it's a trade block, they dont do bilateral deals, each country he asked had to tell him that , ELIF style

2019-12-08 08:50:15 UTC  

Trump is Trump, he was always a dunce, but what it shows about the base he has is the really sad part. They are going to be an anchor around US for 20-50 years because they dont have the maturity to admit being wrong, so they will double down on Trumpism until they die

2019-12-08 09:02:19 UTC  

<:peepohype:583660763135344645> 🇺🇸

2019-12-08 12:48:06 UTC  

You give Trump way too much credit if you think hes being true to a business strategy in his governing.

2019-12-08 12:55:05 UTC  

no doubt, he clearly is no business strategist either

2019-12-08 13:43:58 UTC  

His father and Roy Cohn taught him an army of lawyers goes a long way. Always be the first to sue, always mire everything in litigation, especially eyes into your own finances. Trump doesn't create wealth, his brand is all that matters, and with enough real estate assets and bullying, even terrible business decisions have little consequence
`The reality of the Trumps' arrangement with the casino was a little bit more complicated than that. The casino ended up spending a ton of money on Trump products, including about a quarter of a million dollars for Trump-branded water in both 2009 and 2010, filings show. Those payments, however, went to third-party vendors — to whoever it is that gets a cut of that particular piece of the Trump brand — and through them into the Trump universe.

From the filing:

"In the normal course of business, we engage in various transactions with other entities owned by the Trump Parties. We engaged in the following transactions: $47,000 and $79,000 for leasing certain office space in Trump Tower in Manhattan during 2010 and 2009, respectively; $3,000 and $77,000 for the periodic use of Mr. Trump's airplane and golf courses to entertain high-end customers during 2010 and 2009, respectively; and $33,000 in helicopter lease payments during 2010.

"Additionally, in the ordinary course of business during 2010 and 2009, we purchased from third party vendors $405,000 and $500,000, respectively, of Trump labeled merchandise, including $271,000 and $277,000, respectively, for Trump Ice bottled water served to our customers. While we do not directly pay royalties on such merchandise to Mr. Trump, he may be entitled to royalties from these third party vendors."`

2019-12-08 16:31:40 UTC  


2019-12-08 18:25:15 UTC  


2019-12-08 18:38:54 UTC  

```According to a report from Voice of America, military leaders at the Pentagon are growing increasingly concerned with the popularity of Russian President Vladimir Putin within the military ranks due to the influence of Russian propaganda and Donald Trump’s boosterism.


2019-12-08 18:39:28 UTC  

```Donald Trump broke out of his Twitter hibernation on Saturday afternoon just before flying off to Florida for a pair of fundraisers, and used the opportunity to declare himself the “greatest of all presidents.”```

2019-12-08 18:41:06 UTC

2019-12-08 18:41:39 UTC  


2019-12-08 18:41:47 UTC  

What legislation is that?

2019-12-08 18:41:57 UTC  

Remember the infrastructure bill he didn’t do?

2019-12-08 18:42:56 UTC  

lol that statement