Message from @qwasi

Discord ID: 663597967726346275

2020-01-06 04:16:15 UTC  

all other versions of reality are to be discarded

2020-01-06 04:16:26 UTC  

he is the Ministry of Truth

2020-01-06 04:16:50 UTC  

if you don't see thing his way, you hate America

2020-01-06 04:16:52 UTC  


2020-01-06 04:17:00 UTC  

I do hate America

2020-01-06 04:17:09 UTC  

are you Russian?

2020-01-06 04:17:15 UTC  

you guys are insane

2020-01-06 04:17:18 UTC  


2020-01-06 04:17:23 UTC

2020-01-06 04:17:24 UTC  

Oh, then who gives a fuck

2020-01-06 04:17:44 UTC  

Silence westerner

2020-01-06 04:17:46 UTC  

If Iran is vowing to have all foreign troops to be expelled, then let's get the fk out

2020-01-06 04:18:05 UTC  

That was Iraq, right?

2020-01-06 04:18:11 UTC  

they "took a vote"

2020-01-06 04:18:22 UTC  

said leave now you filthy Americanos

2020-01-06 04:19:02 UTC  

So Bossman told them "pay for our billion dollar military base, or go fuck yourself"

2020-01-06 04:19:02 UTC  

sometimes I can't blame the people, we have further escalated the situation, once again, even if we took down someone who we deemed a threat.

2020-01-06 04:19:21 UTC  

"further escalated"

2020-01-06 04:19:49 UTC  

as if our presence is necessary for them to be assholes

2020-01-06 04:20:26 UTC  

We really have, though.

2020-01-06 04:21:24 UTC  

should we have just let them attack our embassy, and carry out further attacks on Americans, and do nothing?

2020-01-06 04:21:50 UTC  

@Sh0t Trump and the charges he was given are not fair and justice in any way, to be honest. Just an attempt to overthrow someone who isn't liked.

2020-01-06 04:22:19 UTC  

They are, and the recent emails with the OMB people and the defense lawyers make it even worse

2020-01-06 04:22:40 UTC  

Trump will be tried and put to death any day now

2020-01-06 04:22:41 UTC  

the emails gave us an updated timeline, that starts the day of

2020-01-06 04:22:57 UTC  

@qwasi Obviously not but look what our presence has done: more chaos ensues and more hate towards Americans. We MAY be doin g what we think is the right thing but sometimes we go too far.

2020-01-06 04:22:57 UTC  

the obstruction charge is obvious, he ordered people not to testify

2020-01-06 04:23:09 UTC  

JuSt A MaTtTeR oF TiMe NoW!

2020-01-06 04:23:22 UTC  

@Sh0t got links to those specifically

2020-01-06 04:23:55 UTC  

You say obviously not, but then contradict yourself

2020-01-06 04:24:01 UTC  

either we act or we don't

2020-01-06 04:24:12 UTC  

it's not Trump's fault we're in the ME

2020-01-06 04:26:29 UTC  

@qwasi Some Americans believe killing the top authority was necessary and something that may have stopped further conflicts, but in the eyes of others it is an aggression on their behalf. If they vow to expell all foreign troops, we should cooperate. If we do not, it is an act of aggression to them since we are not complying.

2020-01-06 04:26:57 UTC  

I think you're confusing Iran and Iraq

2020-01-06 04:27:18 UTC  

They are two different countries

2020-01-06 04:27:39 UTC  

The Iraqi PM was sucked into this situation because Trump basically used him to bait Soleimani into a good faith situation involving Iran and KSA

2020-01-06 04:28:11 UTC  

I think I did mix them once, but my point stands

2020-01-06 04:28:33 UTC  

But your point doesn't make sense since you're mixing up two different things into one

2020-01-06 04:28:35 UTC  

and you can't talk about Embassy situation in good faith without talking about what instigated it, the aistrike the Iraqis asked the US to call off

2020-01-06 04:28:44 UTC  

25 ISIS fighting militia killed