Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 560710801577476096

2019-03-27 14:19:04 UTC  

It would discourage write-offs a lot

2019-03-27 14:19:14 UTC  

Which companies already do to sponsor the public.

2019-03-27 14:19:23 UTC  

Corporate scholarships, community-driven centers

2019-03-27 14:19:40 UTC  

Some gone because they can't write off a 10% tax

2019-03-27 14:19:58 UTC  

The government never handles their money properly

2019-03-27 14:20:13 UTC  

They'll buy a hammer and a bucket of nails for $50

2019-03-27 14:41:11 UTC  

@Techpriest You didn't make a very good objection IMO. You're just stating basic talking points of taxes bad because of government waste. Well, society needs taxes for funding things like the military, roads, etc. Yes, corporations do get some write-offs, but I think it's unreasonable when the richest companies are writing their income off to $0. That's not what is intended. So a minimum corporate tax rate at less than half of what the corporate tax rate is at right now, and is less than a third of what the corporate tax rate was before tax cuts is pretty reasonable. Do you really think Amazon should be paying $0 in corporate taxes?

2019-03-27 19:33:45 UTC  

And how do you think amazon pays $0 in corporate tax

2019-03-27 19:57:41 UTC  

Idc about amazon

2019-03-27 19:57:51 UTC  

I care about the stuff I get

2019-03-28 03:04:08 UTC  

@Techpriest Write-offs, obviously, which are good, but I only think they should be allowed to be made to a certain extent. It would be nice if you made an argument we all haven't heard a million times and actually get into the issue a little more in-depth.

2019-03-28 03:04:43 UTC  

@Deleted User do you care about roads? education? military?

2019-03-28 03:06:03 UTC  

Roads ehh somewhat
Education a lot
Military not a lot but I do care

2019-03-28 03:08:07 UTC  

well then you should care about whether Amazon pays $0 in corporate taxes or not

2019-03-28 03:11:27 UTC  

Well I do think what they are doing is bad but I’m not going be like “oh I should stop buying from them”

2019-03-28 03:17:00 UTC  

I’m not a protestor or protesting about it is just I’m not that involved into it, I just think it’s bad that’s what I mean when I said “Idc about Amazon”

2019-03-28 03:36:30 UTC  

Again @atheist4thecause if you don't know how the write-off even occur specifically for amazon

2019-03-28 03:36:36 UTC  

don't bother bitching about muh $0 amazon tax

2019-03-28 06:08:32 UTC  

A Good Military = A Good Country

2019-03-28 06:23:59 UTC  

Good military = Russia

2019-03-28 06:24:32 UTC  

Russia= Not Good Country

2019-03-28 06:31:38 UTC  

The Russian military is shit

2019-03-28 06:31:44 UTC  

i dont think you pay enough attention

2019-03-28 06:38:31 UTC  

Amazon was about to make money for New York @atheist4thecause

2019-03-28 06:38:41 UTC  

But then AOC ruined it

2019-03-28 06:39:04 UTC  

By inventing false news and being a bitch who can't even bar tend

2019-03-28 06:40:10 UTC  

Lol, AOC must be one bad ads bitch for doing all the things she gets blamed for.

2019-03-28 06:43:24 UTC  

@Hechtic She claimed that New York would have to pay like 2 billion for the Amazon deal

2019-03-28 06:43:27 UTC  

Not onlt was that false

2019-03-28 06:43:40 UTC  

But the deal would have given New York 27 billion

2019-03-28 06:51:49 UTC  

Lol. She didn't say that, she did highlight economists outlines of what the deal meant in mid-run economic analysis.

2019-03-28 06:53:56 UTC  

Sorry, she claimed it was "$3 billion we could invest in our district"

2019-03-28 06:54:11 UTC  

Again, $27 billion > $3 billion

2019-03-28 07:08:06 UTC  

When looking at any deal you can not simply look at the single side of the ledger and take that number as the number it would have "given New York"

2019-03-28 07:28:36 UTC  

Another liberal here

2019-03-28 07:28:45 UTC  

When will the horror end

2019-03-28 07:36:00 UTC  

@TheBritishGamer ❤🔑 (Meh) I agree. It was stupid for AOC to drive Amazon away. I'm not attacking Amazon in particular, I'm using them as an example. It's hard to raise tax revenue when the richest corporation in the world is paying no taxes. Society needs them to be paying at least some.

2019-03-28 07:39:06 UTC  

AOC is an example of someone who didn't understand how subsidies work because there will be no extra money to spend in the district if Amazon doesn't go to New York. These kinds of subsidies are paid by payroll. So, pay a bunch of money in payroll and then get a discount effectively. If you create no jobs you don't get that discount.

2019-03-28 07:39:27 UTC  

In simple terms she doesn’t know economics

2019-03-28 07:44:49 UTC  

Right, but these objections do not apply to my minimum corporate tax, which would still allow for business to get write-offs, but would also make sure the government raises some revenue. If corporations don't pay their fair share then it comes out of the pockets of you and i.

2019-03-28 09:22:36 UTC  

"the government raises some revenues"