Message from @The Lemon

Discord ID: 567450635394613248

2019-04-15 20:41:41 UTC  

So then yes, I would agree, when comparing Polish immigrants to non-EU immigrants specifically within the UK, Polish immigrants are more common by about 4% (I didn't do the exact math on the percentages of combined non EU countries, just ballparking here)

2019-04-15 20:42:02 UTC  

I never denied that a large amount are coming from non EU countries but Lauren and other Alt righters NEVER mention the immigration from Eastern Europe which it is undeniable makes up a large proportion of the immigration, especially the increase in immigration since the expanding of the European Union

2019-04-15 20:42:26 UTC  

The problem is the alt righters specifically say immigration from Asia is caused by the EU

2019-04-15 20:42:33 UTC  

When the UK has always had immigration from Asia

2019-04-15 20:42:46 UTC  

Its the immigration from Eastern Europe that is caused by the EU

2019-04-15 20:42:54 UTC  

Which is why I wanted you to link a video not involving lauren southern, because I don't know of her and my views may not align with her specific views

2019-04-15 20:43:30 UTC  

Because now, and maybe you aren't doing this intentionally, but you're treating this as if I am supporting Lauren's viewspoints entirely, because the video involved her and I am critical of the person against her

2019-04-15 20:43:38 UTC  

But this isn't just Lauren

2019-04-15 20:43:54 UTC  

My point is she uses the same points as any other Alt righter who supports these ideas

2019-04-15 20:43:56 UTC  

You also ignored literally every other point I made against the video critiquing her, but for the sake of continuing I'll ignore it

2019-04-15 20:44:12 UTC  

I haven't got round to looking at those points yet jesus

2019-04-15 20:44:23 UTC  

I'm not the flash you know I can only type at a certain speed

2019-04-15 20:44:33 UTC  

...they've been in the chat for over an hour, and you responded to my final point

2019-04-15 20:44:45 UTC  

AAAAnd I've been active on the chat for about 5 minutes

2019-04-15 20:44:52 UTC  

So either you read my last point and responded to that, ignoring everything else I said, or you read it all...

2019-04-15 20:44:53 UTC  

I have a life outside of constantly checking this channel you know

2019-04-15 20:45:05 UTC  

As I said I've only had time to look at what I've looked at

2019-04-15 20:45:12 UTC  

Now can you let me say my point?

2019-04-15 20:45:24 UTC  

Ok, but logically, would you not start at the top and move down? And sure go ahead, I'm not stopping you

2019-04-15 20:46:11 UTC  

I mean I scrolled upwards from the newest message on the chat

2019-04-15 20:46:14 UTC  

And yeah back to my point

2019-04-15 20:46:33 UTC  

The alt righters always have you believe that all of this recent immigration is from muslim asian countries and North african countries

2019-04-15 20:46:52 UTC  

Like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Syria etc

2019-04-15 20:47:00 UTC  

Stop typing I haven't finished my point

2019-04-15 20:47:19 UTC  

How am I to know that...? You said something, I'm typing to respond to it

2019-04-15 20:47:32 UTC  

You entirely stopped typing so...

2019-04-15 20:48:00 UTC  

because I was referring back to my sources

2019-04-15 20:50:01 UTC

2019-04-15 20:50:24 UTC  

So, if you look at those stats you can see (at a generous estimate as I'm including India which isn't a muslim country but does have muslims) if you add up the immigrants from asian countries with large muslim populations it comes to 1,644,000 in terms of people who are foreign born when there are 4,340,000 foreign born people in the country

2019-04-15 20:50:40 UTC  

thats 38%

2019-04-15 20:51:03 UTC  

however they are the only immigrants that the alt right ever talks about when talking about this "great replacement"

2019-04-15 20:51:26 UTC  

and they quote the straigt number of foreign born nationals which means that the numbers they are quoting incluedes Poles, Germans, Italians, Irish etc

2019-04-15 20:51:28 UTC  

Yes, and I can explain why if you'd like (not that I believe these people are "alt right"

2019-04-15 20:51:44 UTC  

Sure go for it

2019-04-15 20:52:45 UTC  

(52% of those foreign born people are european)

2019-04-15 20:53:14 UTC  

Obviously, I do not agree with the misquoting of statistics. However, I believe the reason that this 38% is brought up more often then the other EU countries immigrating is because these groups are incredibly problematic from a societal standard.

2019-04-15 20:53:58 UTC  

But the thing is they are not

2019-04-15 20:54:06 UTC  

Let me find some stats to back that up

2019-04-15 20:54:18 UTC  

Not because of race, but because of culture. I, for one, would sooner want to live in an entirely non white neighborhood of those with western values, willing to conform to western culture, then a neighborhood of whites who subscribe to the harmful ideologies that these non european immigrants bring with them.

2019-04-15 20:55:11 UTC  

I mean, I don't know the exact statistics, but I haven't heard of any, say, German immigrants in the UK who support Islamic Law being instituted in islamic neighborhoods, which includes the stoning to death of gays and rape victims

2019-04-15 20:55:34 UTC  

That's fair enough but its a massive over generalisation to say that these non-European immigrants bring "harmful ideologies" with them