Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 664337248199639041

2020-01-08 05:08:51 UTC  
2020-01-08 05:09:49 UTC  

they knew what they were doing in the campaign, it wasn't just 'pettiness', look at who was backing them and participating. obama stood up to the israelis and saudis a bit

2020-01-08 05:10:35 UTC  

undoing obama was about more than just ego, it was a strategy of rolling back the clock on purging neoconservatism

2020-01-08 05:10:58 UTC  

Of course, but Trump is uber petty about it.

2020-01-08 05:11:11 UTC  

It comes through in all his tweets.

2020-01-08 05:13:00 UTC  

It is a lot of ego motivating his decisions.

2020-01-08 05:13:49 UTC  

thats' the cover man

2020-01-08 05:14:29 UTC  

"He's too dumb to be hurting America on purpose"

2020-01-08 05:14:49 UTC  

the pettiness is for show for his base, it gets them pumped

2020-01-08 05:15:00 UTC  

that's putting the sail into the wind to power the strategy

2020-01-08 05:15:08 UTC  

he's a performance artist

2020-01-08 05:15:21 UTC  

Lol. Pence and others do the heavy lifting. He is amateur compared to them.

2020-01-08 05:17:04 UTC  

Pence was a PR move to get the evangelicals, as were sessions and some others

2020-01-08 05:17:04 UTC  

Those wanting to impeach Trump don't get that Pence is a political insider that knows how to get what he wants. So it was 4D chess to make his VP worse than himself.

2020-01-08 05:17:10 UTC  

it's how they got ann coulter and the like on board

2020-01-08 05:17:13 UTC  

then they were discarded

2020-01-08 05:17:22 UTC  

as were the less crazy natsec types like mattis

2020-01-08 05:18:11 UTC  

dont be surprised if pence is replaced with Nimrata

2020-01-08 05:18:34 UTC  

Pence was a PR move to cover for a guy with 2 divorces and a history of being a playboy

2020-01-08 05:18:53 UTC  

da fuck somebody like DONALD TRUMP is getting voted for by evangelicals?

2020-01-08 05:19:02 UTC  

but they are that dumb, as bannon predicted

2020-01-08 05:19:12 UTC  

then he was discarded too

2020-01-08 05:19:51 UTC  

It is a toxic mix of neo con and neo liberal foreign policy.

2020-01-08 05:20:36 UTC  

Both are pretty catastrophic world views.

2020-01-08 05:20:43 UTC  

who is repesenting the neoliberals in the trump foreign policy team

2020-01-08 05:21:18 UTC  

Those crashing and burning the EPA,etc. xD

2020-01-08 05:21:28 UTC  

those aren't neoliberals

2020-01-08 05:21:48 UTC  

and you said 'foreign policy'

2020-01-08 05:22:06 UTC  

Yeah they are. It is essentially the war lobby elite.

2020-01-08 05:22:45 UTC  

both have their views on war, but there are no neolibs in trump admin

2020-01-08 05:23:05 UTC  

There is a correlation between the fossil fuel die hards and the war lobby.

2020-01-08 05:23:09 UTC  

neolib foreign policy is lead by Richard Haass

2020-01-08 05:23:23 UTC  

EPA is lead by wheeler, definitely not a neoliberal

2020-01-08 05:24:01 UTC  

he's a former coal lobbyist

2020-01-08 05:24:36 UTC  

In what way? At the core of neo-liberal policy is to destroy the govt from within and make it dysfunctional for corporate elites.

2020-01-08 05:25:48 UTC  

That was literally the 1970s through to the 2000s. Still continues as well. Just shock therapy is less pushed these days.

2020-01-08 05:26:33 UTC  

the neolibs and neocons are very 'right' of Lefists and Progressives, but they aren't the same thing

2020-01-08 05:26:35 UTC  

And mass privatization is also their baby.

2020-01-08 05:27:23 UTC  

As are private armies like Blackwater or "Academia" as they call themselves now.

2020-01-08 05:28:50 UTC  

They formed a tight alliance of convenience over the Iraq and Afghanistan war, and are more than happy to plunge us into Iran.

2020-01-08 05:30:50 UTC  

Granted that there are still neo liberal dissidents, and they aren't as well polished as traditional neo libs.