Message from @qwasi
Discord ID: 660360737302249492
if you hack your dick off and dress like a man, but you are biologically a female, you're still a female
I think being really militant against that stuff actually makes it more likely for laws and shit to be passed that restrict freedom of speech
What I was originally talking about was how our binary notion of gender doesn’t accomidate for non-binary or intersex people
or get one attached, whatever these nutbags do
Like, if you just avoid them and privately laugh
yea, that's a dangerous bit a strategy
Reminds me a bit of assholes that insist you call them 'doctor' if they have a ph.d
Haha yeah
Marines have an out, "we only call Corpsmen Doc"
what is the percentage of non-binary people?
then I dgaf
TIL they supposedly have a murder rate less than normal population as well
I looked up, something like 0.6% identify as trans
despite all the rhetoric abotu trans murders
Idk about other mental illnesses
0.6% is a lot
they are overrepresented in attacking women as well
F-t-M is just sad, M-t-F is some other shit
@qwasi Idk off the top of my head but even if it’s a small percentage how does that juatify their disrimination
It's a pretty big percentage too, all things considered
I would never treat someone who was intersex in a negative or bad way
60 basis points is scary percentage of something like that
i dgaf if you're a decent human being
Especially if they cluster, which they probably do
should make a movie called "The Clustering"
Somebody is working on that, but you won't like it
mentally ill trans people taking revenge on the normies
District of Columbia is reportedly like 2.5% trans
DC doesn't feel that gay or queer to me
Nothing like Atlanta
@qwasi That’s good that you would treat them equally but they aren’t treated equally by everyone. They are told by many people around them that their identity and therefore they are invalid and thus they have disproportionately high suicide rates, depression rates and poverty rates. Inadvertently out societal perception of gender leads to their suffering
I want some Gellato
The US has approaching 2 million trannies. Idk how many others are nonbinary or w/e
how are they discriminated against though?
like, what specifically happens
Well, by employers and stuff - there's still lots of people who really do hate them, fear them, etc
Especially in childcare, I have a feeling it's pretty hard to get a job lol
are we talking trans people or actual intersex people?