Message from @fuck12moredeadcops

Discord ID: 640632062109548554

2019-11-03 19:07:29 UTC  

Because they’re impossible materially

2019-11-03 19:07:53 UTC  

Even when I was religious I made this concession that certain things were part of an Abrahamic mythology, not literal.

2019-11-03 19:08:14 UTC  

Everything has an "Intelligent Designer" Don't think otherwise.

2019-11-03 19:08:59 UTC  

We don’t really have evidence to support that

2019-11-03 19:09:16 UTC  

And again there’s logical explanations which don’t have to take so many leaps to explain our complex material reality

2019-11-03 19:09:42 UTC  

The asteroid belt is the remains of a planet that smashed into our planet. Made up the moon and the rest orbited the sun.

2019-11-03 19:11:53 UTC  

That’s not really the current astronomical theory

2019-11-03 19:12:20 UTC  

Yea, we believe in the theory they tell us to believe.

2019-11-03 19:12:43 UTC  

I think it’s like they say the asteroid belt was made of planetsimals, then as Jupiter and Mars got bigger, the gravity broke them up into asteroids

2019-11-03 19:15:00 UTC  

The point im trying to make is that this so called planet was home to a special race o entities, they needed gold to save their atmosphere because gold is a reflectant. Gold is used in astronaut helmets so yes. Unfortunately their world didnt last for ever and eventually broke up near our planet then it hit so called uranus which is on its side.

2019-11-03 19:16:26 UTC  
2019-11-03 19:16:31 UTC  

This is pretty cool

2019-11-03 19:18:34 UTC  

Palestinians shouldve just taken the Israelis as hostages

2019-11-03 19:18:41 UTC  

And declared a new Intifada right then and there

2019-11-03 19:18:59 UTC  

It’s as ridiculous as a German Jew having a debate with a Nazi

2019-11-03 19:19:15 UTC  

Or a Native American having a debate with White Americans

2019-11-03 19:20:58 UTC  

Its funny how the Jews cry about getting genocided when they themselves have done more damage throughout all history. Its pathetic

2019-11-03 19:21:18 UTC  


2019-11-03 19:21:41 UTC  

Jewish history especially in Europe is Jews being moved around from place to place being fucked over by host nations

2019-11-03 19:22:08 UTC  

Then becoming targets of ridicule and violence when they fulfill the socioeconomic tasks they’re forced into.

2019-11-03 19:23:05 UTC  

Christians persecuted Jews for participating in usury, after barring Jewish people from owning land to farm, refusing to involve them in the tradesguilds and banning other Christians from participating in money lending

2019-11-03 19:23:30 UTC  

the Old Testament. text says God told them the Israelites to slaughter children, women, even animals. How do we even begin to process this?

2019-11-03 19:24:02 UTC  

Pre-Christian European religion involved human sacrifice

2019-11-03 19:24:06 UTC  

And ritualistic cannibalism

2019-11-03 19:24:27 UTC  

Most human religion at one point or another involved ritualistic sacrifice of living things for different reasons

2019-11-03 19:24:38 UTC  

Why would you target the Jews in particular? @!GoldenKingship!

2019-11-03 19:24:55 UTC  

The Jews desire, and lobby the state for, the importation of other minorities, so that the Jews won’t be the only minority. Further, the Jews prefer minorities that bring troubles (low IQs, chronic poverty, no particular work ethic, high crime rates, and violence) with them, so that the Jews can seem the best of minorities.

2019-11-03 19:25:05 UTC  


2019-11-03 19:25:17 UTC  

Do you have any evidence for that claim?

2019-11-03 19:25:27 UTC  

That Jewish people as a group engage in this

2019-11-03 19:25:52 UTC  

The Jewish people are committing genocide in palastine and therefore no better than the Nazis. I can only concluded that the killing of Jewish people in WW2 was planned! God gave us eyes so we all can see. This is not about Race Color or Creed but about POWER & GTEED

2019-11-03 19:26:12 UTC  

I’d wager the reason Jewish people are so supportive of other minorities, in particular of displaced and diasporic minorities, is because they’ve been in the same situation for most of their history

2019-11-03 19:26:46 UTC  

I agree that Jewish people are engaged in a protracted genocide of the Palestinian nation, but not all Jewish people support this

2019-11-03 19:26:54 UTC  

And it goes directly against the tenants of the Jewish faith

2019-11-03 19:27:18 UTC  

Like I said Haredic Jews, who are religious fundamentalist and Orthodox have always opposed the establishment of Israel and the treatment of Palestinians

2019-11-03 19:28:12 UTC  

And not all Jewish people are Israeli citizens or benefitting socially from the segregation and genocide of Palestinians if they don’t live in Israel

2019-11-03 20:19:44 UTC  
2019-11-04 06:17:23 UTC  


2019-11-05 08:23:29 UTC  

@fuck12moredeadcops Hassidic Jews want to kill all non-Jews in Israel, stone gays and adulterers and impose a theocracy. They are the most violent of Jews. As for Palestinians, let us not forget that they also massacre Jews and are mostly decended from Ottoman Turkish migrants.

2019-11-05 10:41:08 UTC  

```Fascism has opened up the depths of society for politics. Today, not only in peasant homes but also in city skyscrapers, there lives alongside of the twentieth century the tenth or the thirteenth. A hundred million people use electricity and still believe in the magic power of signs and exorcisms.```