Message from @The Lemon

Discord ID: 586085334375333899

2019-06-06 05:28:42 UTC  

Sorry for that huge text btw

2019-06-06 05:31:38 UTC  

I actually want to say something

2019-06-06 05:31:40 UTC  


2019-06-06 05:34:46 UTC  

I love people who are like me ya know? Like their beliefs and thoughts but i also like to get corrected cuz that’s how we learn we get corrected on what we do/say wrong so that in the future we will be wiser on making decisions wether its like giving a speech or talking to somebody so if someone wants to correct anything i said from that text or like has same ideas or thoughts it would be really nice if you share them like thats why these kind of groups are made so that can everyone hear your thoughts and start debating conclusions and sharing thoughts and ideas that’s good (sound like i was contradicting myself a bit idk might be wrong)

2019-06-06 05:37:18 UTC  


2019-06-06 05:37:45 UTC  

I guess we're all different dawg, some people love demonstrating their pride

2019-06-06 05:38:02 UTC  

For their nation, religion anything really

2019-06-06 05:39:57 UTC  

And about the part where "two girls kissing," it wouldnt be a bad example of it were a guy and a girl kissing, right?

2019-06-06 06:02:17 UTC  

Well i mentioned before that two people of same sex kissing each other while there are kids around it might not be a good example for them cuz of what i mentioned before that since they are kids their brains are still in development meaning they are not mature enough to understand what they see

2019-06-06 06:02:37 UTC  

But like i said im not against from gay people i just gave my opinion

2019-06-06 06:03:54 UTC  


2019-06-06 06:03:54 UTC  

GG @Krausser, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-06-06 06:04:28 UTC  

I also said is cool of you want to go around on the street with a rainbow flag ya know thats what you wanna do then do it

2019-06-06 06:05:13 UTC  

Im just a happy straight boy and my way to demonstrate my pride is remaining quiet

2019-06-06 06:05:36 UTC  

Cuz nobody cares and it aint a big deal at least for me

2019-06-06 06:06:13 UTC  

But again if what you want is to let all the people know that you are gay and you feel proud about it then you are in your liberty to do it

2019-06-06 06:06:31 UTC  

Its a free world they told us i guess

2019-06-06 06:15:07 UTC  

Oh yeah, i understand you completely, sorry if it seemed harsh, and I still dont agree on the children part, it should be normal, just as it is for straight people to kiss, and for kids to see that, I suuuuupooosee?

2019-06-06 06:52:50 UTC  

@Chemar Its not that they can't tolerate an opposing point of view its that the entire point of the straight pride is to be confrontational to the gay pride parade. They're only doing it in an aggressive way because they don't like the idea of gay pride.

2019-06-06 06:53:29 UTC  

Also I find the argument that kids will find two guys or two girls kissing confusing/hilarious

2019-06-06 06:53:52 UTC  

Mainly cos it was used against that Arthur episode that got banned in Alabama

2019-06-06 06:54:15 UTC  

Like there's a Rat and an Aardvark getting married and that's completely normal

2019-06-06 06:54:27 UTC  


2019-06-06 06:54:39 UTC  

It makes no sense

2019-06-06 06:55:42 UTC  

And the whole point of putting these kinds of things in media that potentially children will see is so that gay kids don't feel excluded as they grow up.

2019-06-06 06:56:31 UTC  

If anything the confusing thing is when gay kids grow up and start to realize their sexuality but if they don't see it in the media or on TV or anything they're going to think they're alone or that there's something wrong with them

2019-06-06 09:40:43 UTC  

@The Lemon The issue I have, in terms of groups being represented, is when they are put into a plot just for the sake of being represented. If a show has a gay, or black, or whatever main character and the show is genuinely good, then sure, that's great. What many cannot stand are two dimensional characters who are nothing but x "marginalized" group who don't expand beyond that

2019-06-06 09:42:30 UTC  

Take Stargate as a good example of how to do a strong lead right. This show was largely filmed in the late 90s, for reference. Samantha Carter was one of the four original members of SG-1, and some people at first did question her "for being a women." However she proved that she was incredibly smart and was one of my favorite characters on the show, she was crucial to the series. She was more than just "the woman" on the team

2019-06-06 09:42:42 UTC  

No I absolutely agree we shouldn't just put characters in for that reason but you should attempt to integrate some gay characters into your plot line without them being 2 dimensional characters

2019-06-06 09:43:31 UTC  

If you can make it fit, then sure. If, for whatever reason, the character's sexuality needs to be brought up, then more power to you. But I cannot stand things that seem forced in

2019-06-06 09:43:44 UTC  


2019-06-06 09:43:54 UTC  

And tbh it wasn't forced in in Arthur

2019-06-06 09:44:05 UTC  

The teacher got married turns out he was gay

2019-06-06 09:44:08 UTC  

Arthur did a very good job of it imo

2019-06-06 09:44:13 UTC  

It's not like they made a huge deal of it

2019-06-06 09:44:15 UTC  

Didn't make a big deal out of it, just another episode

2019-06-06 09:44:17 UTC  


2019-06-06 09:44:25 UTC  

Another one I think is done well is tracer and soldier in overwatch

2019-06-06 09:44:35 UTC  

That's how it should be done. It occurs,, it's addressed, life moves on.

2019-06-06 09:44:39 UTC  

A lot of people criticised it but I thought it was good

2019-06-06 09:44:55 UTC  

Because for both of them it was never explicitly stated they were gay