Message from @- Vexic | Avix -
Discord ID: 572987259012513792
You will gain nothing for supporting them
ocial conceptions and groupings of races vary over time, involving folk taxonomies[3] that define essential types of individuals based on perceived traits. Scientists consider biological essentialism obsolete,[4] and generally discourage racial explanations for collective differentiation in both physical and behavioral traits.[5][6][7][8][9]
I just read that wikipedia autism.
If you actually read and thought about what it said it would disprove your entire argument.
Except for high crimes and low IQs
These are blacks right?
13% of the population, 52% of the US homicides
Just wondering
Lower IQ than Asians and Whites
Yes they are Negroids @Yiddlemethisgoyim
Wrong moron
They're people from papau new guinea
they have no relation to african people
"One race, the human race!!!" - @Yiddlemethisgoyim
Looks like a negro to me
You're unironically low IQ
Probably just as low IQ, too!
@- Vexic | Avix - you probably have negroid in your DNA. And if not that maybe some latino. Maybe something else that disgusts you.
Right, AP classes with low IQ
Vexic would be the type of person to take a DNA test and start crying if he found african in his DNA.
Just because someone is a of different colour, doesn't mean that you can create a sub category of human beings
GG @Yiddlemethisgoyim, you just advanced to level 2!
Wanna live around that
Nah he's say its fake. Just like the actual racists who did the same thing. "this test is bullshit"
If I found that out, then I get the N-word pass 😉 😄
By this same logic, people from papau new guinea would be placed in the same genetic category as people from from africa.
Yet they literally aren't related at all
This demonstrates that your category of "black" is retarded
Shieeettttt sup my niggah where's my affirmative acthion attt????
Lemme get some of deze cheetos and gucci belts!!!!
I have to be frank here, you must either be underaged or retarded.
Pick one.
Whichever bests suits you
I will give the blacks one thing tho: They don't like gays either
So good on them for that