Message from @Pelth

Discord ID: 633611752881389581

Well, what can we do? only we have salution Is to Make the environment clean And dont Support for those who are still Hates them and want to Finish them off, Their Delays Everything stands As A human we cant do anything.

2019-10-15 10:16:54 UTC  

GG @π‘­π’†π’π’…π’Šβ™‘, you just advanced to level 2!

For example america Russia all European Countries Are still One their Porcess To finish them Off yet in iraq Is war Palestine pasted 100 years to fight And yet their fighting for their rights, As Afghanistan And Syria, nobody has right to take their rights away.

2019-10-15 10:19:56 UTC  

It’s best to just view like every Sunni as a citizen of the same nation fighting for sharia law to be implemented wherever they are.

Behalf of this They are included in Islamophobia.

The thing that really disturbs be is that Sunni and shia are both Muslims But in different way Their cults are different, but why would they fight Just because They have Different ways?

2019-10-15 10:21:30 UTC  

They have different interpretations

Yes But why Would they start war for Something that u cant change it

2019-10-15 10:22:35 UTC  

Because it’s encouraged to kill apostates

This is Childish act, I really Hate it.

2019-10-15 10:23:01 UTC  

And anyone that doesn’t submit to the correct interpretations of Islam

2019-10-15 10:23:29 UTC  

Global sharia law is pretty much the goal of Islam

2019-10-15 10:23:52 UTC  

Or at least sharia law wherever Muslims are found

2019-10-15 10:24:07 UTC  

Which is pretty much everywhere

And what's So Special about that law?

2019-10-15 10:25:10 UTC  

They believe it is the only permissible code of law to live by

It kinda makes me confused what it's all About Or what are they trying to reach it

Disqualifying The muslims Law is really childish Act.

2019-10-15 10:26:53 UTC  

Well they have varying interpretations but they think they will be rewarded in the afterlife

Oh so u mean, if they end Up they will straightly go to heaven?

2019-10-15 10:28:14 UTC  

Like if they live by the sharia laws to the best of their abilities

2019-10-15 10:28:32 UTC  

Even when it involves killing people in some cases

2019-10-15 10:28:53 UTC  

They view that as a especially honorable thing

2019-10-15 10:29:11 UTC  

Deserving of a larger reward in the afterlife

So It Is Better choice To trying to reach it, to live their Best And wealthy life and with their rights?

Well, seems cool To me.

2019-10-15 10:32:10 UTC  

The sort of orthodox Muslims, the salafi jihadists are the ones that have little qualms about killing and enforcing sharia law by the book.

So, there Are Some Groups that doesnt want sharia law?

2019-10-15 10:33:11 UTC  

They all do pretty much

2019-10-15 10:33:41 UTC  

But like some are more reluctant about killing everyone and have more liberal interpretations

Its confusing, their negativity and their Hatred is really messing the muslims right, tons of muslims Are getting killed bc of Conspiracy of their Constitution

They are really Contained To Reach it But Some of their Groups doesnt let them, really surprised.

2019-10-15 10:35:27 UTC  

Like when they have little to no power to officially implement sharia law, they don’t always stir trouble

2019-10-15 10:36:15 UTC  

But like they wouldn’t mind sharia law, and they would be okay with executing people that violate it if it was acceptable by most of the public

I really prefer That, Who does Sin and get their Execution by the people who Agrees Makes It really fair and pristine.

Wish it would be like that, but Some of their messy Constitution considered By the others Countries are handed To Finish them and never Let them go By their rights.

Really makes me triggered and aswell sad.

2019-10-15 10:38:32 UTC  

GG @π‘­π’†π’π’…π’Šβ™‘, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-10-15 11:38:31 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby or @Deleted User , I have asked this question several times and just get avoided each time. How do one of you two think that the world was created?