Message from @Roland

Discord ID: 648265245852303380

2019-11-24 16:27:08 UTC  


2019-11-24 16:27:29 UTC  

You have questioned Niggoly you must die now

2019-11-24 16:28:07 UTC  

What's keeping Europe together is shared economical interests and the fact that we're all pretty much neoliberal democracies. And both democracy and neoliberalism are values that can be taught and assimilated into without losing your cultural identity and heritage.

2019-11-24 16:28:18 UTC  

There you go.

2019-11-24 16:28:25 UTC  

The feck

2019-11-24 18:35:00 UTC  

Black is gonna be the new white soon

2019-11-24 19:41:30 UTC  


2019-11-24 19:51:07 UTC  

Pax Americana is keeping Europe together

2019-11-24 19:52:30 UTC  

The Euro, without a fiscal union, is going to lead to another European Civil War, which was predicted before Maastrict treaty was signed

2019-11-24 20:32:01 UTC  

Democracies rarely start wars against each other, euro or not. Though I do agree that Pax Americana is keeping most of the world, including Europe more stable. It's only a question of time before it get's replaced, and I doubt Europe will be the continent that get's ravaged by war, at least not first.

2019-11-24 20:44:37 UTC  

I can see Britain and the Euro-damaged countries getting together to stick it to Germany once again

2019-11-24 20:45:12 UTC

2019-11-24 20:49:08 UTC  

Hey it was their choice to join the eurozone. Unless you're the size of Andorra, this was a shitty deal from the start.

2019-11-24 20:51:41 UTC  

Just joining was bad enough , but Germany et al have deliberated gamed it to hurt those low cost of living countries. Hence "The Troika"

2019-11-24 20:52:24 UTC  

```The term troika has been widely used in Greece, Cyprus (Greek: τρόικα),[1][2] Ireland,[3] Portugal,[4] and Spain[5] to refer to the consortium of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund```

2019-11-24 20:52:39 UTC  

Left populism around the world is mostly unified by their hatred of the IMF

2019-11-24 20:53:30 UTC  

The Nordics were lying through their teeth during those discussions

2019-11-24 20:53:38 UTC  

I mean yeah, it's a neocolonial shitfest

2019-11-24 20:53:42 UTC  

Turning it into a moral issue about the greek people

2019-11-24 20:54:21 UTC  

Because we benefit hugely from the current system

2019-11-24 20:54:38 UTC  

So obviously our politicians wanna keep the status quo

2019-11-24 20:54:55 UTC  

ECB and IMF are coming after Germany's popular banking system too, so some internal division on the way there as well

2019-11-24 20:55:24 UTC  

They really dislike the 'democratic' distribution of banking in Germany and want to cartelize it to look more like Britain's

2019-11-24 20:55:54 UTC  

Another 30 Years War setup with German split down the middle

2019-11-24 20:57:10 UTC  

Unless the EU fall apart this is highly unlikely imo.

2019-11-24 20:57:22 UTC  

And I doubt it will anytime soon, Brexit or not.

2019-11-24 20:57:45 UTC  

Looks inevitable to me, they are going to push same way they did in Ireland. Only Iceland showed enough balls

2019-11-24 20:58:09 UTC  

Richard Werner has been describing the process for years, he called it perfectly on japan, greece , and ireland

2019-11-24 20:58:42 UTC  

Brexit, too

2019-11-24 20:59:08 UTC  

Impressive, and intersting.

2019-11-24 20:59:15 UTC  

I'll check him out, thanks buddy.

2019-11-24 21:13:19 UTC  

let's see if anything ever happens with that

2019-11-24 21:13:29 UTC  

Can Europe truely cooperate?

2019-11-24 22:47:18 UTC  

Im sure the Mediterranean countries are extremely gracious towards the political traitors in the EU who leave their countries high and dry to economic inflation and migrants from elsewhereland

2019-11-24 22:48:21 UTC  

Globalism, where a politician from Germany governs the laws that affect Greece

2019-11-24 22:48:29 UTC  

👏🏻 👏🏻

2019-11-24 22:52:25 UTC  

I hope the European Union collapses

2019-11-25 01:43:52 UTC  

Its amazing how there seems to be a lot of hate towards white men recently.

2019-11-25 01:45:32 UTC  

Funny how it was white people who came from europe to build up the foundations of western civilization in the americas and now all of a sudden they are shunned upon because some black guy says his ancestors were enslaved, so that aparently justifies why minorities should hate all white people even though were not in that time period, makes no sense. Know who the real racists truely are!

2019-11-25 01:47:11 UTC  

Racism is becoming taboo because minorities and non-white people are migrating from their countries into white communities and telling us that were all equal, then they complain that they arent getting enough benefits to support their low IQ disability which in turn strains the economic life style of others.