Message from @!GoldenKingship!

Discord ID: 638939828792066069

2019-10-30 03:12:04 UTC  

Its my free speech right to say what i can without judgmental opinion trying to drown me out.

You lack intelligence

Nothing to say to that huh

2019-10-30 03:13:27 UTC  



2019-10-30 03:13:44 UTC  

Obviously I'm not gonna say the N word because what that ends up doing is it gives a black person justification to do what ever to me and that what ever i say after is some how justified.

2019-10-30 03:14:10 UTC  

@!GoldenKingship! here you go retard

2019-10-30 03:14:12 UTC  

I lack intelligence? Let me pull down the IQ charts among ethnic groups.

Alright go ahead

2019-10-30 03:15:00 UTC

R u serious





I have a low iq

2019-10-30 03:16:26 UTC  

Here is an actual paper I’ve been studying on here shows an accurate representation table.

My iq is 42

2019-10-30 03:17:56 UTC  

So you are moderate MR

2019-10-30 03:18:46 UTC  

Are you sure that’s your actual IQ because if so then the statement of you saying i “lack intelligence” is simply ironic.

Idk but I'm sure im close

2019-10-30 03:19:58 UTC  

Intellectual disability (ID), once called mental retardation, is characterized by below-average intelligence or mental ability and a lack of skills necessary for day-to-day living. People with intellectual disabilities can and do learn new skills, but they learn them more slowly. There are varying degrees of intellectual disability, from mild to profound.

2019-10-30 03:20:17 UTC  

Do notice any symptoms of this disability?

I can't get a passing grade in math

And I have a 1.4gpa

I'd consider that retarded

2019-10-30 03:29:43 UTC  

shit we back?

2019-10-30 03:31:09 UTC  

bruh I be waitin for this place to be active again and then it becomes active when it’s late

2019-10-30 03:40:37 UTC  

Blacks voting for the same party that enslaved them <:MadClown:583243630240727061>

2019-10-30 03:45:49 UTC  

*so we’re just gonna ignore the party flip right?*

2019-10-30 03:46:51 UTC  

Just finished an IQ quiz I am white and got a pretty good score as a result.

2019-10-30 03:53:32 UTC  

Did you not take an IQ test in school?

2019-10-30 03:53:48 UTC  

If nobody made you take an IQ test in elementary, I’ve got some bad news friend. @!GoldenKingship!

2019-10-30 03:54:53 UTC  

Oh yea what is it? I've taken many IQ tests scoring higher than the one i just took so you better calm down but before i expose your recessive genes.

2019-10-30 03:55:07 UTC  

Which type of test was it?

2019-10-30 03:55:14 UTC  

And when’d you take it?

2019-10-30 03:55:37 UTC  

The party flip narrative is kinda bs. It makes the mislesding assumption that Republicans suddenly became racist to appeal to Southerners.

2019-10-30 03:55:50 UTC  

Because if you’ve actually taken a full IQ test you know that a fucking internet quiz is a waste of time and not going to give you an accurate estimate

2019-10-30 03:56:10 UTC  

@ℕ𝕍 Republicans are literally on record discussing the Southern Strategy