Message from @Dr.Cosby

Discord ID: 659475182163066911

2019-12-25 18:35:05 UTC  

dissolve congress

2019-12-25 18:50:49 UTC  


2019-12-25 18:51:22 UTC  

Congress is an important part of the American system of governance

2019-12-25 19:04:32 UTC  

@Unity.Nat lol you're a retard who thinks wind turbines are "bad for the environment"? Probably one of the dumber things I've seen you squirt out of your shithole

2019-12-25 19:11:31 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby For Conservation efforts they are due to the impact they have on birds and bat populations. Are you ok guy?

2019-12-25 19:12:55 UTC  

"For Conservation efforts they are due to the impact they have on birds and bat populations." ? You just wrote nonsense. Lol

2019-12-25 19:13:30 UTC  

Nonsense? Isn't that all you say

2019-12-25 19:13:41 UTC  

Windmills kill anywhere from 234,000 to 328,000 birds a year, according to a study by federal scientists. ... A USA Today review of the study noted that collisions with cell and radio towers cause an estimated 6.8 million deaths, while cats kill a staggering 1.4 billion to 3.7 billion birds a year.

2019-12-25 19:14:00 UTC  

lol you're actually an idiot, right?

2019-12-25 19:15:08 UTC  

Fun fact: Fossil fuels kill 20 times as many birds per killo-watt hour as windmills.

2019-12-25 19:15:08 UTC  

Again you arn't debating. Only pointing at 2012 articles and insulting

2019-12-25 19:15:26 UTC  

You're going to cry again? Holy shit you baby

2019-12-25 19:15:57 UTC  

Pointing out your behavior is considered crying?

2019-12-25 19:17:09 UTC  

Everyone can see you're a crybaby. When you say stupid shit and people call you out on it, you start to cry about the fact they aren't being nice to you, instead of tackling the underlying arguments.

2019-12-25 19:17:14 UTC  

You're a piece of shit

2019-12-25 19:17:58 UTC  

Back on topic, before you start crying again

2019-12-25 19:18:14 UTC  

If I recall. You are the only one hurling insults and harassment my dude

2019-12-25 19:18:28 UTC  

Windmills aren't a free lunch - such a thing doesn't exist. But they are more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels. It's simple.

2019-12-25 19:18:40 UTC  

Damn, looks like you decided to cry anyways

2019-12-25 19:18:48 UTC  

Are you old enough to be on Discord?

2019-12-25 19:18:55 UTC  

You have to be at least 13

2019-12-25 19:19:08 UTC  

Who hurt you?

2019-12-25 19:19:40 UTC  

I've played Call of Duty with kids who don't cry as much. Lol still crying instead of defending your position?

2019-12-25 19:20:35 UTC  

I won't ask who hurt you, because clearly it's me (and everyone else who thinks you're an idiot)

2019-12-25 19:21:12 UTC  

Lol I swear if you're complaining about being "insulted" again

2019-12-25 19:21:40 UTC  

Every second sentence you say is either insulting/overly aggressive. Very odd I must say

2019-12-25 19:22:10 UTC  

Haha there you go

2019-12-25 19:22:21 UTC  

But your antics do amuse me.

2019-12-25 19:23:51 UTC  

Jews on Wall Street and in corporate mainstream media have wrecked America socially, culturally, economically and politically. They’ve divided and conquered the US. Merry Christmas! Fuck Hanukkah!

2019-12-25 19:35:56 UTC  

Unity did the same when I pressed him for sources.

2019-12-25 19:36:14 UTC  

Deflected, changed topic around five times and then stopped responding.

2019-12-25 19:37:24 UTC  

It's a very well rehearsed dynamic.

2019-12-25 19:44:55 UTC  

I hope Joe and Hunter Biden do get called, as long as the White HOuse Crew gets called too

2019-12-25 19:45:38 UTC  

unfortunately, there is nothing there against the Bidens, at least on the conspiracy theory of Shokin's

2019-12-25 19:47:41 UTC  

Just imagine what questions would be asked of Joe Biden, regarding Shokin's lie to save his ass

2019-12-25 19:50:50 UTC  

Almost everything Trump has said regarding the Bidens and the conspiracy theories promoted here are false, even if the BIdens are dirty in other ways

2019-12-25 19:51:18 UTC  

Trump was wrong and/or lying in his recent Tweets about Hunter and China. It never ends. There is no truth in any of that shit

2019-12-25 19:52:56 UTC  

Trump and Co keep referencing Peter Schweizer, but like Solomon, he's a hack

2019-12-25 19:54:13 UTC  

If you read his book on reagan, he brings up none of the mountain of stuff reagan did that we are still suffering from. It's not serious journalism, it's pure agitprop

2019-12-25 19:55:52 UTC  

You young dudes in here need to realize you are NOT a Trump or a Biden. Nobody is going to give you a pass for being stupid in the real world

2019-12-25 19:56:25 UTC  

Including the cynical Republican-type that support Trump strategically, not because they believe a word he says. They will use Trump-support as an IQ test