Message from @Sophie

Discord ID: 683007832253136926

2020-02-28 17:11:53 UTC  

It’s idiotic to say “well we’re fucked”

2020-02-28 17:30:40 UTC  

It’s irresponsible to say that a miracle will make it disappear

2020-02-28 17:30:54 UTC  

Saving lives is more important than calming the market

2020-02-28 17:31:06 UTC  

And if that’s his plan, it’s not working

2020-02-28 17:41:56 UTC  

Hydrogen and Electric cars/trucks are the future of transport. It just takes time to develop technology and get it into mass production. Hydrogen can be mass produced and is a waste product from various forms of production, whereas fossil fuels are non renewable.

2020-02-28 17:43:57 UTC  

> Saving lives is more important than calming the market
These aren’t mutually exclusive things, Trump is helping solve the crisis. Infact some of his policies have made it easier to tackle in the US.

2020-02-28 17:43:59 UTC  

Hydrogen vehicles need infrastructure and R/D, and that's really the major issue.

2020-02-28 17:44:06 UTC  

But keeping the stock market good is also a priority @Sophie

2020-02-28 17:44:10 UTC  

Especially politically

2020-02-28 17:44:55 UTC  

The stock market is going to be jolty till 2021 due to elections and coronavirus.

2020-02-28 17:45:45 UTC  

Trade is going to be a mess as countries have shut their borders and folks aren't at work as much.

2020-02-28 17:46:04 UTC  

Not really, it should start to bounce back quite soon.

2020-02-28 17:46:55 UTC  

It won't, unless the coronavirus declines.

2020-02-28 17:47:02 UTC  

Yeah which it will

2020-02-28 17:47:20 UTC  

The whole crisis should moderate in coming weeks tbh.

2020-02-28 17:47:31 UTC  

No one knows that. Transmission is risking pandemic levels.

2020-02-28 17:47:35 UTC  

The stock market will stop declining before then, I’m pretty sure it’s stopped now.

2020-02-28 17:49:10 UTC  

@sɪᴅɪsɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴇ lol ok I’m going to hold you to that

2020-02-28 17:49:10 UTC  

GG @Sophie, you just advanced to level 14!

2020-02-28 17:49:16 UTC  

That the stock market has stopped declining

2020-02-28 17:49:22 UTC  

Absolutely insane prediction

2020-02-28 17:49:36 UTC  


2020-02-28 17:49:48 UTC  

Look at the DOW now, it’s stabilised

2020-02-28 17:49:50 UTC  

I hate how Google features the paywalled stories.

2020-02-28 17:50:02 UTC  

But no, trump is actively hurting the efforts to save lives and stem the spread of disease

2020-02-28 17:50:13 UTC  

By muzzling the CDC and spreading misinformation

2020-02-28 17:50:13 UTC  


2020-02-28 17:50:17 UTC  


2020-02-28 17:50:39 UTC  

He’s recapitulated CDC advices but also given his thoughts.

2020-02-28 17:50:51 UTC  

The Dow is down 614 points today

2020-02-28 17:51:00 UTC  

I know, it was down 1000 earlier

2020-02-28 17:51:02 UTC  

Now it’s going up.

2020-02-28 17:51:08 UTC  

I.e stabilising

2020-02-28 17:51:57 UTC  

```The global stock market is, theoretically, the distillation of how investors think everything that happens in the world will play out in the economy. Right now, judging by these drops, investors are much less optimistic than they were a week ago. But what they’re predicting is not only how bad the outbreak could be in terms of workers staying home sick, drops in consumer spending, or supply-chain disruptions; it’s also how bad people think it could be. Those might turn out to be two very different things```

2020-02-28 17:52:09 UTC  

There’s not yet evidence to show a stabilization. Maybe it is

2020-02-28 17:53:58 UTC  

So far it is either going to gradually decline or become worse, if the later and panic sets in, you won't see recession but stock prices will be weak.

2020-02-28 17:54:53 UTC  

Sure I mean fundamentally stocks are either pricing in the economic shock accurately, or overestimating or underestimating the impact

2020-02-28 17:55:07 UTC  

Panic has set in

2020-02-28 17:55:16 UTC  

It's just that's reversing now