Message from @NobleBeing

Discord ID: 684770417889509467

2020-03-04 11:06:21 UTC  

Funny, I also went through a university and was never told that once

2020-03-04 11:06:30 UTC  

that's funny?

2020-03-04 11:06:44 UTC  

that is insipid and evil is what it is

2020-03-04 11:07:57 UTC  

What class was that? I mean, my professors usually just talked about economics

2020-03-04 11:09:37 UTC  

I believe it was a Philosophy class

2020-03-04 11:11:08 UTC  

there are lots of examples of anti-white racism at college campuses in the US if you care to look

2020-03-04 11:11:17 UTC  

and it's just accepted as OK

2020-03-04 11:11:27 UTC  

because white people are taught to feel guilty for being white

2020-03-04 11:12:09 UTC  

the whole concept of "white privilege" is racist and divisive

2020-03-04 11:12:24 UTC  

of course, that is its intended purpose

2020-03-04 11:12:57 UTC  

you didn't hear about the black graduates at Harvard having a blacks only graduation ceremony?

2020-03-04 11:15:46 UTC  

imagine white people having a whites only anything, lol

2020-03-04 11:15:56 UTC  

but they're black so it's all good

2020-03-04 11:17:18 UTC  

Well, I can’t comment on that other than to say that that wasn’t my experience at all

2020-03-04 12:14:16 UTC  

Pan-european ideals are illegal in slot of countries

2020-03-04 12:14:25 UTC  

Pan-any-other race is not

2020-03-04 14:31:26 UTC  

@abby_ella yeah it's typical when the minute I bring up birth rates all you women get triggered. I wasn't even being demeaning at all. I was just pointing out facts. You are just triggered at the fact that I am calling women incapable of doing what men do but I bet if I said wahmen are smarter and stronger then men you would jump on that ship so fast. Typical. Also Islam is right about women

2020-03-04 14:32:35 UTC  

she didn't get triggered. she provided a point against your argument

2020-03-04 14:32:56 UTC  

*and* asked you a question which you left unanswered

2020-03-04 14:33:05 UTC  

Right... because I saw so much sources and proof...

2020-03-04 14:33:10 UTC  

Nice try

2020-03-04 14:34:45 UTC  

The question was what gives you the right😂 That literally is just someone being triggered with no argument 😂

2020-03-04 14:46:36 UTC  

Do any of those complaining about Muslim-Americans actually know any? I mean that seriously. I, too, am antithetical toward Sharia as a form of modern government, just as I am equally antithetical toward Levitican Law as a form of modern government. Both may have served a useful purpose in their day, but they don;t fit where society has moved. As a Christian, i can appreciate Levitican law academically and as a critical part of the history of my faith, but that doesn't mean I support it now. That said, other Christians and certainly many Jews do. Is it possible that, just like with Christians and Jews in regards to Levitican Law, that there might be Muslims who have the same perspective on Sharia?

2020-03-04 14:48:49 UTC  

And in any case, the issue with immigration isn't really with the fractions of Muslims we get, it's about the southern border. Those are Catholics and evangelical Christians coming in. Ready and primed to support our Judeo-Christian Constitution. What's not to like?

2020-03-04 14:49:43 UTC  

Anyway, I would think this thread should likely move to **race-issues** since we've pretty clearly left gender in the rear view mirror. I have quoted the above there so that this may continue where it belongs.

2020-03-04 14:54:54 UTC  

I'm having doubts if your really Christian or not. Because if you read your bible you know Islam eventually takes over

2020-03-04 14:55:15 UTC  

Also you wouldn't be so triggered about biology and men

2020-03-04 14:59:03 UTC  

Also in the Quran it teaches Muslims to lie to their enemy so they can get in have many babies and as a collective group take over.

2020-03-04 14:59:31 UTC  

The Quran pretty much tell you how the game plan is.

2020-03-04 15:03:16 UTC  

Judeo-christian is not a real thing and i know alot of muslims, can confirm they're semitic hedonists without honor

2020-03-04 15:03:29 UTC  

Except for some african ones, they can be ok

2020-03-04 15:04:41 UTC  
2020-03-04 16:15:32 UTC  

@NobleBeing no, darvey was correct, I was literally asking you to justify why you have that right.

2020-03-04 16:35:33 UTC  

Because I sign up for the draft while you didn't how are we even equal when you won't subjugate yourself to the same laws I abide to. We are not equal this and many countries are clearly a matriarchy. I will not be suprise when Islam will be here. Considering we kill our babies and shit on our little boys. You realize you are literally raising the next generation of young boys to hate girls right? You are telling little boys to be weak and fragile while saying bow to every women they see and treat them with respect even if they didn't earn it. It is a dangerous place for a little boys. That's why a lot of young boys are into gangster rap and being in crime because of society shitting on men making a lot of men kill themselves . While elevating women to godhood. It truly is disgusting.

2020-03-04 16:35:53 UTC  


2020-03-04 16:39:08 UTC  

Well, I don’t know about all that, but if you oppose signing up for the draft, I agree. Let’s end conscription. It’s a violation of someone’s free agency

2020-03-04 16:46:38 UTC  

Gay gay and gay

2020-03-04 16:46:52 UTC  

conscription is a tax on male biology

2020-03-04 16:47:03 UTC  

It's one of our functions

2020-03-04 16:51:39 UTC  

@abby_ella so your ok with killing babies and shit on our little boys then? If we didn't kill our kids we wouldn't even need immigrants from a 3rd world that isn't compatible with us

2020-03-04 16:52:05 UTC  

But I guess that the price we pay for equality