Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 584336861300916225

2019-06-01 10:16:57 UTC  

@Deleted User The black pill isn't real, grow up and realise that plenty of unattractive men get laid

2019-06-01 10:17:10 UTC  

Just look at fucking Projared

2019-06-01 10:17:43 UTC  

Guy looks creepy as hell but he still managed to get married and then cheat on his wife

2019-06-01 10:18:55 UTC  


2019-06-01 10:19:32 UTC  

I mean it's true

2019-06-01 10:20:01 UTC  

and prince william cheated on kate middleton

2019-06-01 10:20:01 UTC  

If you genuinely believe in the black pill you must be willfully ignoring the countless examples of unattractive people who get laid

2019-06-01 10:20:08 UTC  

@ashnaa what?

2019-06-01 10:20:22 UTC  

Am pretty sure he didn't

2019-06-01 10:20:38 UTC  

Feel like that would've been all over the news

2019-06-01 10:20:40 UTC  

oh wait

2019-06-01 10:20:44 UTC  

they were just rumours

2019-06-01 10:20:53 UTC  

Ahh k

2019-06-01 10:21:10 UTC  


2019-06-01 10:21:16 UTC  

Would be funny if that was true tho

2019-06-01 10:22:02 UTC  

Back to the black pill though it's just straight up a myth crested through a mix of pessimism likely undiagnosed depression and echo chamber 4chan brainwashing

2019-06-01 10:22:15 UTC  

yeah that def doesn't exist

2019-06-01 10:22:45 UTC  

It's sad that people actually believe this kind of stuff tbh because they're probably not even that unattractive

2019-06-01 10:23:00 UTC  

yeah the blackpill is questionable

2019-06-01 10:23:16 UTC  

And if they just invested some time in self care yk

2019-06-01 11:06:16 UTC  


2019-06-01 11:06:20 UTC  


2019-06-01 12:05:53 UTC  

You can be Conservative leaning and fire someone for being racist

2019-06-01 12:06:50 UTC  

And yes I'm saying racist because if you believe white "genocide" is real and a problem that means you have a problem with there being non-white people in you're country

2019-06-01 12:27:34 UTC  

but thats not racist?

2019-06-01 21:46:22 UTC  

If you would rather your country had white people than black people or Asians or Muslims I would say that's pretty racist yeah @Deleted User

2019-06-01 21:46:30 UTC  

And this dosent apply to just white people

2019-06-01 21:46:52 UTC  

Same goes for if your Japanese and only want Japanese people in your country

2019-06-01 21:47:12 UTC  

Or if you're south African and only want black people

2019-06-01 21:48:04 UTC  

Saying you would rather be around one person than another simply due to the colour of their skin/their ethnicity is inherently racist no matter how you try to spin it.

2019-06-01 21:48:46 UTC  

Also the idea of white "genocide" is only a thing because of how stuck up white people are

2019-06-01 21:49:41 UTC  

If a white person and a black person have a mixed kid that kid isn't considered white, Obama is a good example, despite being just as much "white" as they are "black".

2019-06-01 21:51:14 UTC  

@The Lemon how the fuck is that racist

2019-06-01 21:51:14 UTC  

2019-06-01 21:51:27 UTC  

If we refuse to treat them as such then nothing short of banning interracial relationships or an ethnostate could stop the reduction of "white" people in a country, and both of those are abhorrently racist ideas

2019-06-01 21:51:51 UTC  

@Deleted User you're asking how "I don't want this person in my country because they're black" is racist???

2019-06-01 21:52:15 UTC  

How could that be more obviously racist

2019-06-01 21:52:33 UTC  

yes, i am.

2019-06-01 21:52:52 UTC  

is it so wrong not to want your race to go extinct?

2019-06-01 21:54:14 UTC  

My point is when a mixed child is born the black "race" is as much going extinct as the white "race". Its only because of the stuck up elitist way in which we perceive whiteness that we assume one race is dying out and the other isn't